Chapter 9

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Rey, Marvel spoke to Rey as she slept, swaying in Kylo's arms. I'm sorry I lied to you but it was necessary to get you here. If you stay strong, it will be over soon and you will be unharmed. Marvel felt Rey's anger and fear. It was as if she could see the look in her eyes even though they weren't open. She felt terrible for lying to her, but she knew it was necessary. Her plot to bring Kylo back to the light had reached the end of its ability to be carried out by one person. Marvel knew she needed help for the final execution.

As they walked, Marvel's focus wandered. Memories from long ago swamped her mind.

~ Flashback ~

She stood in front of Master Luke in stunned silence as she absorbed the news that she wasn't allowed to stay on the island. How could he reject her? She was top of her class! She had more potential that anyone here! She looked hatefully over at Rey. How was she too old but Rey wasn't? Rey was older than her! It was because Rey was an Kenobi, wasn't it? Luke was playing favourites! Sadness, anger, confusion, and hurt rushed through her body as she turned and ran from the temple.

She ran all the way down the stairs and all the way to the other side of the island. When she couldn't run any farther from the temple, she dropped to the ground, pulled her knees to her chest, and cried. She couldn't tell if she was angry or sad. Probably both.

After crying until she had no more tears, she stood to her feet and clenched her fists. Through gritted teeth, she looked out at the water and made a promise to herself. "I will be trained," she said out loud. "Even if I have to do it myself, I will learn the ways of the Force.

She turned to go back to the temple, but her attention was drawn to a bird call coming from above her. She looked up on of the cliffs that overlooked the ocean and noticed a small cave. She had an idea.


The next day, the children who failed Evaluation Day were being taken back to their families. The shuttle that they had arrived in sat silent as the children hauled their things onto the ship once again. The children were strapped into their seats and chaperone checked the passenger log, making sure everyone was accounted for before hanging the chart up on the wall and returning to his seat in the cockpit.

Marvel took her chance. As the shuttle was turned on, Marvel unstrapped her seat and ran to grab the passenger log. Without that, they would have no record of who was to be on the shuttle, and the chaperone hated his job anyway so he was very careless and wouldn't double check. Marvel turned back to the other children and gathered all the strength she could and performed her first mind trick. "You were the only ones here," she ordered.

"We were the only ones here," they repeated.

Pleased by her success, she grabbed her things and managed to slip out the back hatch just before it was shut. The shuttle took off, leaving Marvel behind on the island with no one aware of her presence. She threw her bag over her shoulder and headed for the for opposite end of the island. She climbed the steep cliff and looked around the cave that would be her home for the next years. It was small, but it was shelter. It would do nicely.


It was the day of the first lessons for the new pupils on the island. Marvel hiked carefully to the other side of the mountain, hiding where she could see the temple. All of the students were gathered in the temple, waiting as Luke took his place at the front of the class full of students from Marvel's to Ben's age. The window in the temple was in perfect alignment with the window of one of the small huts that housed the students. Marvel stood in the hut so she could see the temple but remain completely hidden. Hearing Luke through the still air of the island wasn't difficult. She stood there and followed his instructions exactly.

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