Chapter 13

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The feast had started, but the subjects of celebration had stayed behind and were going in last. The group consisted of Ben, Marvel, Leia, Luke, Rey, Poe, and Finn.

Marvel had been given a white dress nearly identical to her black one. Her arms lacked sleeves, her nails were now painted blue, and her hair was loose down her back. She wore a small, braided, rope bracelet around her right wrist and brown sandals with straps that reached to her knees.

Ben was dressed in brown pants with a tan, sleeveless shirt that revealed his strong arms and allowed his collarbones to peek out from the neckline. A thick ribbon of matching cloth ran from his shoulder across his strong chest and back. The ends met back together at his hip were held by a brown belt and hung loose by his thigh, and his hair had been pulled into a short, half ponytail. He stood nervously next to Marvel while they waited to be brought to the feast.

Leia had adorned herself with a long dark blue silken dress. Her hair had been braided and pinned up on the back of her head, and her smile was bigger than it had been in years.

Luke was dressed in his normal garments, but his facial hair had been tamed and his grey locks had been combed as well. He stood next to Leia and held her hand reassuringly.

Rey's hair had been let loose from its usual three-bunned style and had been intricately braided into a thick braid that hung between her shoulder blades. The plunging neckline of her light blue dress was offset by a single diamond jewel that hung from her neck. The dress was slightly higher in the front than the back and had a black braided nylon belt at the hip. Black sandals and a bright-eyed grin completed her look.

Poe had been given grey pants with dark brown symbols embroidered into a silk strip that ran down the outside of both legs. His dress uniform was navy blue with shiny silver emblems in the shoulder and decorations that acknowledged his rank were pinned over his right breast. A silver tie hung around his neck and his navy blue hat was slightly tilted, as was custom. His hair had been combed back and his face had been shaved clean.

Finn wore a slim-fitting brown vest over a tan t-shirt, but most of that was hidden by Poe's leather jacket that he had given him. His black pants had been pressed, and he had shaved. He didn't want to admit it, but he was scared, so he reached over and grabbed Poe's hand. The pilot squeezed his hand to comfort him and smiled. Poe looked him up and down and nodded in approval. He looked hella fine.

After fifteen minutes of waiting, a woman walked up to them and told them the celebration was ready, the group headed to the dining hall. Every person took a deep breath, looked around to each other, and started following the woman.

Under the building that Master Jesteem had come out of during the confrontation earlier was a hidden entrance to an even bigger part of the underground city. It looked as though it went on for miles in every direction. The dirt and rock had been carved into magnificent pillars which held the ceiling—which was lined with metal ventilation shafts—from collapsing. The houses had been constructed with a combination of stone and metal, giving the whole place an intriguing look to it. The roads were made of cobblestone, like those of the city above it. Thousands of torches burned with fire that lit up the streets they lined.

The a single massive building at the end of the main road went from the floor of the cavern all the way to the ceiling and stretched back at least half a mile. That was the building they were headed to.

Just inside the tall, double doors was a woman sitting behind a desk. She rose to her feet and smiled, instructing them to 'come right this way,' then she lead them down a corridor lined with doors on both sides. The lady gestured to two more massive doors at the end of the walkway and they were instructed to wait there until their cue. She disappeared through a side door and her muffled voice could be heard through the doors as the people inside the hall quieted down to listen. She thanked everyone for coming and individually thanked the cooks for preparing the food. There was a loud cheer at each cook's name. The group that waited outside went wide-eyed at each other when they heard the amount of people that were there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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