Chapter 8

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Marvel was awoken by a large hand brushing the hair out of her face. Her eyes opened and she looked up at Kylo, who was sitting on the side of the bed, fondly watching her sleep.

"I'm glad you're awake," Kylo stopped stroking her hair and dropped his hand to hold hers. "I've been searching all night for anyone suspicious. My first thought went to a stormtrooper, seeing as we've already had a problem with deflection. However, Phasma assured me that the FN-2187 was a one time thing, and indeed, none of the stormtroopers show any sign of nonconformity. That leaves me with not one suspect..."

"I'm sorry," Marvel sat up and put a hand on Kylo's shoulder. "What can I do to help?"

"You've become stronger than I could ever hope to be," Kylo turned towards her more. "Close your eyes. You must be able to feel something out of the ordinary."

Marvel closed her eyes, but rather than searching a traitor, she planned a backstory for the person she was about to accuse. She opened her eyes and looked sorrowfully at the man who looked at her hopefully. "I'm afraid you're not going to like it..."

"Just tell me so I can deal with them accordingly."

Marvel put one hand on Kylo's thigh while the other grasped his hand. "General Hux—"

"No, that's impossible," Kylo shook his head in disbelief. "General Hux would have no reason to..."

"He has just as much reason as anyone would. And it makes sense...he wasn't at the attack on Keskelba, so he wouldn't have been hurt when the Resistance sent an X-Wing fleet. How else did Rey get on the ship without being noticed? We have nearly impenetrable shielding. How else would the Resistance have known where the Finalizer was? No one keeps an eye on him most of the time because he's so highly ranked. And didn't you see how uncomfortable he got when I looked at him after the attack?" Kylo's breathing became rapid with anger and his face flushed red. "Kylo, don't do anything rash before—"

Before she could finish, Kylo shot up, shoving Marvel's hands off of him. He paced around furiously, and Marvel stood up to comfort him. He didn't see her get up, and he shoved the things on top of his dresser to the floor, and glass shattered everywhere.

The shards landed in front of Marvel's bare feet before she knew what was happening and she stepped into them with full force, crying out in pain as the glass tore into the flesh of her feet. It took Kylo a minute to realise what hat happened. When he noticed the blood spilling from underneath her foot and the expression of agony on her face, he leapt forward and picked her up setting her on the bed. He apologised profusely as she assured him she would be fine.

He scooped her up and carried her to the hospital wing where he sat in silence as she was treated. Marvel could feel the chilled aura that surrounded him and she knew he suspected Hux.

As she laid on the bed, she left something, or someone, tugging at her heart. She closed her eyes and pain close attention to the voice that quietly echoed in her ears. It was saying a name: Rey. Marvel knew this was Anakin telling her who to trust. Right away, she devised a plan.

When the nurse droid was finished cleaning and bandaging her feet, Marvel requested that it leave the room, giving Kylo and her some space.

"Kylo, please don't be angry at yourself for this..." Marvel swung her legs off the side of the bed and sat there, watching Kylo as he looked at the ground.

"If I hadn't have lost my temper like that, it wouldn't have can I not be angry about this?"

"The same feeling that you feel now is what put me in this position." She hopped down, wincing in pain as her bandaged feet touched the floor.

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