Chapter 12

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The First Order arrived and the misty fog was everywhere, weaving in and out of the trees and vines growing from the soggy ground. The entire planet had a creepy feel to it and Marvel got chills even though the air was warm and thick.

The hundreds of stormtroopers stepped out and primed their blasters, ready to protect their leaders at any cost.

"Kylo, perhaps we should leave all but a few stormtroopers behind, so we don't scare them away," Marvel suggested. "If things don't go as planned, then you can call them in."

"Good idea. Phasma, the leaders of each stormtrooper division will accompany us. Keep the rest here."

"Yes, sir," Phasma responded and gave the orders.

There will be eight stormtroopers with us, Marvel kept Rey up to date.

When Kylo and Marvel were surrounded by eight division leaders, they set off on their way through the fog towards the nearby city that radiated Jedi power.

After 30 minutes of walking in silence, they knew they were close. The fog ahead of them began to brighten as evidence of the hundreds of lights of the city. They passed under a huge archway made of shiny silver metal and the fog began to thin, giving them a clear view of the cobble road ahead. Tall, modern-looking buildings lined the cobblestones and reached high into the layer of fog that had settled several stories up. It smelled like a combination of dirt after rain, oiled steel, and sweet flowers.

A dark-skinned man in dark brown robes stepped out from a building that was completely dark inside. "Can I help you?" he asked.

"I'm sure you know who I am," Kylo said. "I've come to make an offer."

"You are correct," the man said. "I do know who you are. And for that reason, I will not accept any offer presented. We have remained neutral for years and I do not intend to jeopardise that."

Marvel felt Kylo tense. Rey, whatever you're going to do, it needs to be now.

Marvel and Kylo both dropped to the ground, sensing the oncoming blaster fire before it happened. The eight simultaneously fired shots took out the eight stormtroopers and left Kylo and Marvel completely unprotected from the hidden dangers. The mysterious man threw off this robe. Kylo's hand flew up to hold the Jedi he had been talking to still and frozen as he pulled Marvel closer to protect her.

It was then that he felt it: the opposition to his power. Marvel felt it too. It felt like being deep underwater: the pressure made it very difficult to move any part of the body, and it felt heavy as if the air itself was pushing the two First Order leaders to their knees. The more Kylo tried to resist, the more he was hindered. Marvel, go get the others! he ordered his apprentice. When he glanced over, she was brought to her knees on the ground beside him with her head bowed and her hands clenched. She, too, was being held by the hidden Jedi.

"Master Jesteem," a familiar voice addressed the man in front of Kylo. Rey stepped out and felt the glare Kylo sent her way.

"It seems they've already taken a side," Kylo said cynically to Marvel, then looked up again to address Master Jesteem. "Too bad you'll all be dead in a matter of minutes. We aren't alone. So if you plan to kill us, know that it will most likely be your final act of defiance against the First Order."

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