Chapter 2

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The Countress had been put in a small room and given some clothes that would fit her. The room had a small bed with black sheets and a red comforter. The walls were metal and cold, but the air inside was warm. She had fallen asleep quickly in the snug bed and soft nightgown, excited to start her training with Kylo the next morning.

She was awoken the next day to deep thuds coming from the large door. She sat up and put on her black silken robe. Just as the door slid open, she realise she wasn't wearing her mask and spun around.

"Ren requests your presence in the training room and sent me to escort you," the stormtrooper said flatly.

"I'll get dressed," the girl answered, leaving her back to the stormtrooper.

"I'll wait outside."

She put on what was to be her training outfit: long dark leggings, a baggy black sweatshirt, and comfortable low-cut black boots. Although the mask was not required, she wore it anyway, deciding to keep her face hidden. She slid the circle of soft fabric over her head and pulled it up over her nose. She pulled her wavy hair half up, and stepped out of the door.

The stormtrooper started walking down the long corridor. Left, right, another left, straight, left... The girl lost track of where they had gone. Even though she could probably find her way around if she had to, she still wasn't familiar enough with the Star Destroyer to know exactly where she was at all times.

After a while of walking, the stormtrooper opened a door and gestured inside. Kylo stood there in his usual gear, his arms folded across his broad chest.

"Good. You're here." He unfolded his arms and stood up. "Your training today will be everything in one, to see how far you are in your training. Consider it a placement test." He unfolded his arms and walked slowly towards her as he spoke. "Run. Anywhere. Follow any corridor you like, go to any floor you choose, but don't stop running until you drop from exhaustion. Go."

The Countress inhaled and started running. She was nervous. She had no idea what to expect. She took off down every corridor she could. She ran upstairs, through random corridors, back downstairs, left and right, right and left, and immediately got lost.

She ran for at least two hours before her legs collapsed. She fell to the ground, trying desperately to catch her breath. She coughed and pulled herself back up to her feet and leaned against the wall, heaving.

Good. You have the endurance of a powerful Force-user. Kylo spoke in her head. Now, for part two: memory and instincts. You have ten minutes to be back at the training room. You better hurry.

She yelled in exhaustion and determination and took off again, faster than she had been going before. She didn't think. She just ran. After what had to have been ten minutes, she found herself back at the training room where she struggled to keep her composure in front of her master.

"Thirty seconds to spare," Kylo said. The Countress could tell he was smirking. "Endurance, and instincts. Well done. You're already very far ahead in your training. I guess we'll just have to finesse everything. But I think that's enough for today." She silently breathed a heavy sign of relief. "Join me for breakfast?"

"Gladly," she answered.


It didn't take long for the entire First Order to grow to respect the Countress. She was terrifying. You would see her standing in a corner and then when you looked again, she would be gone. She never took her mask off, and her eyes were nearly unreadable. With the exception of Supreme Leader Snoke, Kylo Ren was the only one that she respected. They had spent weeks of time together training and growing closer. She learned quickly and she was growing more powerful every day. Her ranking in the First Order had quickly gone from Kylo's pet to second in command, under Ren of course. She was mysterious, unafraid, and extremely close to Kylo, making her all the more dangerous.

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