Chapter 3

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The Countress' plan for the Resistance pilot was very elaborate. They wiped only the last two stops from the hard drive of the ship so as to maintain subtlety, then they added their own escape pod and the Countress herself went along to wipe his memory just outside of the asteroid field she made him fly to.

In the last minutes, she used her powers to make him send a message telling the Resistance that he was on his way back, but there was an asteroid field just ahead. A few minutes later, the pilot sent another emergency message saying he had lost control of his ship and was hurdling through the asteroid field.

Finally, the Countress cut the steering, climbed into the escape pod, and left the pilot to inevitably crash in the asteroid field. The pod wouldn't be found or looked for in the wreckage because it was it wasn't there in the first place, the pilot wouldn't be able to tell anyone anything, and the ship would contain no evidence of anything other than a fateful end by an asteroid.

When she got back to the Finalizer, she was greeted by General Hux. "I must admit," he tilted his head and avoided eye contact. "your plan was well thought out. Thanks to you, we may have avoided a problem with the Resistance that Ren would have led us head first into. With your insight, we'll be able to overthrow the Resistance in no time."

The Countress stepped closer to General Hux and looked deep into his eyes from over her mask. "You tread on dangerous ground, General. You can not be sure my master would not have thought of this himself, nor can you be sure that my plan will work. Need I remind you that Snoke favours him over you? It would be in your best interest to remember your place." She glared at him one final time then swished her cape and left him to glare at her back as she headed to the control room.

She made it just in time to see the Resistance ship explode in a ball of fire. Kylo turned and looked at her with reassurance. "Your decision was wise. Well done."

"Thank you, Master Ren," the Countress looked into up at him with admiration, then looked back out the window at the asteroid field. "Is now when we tell them of our second agenda?"

"Captain Donson," Kylo turned to the man in charge of piloting the massive Star Destroyer and handed him a piece of paper with a coordinance on it. "Set course for Keskelba."

"Ren, what's on Keskelba? It's a neutral planet." General Hux walked in.

"The Countress got more information from the pilot. There are more Jedi. They've been hidden away on an unknown planet. The Republic has come into possession of an encrypted map to the lost planet, and we need to head them off and get there first. The neutrality of Keskelba would be a perfect coverup for hiding something of such importance, and Skywalker would absolutely take an opportunity like that, even if it endangered the planet. Alert Captain Phasma to gather two divisions of her best stormtroopers. Countress, will you join me?"

"As you wish, Master," the girl turned and walked next to Kylo down the hall towards his special room.

The Countress and Kylo sat down on the bench in the middle of the dingy, badly lit room. They were quiet for a moment and then Kylo started speaking. "Grandfather," he spoke through his helmet. "There is a great danger to our mission. The Resistance has found a way to many more Jedi. Give us your wisdom as we search for the way to the lost planet and persuade the Padawans to join us. Help us, Grandfather. Give us strength."

They sat in silence for a few moments after Kylo finished talking. The Countress placed a hand on Kylo's leg, trying to find his eyes through the tinted eye piece of his helmet. Kylo only glanced over then stood up and walked out quickly. She inhaled deeply, wishing she hadn't resisted Kylo earlier.

She looked at the distorted mask that sat in the ashes of Kylo's grandfather. "Help him. He needs you more than anything right now. We both do. I feel as though I'm losing control of my mission. Help me be strong enough to see it through."

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