Chapter 6

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Marvel awoke to the familiar, musky-sweet smell of the man next to her. The darkness made it difficult for her to see much of him, but she could feel him. His skin was soft against her's, and his strong arm held her body against his. Her head rested on his shoulder and their legs were intertwined. She smiled and traced the outline of the muscles of his stomach with her finger. She closed her eyes to go back to sleep, settling deeper into his warmth.

No sooner had her eyes closed did they fly open again, right in time with Kylo's. "Something isn't right," Kylo said. They both shot up and looked towards the door.

"I sense it, too," Marvel added. They threw on their clothes and grabbed their masks in a matter of minutes.

They rushed to the control room where there were stormtrooper divisions rushing about and getting into formation, fighter pilots suiting up, and officers of all rank yelling orders to one another. "Captain Phasma, what's happening?" Marvel asked.

"The Resistance. They've found our location." The words had only just left her mouth when a fleet of X-Wing Fighters came into view from the front windscreen and started firing their weapons at the Finalizer. Captain Serin ordered the TIE Fighters to be dispatched and the battle begun. Each side rained hell against the other. Although the First Order had access to much larger weapons, they were stationary and could only be of use when there was an X-Wing Fighter in direct line of fire of the canons, and most of the Resistance pilots were smarter than that, doing elite manoeuvres to avoid the rapid fire from the huge weapons.

It wasn't long before the canons on the lower side of the Finalizer were destroyed and half the TIE Fighter pilots were ordered to stay below the ship and guard there while a group of droids was sent out to fix them. Crashed fighter parts flew everywhere as each side lost ship after ship. The second wave of TIE Fighters was released, the First Order now well outnumbering the Resistance. When only half of the X-Wing Fighters remained, the Resistance called for a retreat. The remaining TIE Fighters pilots returned to the Finalizer and were taken away for health evaluation and a battle report.

"How the hell did they find us?" Ren yelled at Captain Donson, grabbing him in a Force choke hold. "You said we were well hidden!" He threw the captain against the wall, knocking him out.

"Someone must have tipped them off..." Hux presented. Kylo remembered Marvel suggesting there was a mole in the First Order and turned to each officer as they avoided eye contact.

"Yes, I'm aware that there is someone here that has been working for the Resistance," Kylo said coldly. "Would the guilty party like to voluntarily step forward, or should I search each of you one by one?"

"Master Ren," Marvel chimed in from the back of the room. "Allow me?" Kylo nodded and she walked to the centre of the room, standing next to her master, suspiciously looking into the eyes of every officer in the room. Her gaze halted when it met that of General Hux. He shifted uncomfortably, then glared back at her.

"Ren, this is absurd," he stepped forward. "It is obvious..." Hux glared down at Marvel, then looked back up to Kylo. "The mole just so happens to be your pet that you like to call your student..."

"General Hux, you are back on treacherous ground," Marvel threatened. "I suggest you step down."

"It makes sense, Ren," Hux defended his point, standing next to Kylo and watching Marvel in his peripheral vision. "It was only after she got here that things started going awry. She was at every attack that has been stopped by the Resistance. She's very powerful, very smart, and we know next to nothing about her..."

The officers around them started whispering to each other and sending suspicious glances to the girl in black. "General Hux," Kylo turned and marched towards him, forcing him to walk back until he was pinned against the wall. "I believe the Countress was right. You are on treacherous grounds." He lit up his lightsaber and placed the beam between them. Hux watched it flicker and hum as Kylo continued to speak. "There is no light in her, and she is loyal to the Dark Side."

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