Chapter 11

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Marvel stood in the control room with Kylo naming star systems, directions, and how long to go that direction for nearly five days straight. She only slept a few hours every night when the Finalizer was headed to one system at a time. Every now and then, she would fall asleep leaning on Kylo's shoulder, and as much as they wanted to watch, the officers would ignore as Kylo laid her head on his lap and mindlessly stroked her long hair. Kylo couldn't see her dreams like she could see his, but if he could, he would see images of happiness and celebration as he returned home to the Leia in Resistance robes with Marvel on his arm.

Marvel was half asleep when she saw Rey in front of her. Was this a dream? Marvel opened her eyes, and Rey disappeared. Perhaps it was the message she had been waiting for. She closed her eyes again and listened as Rey's voice spoke to her.

We found the Jedi. There's hundreds! Masters and Padawan learners alike. It's as if every Jedi in the galaxy fled to underground Dagobah when Kylo went dark. They've agreed that it's time for them to come out of hiding. Luke and I are working with Master Jesteem to create a safe plan and start the final training of the Padawans. Give us a few more days. We'll be ready by then. Good luck. Marvel sat up with a new hope in her heart.


"Mr. Dameron," Dante addressed the pilot. "How many soldiers could you have here to protect us when the First Order arrives?"

"We can have two squadrons of X-wings starfighters and two units of infantry officers, one for underground protection and one for topside confrontation," Poe replied.

"And that will be enough?" Jonathan asked.

"It should be," Luke answered for Poe. "With all of our military and all the Jedi you can spare, I'm positive we will have the upper hand."

"Do we have any sort of a plan?" Jonas asked. "We've been talking about the whole situation but we have yet to bring up an actual plan of execution."

"Perhaps we could trap them," Rey brainstormed. "When they arrive, they will most likely only send a few in as we did because, like General Leia said, they won't want to frighten you out of joining them. We can have the best gunmen take out any stormtroopers and then have every Force-sensitive person, young and old, use their powers to hold Ren down while Marvel makes her case to him."

"That's actually not the worst idea you could have come up with," Jonas raised his eyebrows in approval.

"I agree," Dante added. "It sounds like the best possible plan for optimistic results. However, we don't have trained marksmen. We rarely use weapons other than lightsabers around here as there is no need."

"How many trained Force-users do you have here, Master Jesteem?" Rey inquired.

"We have only five highly trained Jedi masters," Master Jesteem responded. "but there are more than fifty Padawans and even more younglings. However, if possible, I would like to keep the younglings away from the danger."

"We don't want them harmed either," Poe assured him. "Maybe they can hide in the buildings around the street where the First Order will enter. They would be high enough to be out of sight but still have a decent vantage point."

"That would work," Dante answered.

"I can let Marvel know the plan," Rey said.

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