Chapter 4

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Kylo decided to hide nearby and wait for the Resistance troops to thin out so he and the Countress could go back and resume their search for a few more influential New Republic leaders the next day. They had settled into the chambers of the Finalizer, well hidden thanks to the invincible cloaking, and were mentally preparing for what the next day would bring.

Late that night, Marvel awoke to a sickening feeling, like someone was there that shouldn't be. She climbed out of her bed and got dressed again. Her long black dress, black boots, and black cape were warm and much appreciated in the cold depth of space. She wrapped her arms in her make-shift sleeves and lifted her mask over her lower face. She opened the door and crept silently along the halls.

She paused in front of Kylo's door to see if he was asleep. She could feel his peace and rest. Usually, he would emit a tense, worked up vibe, but when he was asleep, he was quiet, relaxed, and almost happy. She sighed and continued on.

She dodged a stormtrooper patrol and headed down to the lower part of the ship. The closer she got to the storage hull, the stronger the feeling became. As soon as she walked into the storage hull, one name stood out clearly in her mind. Rey.

Marvel marched into the middle of the hull and waited. The only sounds were the footsteps of the final stormtrooper patrol for the evening walking through the landing bay directly above Storage.

A few seconds later, she felt a cold glare coming from behind her. She turned around and her eyes glinted evilly as she saw Rey standing there with her activated lightsaber in her hand. "Try me," the Countress tempted.

That's all it took for Rey to be pushed over the edge. The Jedi girl rushed at the Countress, aiming for her throat. As she swung, the First Order girl merely leaned out of the way and let Rey fall to the side.

The Countress drew her own lightsaber and stood her ground. While Rey's lightsaber glowed brilliant blue, her's was radiant purple and made her skin seem translucent. Rey once again ran at the Countress, swinging her lightsaber as hard and as many times as she could, but no matter what technique she used, the Countress always blocked her strikes. She never took shots of her own, but her defence was superb. She held off Rey for minutes, waiting until Rey was tired and starting to get sloppy.

As soon as Rey got to that point, the Countress put away her lightsaber. It was as if she was mocking Rey's fighting. Rey became even more angry and threw a powerful swing, aiming for the girl's head. The Countress put her hand up and seemed to catch the lightsaber just above her head. Rey's eyes became wide. She knew the Countress was powerful, but she had never witnessed it in person. The Countress threw Rey back and held her on her knees with her power as she had done to Kylo and Luke the day she joined the First Order.

"Rey, darling, it's good to see you again. It's been so long."

"If you're going to kill me, Countress, then just get it over with!" Rey said through gritted teeth.

The First Order girl smirked behind her mask. "If I were going to kill you, I would have done it by now. But I need a few answers first. What are you doing here?"

"You know, just..." Rey swallowed and glared at her captor. "hunting Gungans."

The Countress chuckled. "I can see you have Luke's wit. But I don't believe that's the answer I'm looking for." Her fingers twitched as she started summoning power to her hands. "What are you doing on our ship?"

Rey pursed her lips into a thin line and lifted her head in defiance.

"Well, I guess we'll just do this the hard way, then." The Countress lifted her hand and slowly brushed it past Rey's forehead, sending the stored power through the girl's head. "Anytime you're ready, you tell me what you're doing on this ship."

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