The Beginning.

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  • Dedicated to Lilly Day, I miss you...

He started to brush my hair back and kiss me.
I cupped his chin and I inched my hand closer to his torso.
His hand was riding up my leg.
I could feel his fingers grasping my underwear and pulling it down my legs.
He then laid me down gently on the hard bathroom floor.
His deep brown eyes locked into mine the entire time.
I grasped my hand on his shirt and pulled it off quickly.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Don't worry about it Jamie. I'll take care of you."
I stopped kissing him and I looked at him.
"It's Jade."
He looked at me and smiled.
"I said that gorgeous."
He smiled along with me and we locked lips again.


"Jade!" I jumped up from my chair and looked behind me to see that Sugar was right behind me and clapping her hands. "You are on in five minutes."
"How long was I out for?" I stuttered applying bronzer to my face and then patting glitter on my entire face and body.
"About ten minutes," she said. Sugar was probably about six-two and she had really big curly hair and she was wearing a long blue dress; showing off her perfect sculpted curves. She walked over to me where I was sitting in the dressing room looking into a mirror. "You thinking about her?"
"I always think about her," I said playing with my hair.
"But it must be hard being away from her baby," she said. She put her long colored fingers on my shoulders and pushed them into my pasty skin.
"It is," I said looking at Sugar's fingers, "but I'd do anything for her."
I then saw the lights blinking in the dressing room, it was my signal to go out to the main stage. I looked at Sugar and she looked at me and smiled.
"Baby you will do great," she kissed my forehead, "you always are."
I managed to smile a little and stand up. I took off my purple robe to reveal the black undergarments with fringe on them. I put on my black strap-on pumps and started to walk out to the main stage. I followed the hallway which lead straight backstage. I went right behind the curtain and waited for my queue to go out and start to dance. I always got nervous and always started to sweat. I always thought about Bella and how I could of done better, but this job may be degrading but I get the money to pay the bills. That is all that matter; I get money so I can buy all the necessities for Bella and me.
"Alright men, well here on Saturday nights we have the desert ladies so give it up for our next dancer, Sherrie Temple!"
I hated my stage name honestly, but Sugar thought it was nice for my personality. I didn't really care either way, all I wanted was a job. I opened the sparkly curtain and walked towards the golden pole. It was the worst and the best thing about my job. It was the thing that paid my bills and took care of Bella, but it also was the thing that was degrading about my gender. I grabbed ahold of the pole and just started dancing. Yes I did all the tricks like putting my legs around the pole and over my head. I did all the 'whoreish' stuff, but the more tricks I knew and the more 'whorey' I got more tips. The job doesn't pay well, I get around one fifty a week, but the tips can really boost my pay. Instead of six hundred a month, I usually am in the range of a thousand a month. I still know it isn't a lot, but I can take care of my child.
It wasn't my idea of having a child at sixteen and then becoming a stripper at nearly seventeen, I had other plans. Being on the pole reminds me of the future that I was going to have. I was going to become a gynecologist and have a family with my high school sweetheart Noah, but then I found out Noah wasn't for me. By for me I mean that on our two year anniversary he told me he was homosexual and was cheating on me with my brother. That was the point when I decided to actually go to the club with my friends. When we were there I saw this guy. He looked like a player; black shaggy hair, dark brown eyes, leather jacket, everything a major douche would be. I honestly didn't mind him until he came and started to sweet talk me. Long story short; I lost my virginity on a bathroom floor of an old club. Nine months later, my daughter Bella was born. I ran away to Liverpool before my parents could actually find out the truth about my unborn fetus, but sometimes I wish I could call them and say I was sorry. I have been living in a cheap apartment with Bella for the past two years; ever since I got pregnant and since she was born.
That is all I think about that on the pole. I think about the life I once had. I also mostly focus on not screwing up my dance, but then again...I kind of did screw up. I know this routine like the back of my hand. One point or another; a man will have a dollar bill in his mouth that I have to get out. Then usually I have lie down on the ground and men throw money on my stomach and I pretend that I enjoy it but kind of makes me feel like...oh wait. After the dance I usually collect the rest of the money on the stage and walk off.
"That was Sherrie Temple everybody! Next up we have the lovely, the trashy, Dasi."
I went into the dressing room and started to undress. I looked in the mirror by accident then stopped what I was doing. I placed a delicate hand on my caked face and notice a tear coming down my right eye.
"How could you do this to Bella Jade...she deserves a better mom."
"She deserves you as a mom," I turned around quickly to see Sugar again at the doorway. "You can't undress yet, you have a call-in."
"Sugar," I looked at the picture of my light-haired angel on my counter, "I am already overtime. I need to go home and see Bella-"
"Ten thousand," she interrupted me and placed a hand on her boney hip.
My eyes widened and my heart started to race, "Ten-ten-ten-ten thousand?" I finally stuttered out of my chapped lips.
"Twenty thousand if you do it right this time," she said smiling. She walked closer to me and started helping me back into my outfit. I stopped her.
"I am only a dancer," I said looking straight into her yellow contacts, "I am not a prostitute Sugar, we went over this." I sat down and looked in the mirror and started removing my makeup with a toilette.
Sugar sighed and started walked towards the door, but stopped midway. "Jade, you are a stripper. And as much as I love you, I am the boss, and I am only looking out for you and your baby girl." I turned around and saw her laughing under her breath and placing her chocolate hand on the doorway. "Ten thousand, take it or leave."
She left the room and I looked in the cracked mirror. I knew that this was the best thing for Bella. Ten thousand? I could get her the stuff she needed for weeks. I quickly applied my makeup again (it was a poor job but the men wouldn't be looking at my face). I ran out the dressing room and into the private VIP suite. I walked in slowly to see who was in there. The room had couches and a pole in the center. On the pole a slender man was hanging from it.
"Here you are the best around here?" He said. I couldn't see his face because his hair was covering it.
"You could say that," I said looking down.
He dropped to the ground and started walking towards me. He placed a hand on my face and I didn't look at him at all. I couldn't bare looking at a man who only saw me as an item. I backed off and I lied on the couch and looked at the floor.
"Start whenever your ready," I started to tear up when I heard his belt unbuckle and his pants fall to the plaster floor. He came towards me and lied on top of me and I felt his cold hands fiddling with my black fringe under garments. He eventually pulled them off and I saw them being thrown on the floor. I felt pressure between my legs. His mouth was right by my ear. I could feel his breath lingering my neck. The pressure became so intense that I started to tear up. I closed my eyes as hard as I could. The pressure and the pain came more frequently and even faster and harder then before. I cringed my hand and pinched my fingers through the couch. The pain didn't stop even after he finished. He stood up and looked at me. I saw him and he was just putting his pants on.
"Have fun?" I asked holding back tears. I tried to have a fake smile but he didn't fall for it. His face was still covered by his long straight hair.
"Ya," he said. He started to walk towards the door and he looked back. "Money is on the table Jade."
"Thanks," I said. I looked back after I realized that he called me by my real name. No one knew my real name except for Sugar. I watched him walk off and I stood up to go get the money and talk to him. After I put it in my bra, I started to pick up my pace as I was walking. "Excuse me sir. How do you-"
With that I bumped into someone who was going into the VIP room. My head slammed against his head. I was already suffering with a migraine so this was the icing on top of the cake. I fell to the floor and started mumbling in pain.
"Oh gosh," the man said. I could barely see what he looked like cause my vision was blurry, all I could see was him kneeling down to my level and I felt his large cold hands against my neck. He was lightly shaking my shoulder. I felt so dizzy I couldn't keep my eyes open. "Are you okay?"
"Ya," I said trying to keep my head up.
"Darling," he said lightly pulling my head back towards his hands. I was to weak to even lift my own head up, "keep your head down please."
My vision started to blur back and I could see the man a little more clearly. All I saw was a man with brown curls that were tucked away in a black beanie. He was wearing a black jumper that said "Teenage Runaway" and wearing black skinny trousers. The thing that really grabbed my attention was his eyes. His orbs sparkled with green emeralds with a hint of chocolate brown. He noticed I was opening my eyes and smiled. When he smiled, little dimples in his cheeks appeared and I could see his purely whites. He held onto the back of my neck and onto my cheek.
"You alright love?" he asked and smirked.
"Ya," I sat up. He tried to put my head back onto his head but I put my hand up. I rubbed my hand through my hair. I could feel the hairspray and gel through my fingers. I cringed from tangles my fingers were pulling on my hair.
The man sat next to me and held my back. "Are you sure you okay darling-"
"I am fine," I said sternly; looking opposite of him. "And stop calling me those names. I am not your girlfriend or anything."
I could hear him smirk, "Well sorry for being polite to a girl whom I just almost gave a concussion to." I looked at him and he started to laugh. I stood up and I patted my costume. He was just sitting there and staring at me.
"What?" I asked again but in a harsh tone.
"Nothing," he said licking his lips.
"Gosh," I said laughing underneath my breath, "you want a lap dance or something cause I am off work and-"
"Your'e beautiful," he interrupted me and smiled.
No man at the club has called my beautiful or even complimented on my looks in a mature manner...or at all. I didn't like this guy though. I assume the worst out of people now, ever since getting pregnant at a young age got the best of me.
I shook my head and looked at him. I was still teary eyed from the whole situation before. "I am a dancer," I finally said tearing up, "thats all."
I then walked out the door then started to pick up the pace and eventually ran towards the dressing room. I could hear someone running after me and I knew it was him. I wasn't in the mood for someone to talk to me. I reached the dressing rooms door and it was jammed.
"Shit," I cursed to myself.
"Everything a'right?" I turned around and saw the curly haired man standing behind me. I wiped my tears and pointed towards the door.
"It gets jammed a lot and-" Before I knew it, the man body slammed the door with his shoulder and it opened. I looked at him and smiled.
"I think I'm a bit lost love," he said smiling. "An old friend from school is having a party here and I don't know where the main stage is. I don't really enjoy these clubs that much but-"
"Go down the hall and turn right and the very end," I said making full contact with his glossy eyes.
He then stroked my cheek and winked at me, "Thanks babe," he smiled but I didn't. "When do you work?"
"Whenever I feel like it," I said walking in the dressing room and trying to close it, but the man's foot was in the way, I peered out through the crack to see him waving. I opened it slowly and waved back. "Monday is my day off and Saturdays are the spot light days for me and the other dancers."
"Guess I'll see you then?" He bit his lip.
I widened my eyes and raised an eyebrow. I pursed my lips. "Thought you didn't like these clubs."
He looked at me and smiled, "You are an exception." He walked off and I rolled my eyes. I looked up and saw that it was almost ten.
"Oh god," I quickly changed and ran out the club and into the pouring rain. "Just my luck too." I quickly started walking and then my pace started to decrease until I stopped walking. I was scared and I hated walking in the dark. As I continued to walk, I accidentally nudged someone and my bag fell, spilling my belongings, including the cash that was bundled up. I quickly grabbed it and the rest of my belongings that were now completely soaked with the water from the sky. I then saw a picture of me and Bella. It was when she was first born and I had a sheet over my body and I was looking at her, and she was looking at me with her bubbly blue eyes. I started to tear up even more. I then heard a car pull up beside me.
"Need a lift love?" I looked besides me and saw that curly haired man who wouldn't leave me alone.
"Don't you have a party to attend?" I asked picking up my belongings.
"Nah," he said petting the wheel, "kind of ditched. Strippers aren't my thing."
"Well move along then," I said waving towards the other road. I started picking up my belongings. "As you can already tell, I am a dancer or what you call, a 'stripper.' Now can you please move right along-"
I heard the car door shut and he came out with a dry coat and put it over my body. "Come on," he said. I looked away and tried to reject the coat. "Come on love, it is bloody thirty degrees and pouring. You will die from hypothermia. I'll drive you home."
The offer was there and I couldn't refuse it. I had to be home sooner or later to see Bella. I looked into the man's eyes and nodded. He helped me up and escorted me to the passenger's seat. He ran along to the driver's seat and opened the doors from the inside. I climbed in and held onto my phone. I was hoping that the babysitter would call so I would avoid awkward conversation with a man I didn't know.
"What street love?" he finally said.
"Rodney," I said glaring at my phone.
"Right by the institute?" he asked smiling at me.
"It was the cheapest place I could find in short notice," I said looking at him. He smirked, showing his perfectly sculpted dimples. I rolled my eyes and texted Phoebe.
"Notice that you haven't smiled once since we have known each other?" he said keeping all his focus on the rain storm.
"Well there isn't much to smile at is there?" I muttered.
"Your name is Sherrie right?" he asked curiously and totally of topic.
I then smiled and laughed really hard to the point when I almost snorted humid hair. "Why would my stage name be my real name?"
He smiled and started to laugh, "Hey you smiled!"
I smiled at looked at my phone, "I guess I did."
We both stopped smiling and he looked at me. "So how old are you?"
I looked down awkwardly and cringed. I felt super uncomfortable with my age because of the occupation I decided to go for to keep my daughter well.
"I'm sorry," he said. He grabbed for my hand and squeezed it. "You don't-"
"I'm turning eighteen in a month," I said. I felt a burn between my legs and I pulled my pain back. I hissed a little and placed my long fingers on my skirt, pulling it down as hard as I could.
"You okay love?" he asked. He tried to hold my hand again but I threw it out to point at a small cottage.
"That is my flat," I said. I jumped out of the car and ran inside. Before I came in, I heard a honk and it was him. I quickly ran back to scold him for honking when my daughter was probably asleep.
"I didn't catch your name love," he whispered.
"Well I didn't catch yours," I said sarcastically, "but I that wait till another day can it?"
I ran back inside and shut the door behind me. I placed my keys on the plate and I walked over towards Phoebe who was drinking some Shake Away™. I walked up behind her and hugged her from behind. "Suppose you are gonna give me some of that?"
"Mmm," Phoebe said taking off her squared glasses, "pay me first."
I rolled my eyes and looked in my purse and gave Phoebe a soggy 50 pound bill and sat down. "Here, now give it." She handed the shake to me and I took a sip.
"You didn't walk?" she asked putting the pound in her wallet.
"No," I said taking off my jacket and putting it on the cheap pine wood chair. I then slid the shake to her on the table and she caught it with my quick crispy grasp, "I got a ride."
"Was it Sugar?" Phoebe was indulging the shake that she bought while I was laughing under my breath.
"No," I giggled. I put my hands on my lap and looked away. "It was a guy. I guess some guy who was lost in the club."
"Ooo," Phoebe said giving me a big cheesy smirk, "was he hot?"
I started to laugh nervously and I bit my lower lip, "Ya, I guess. He had the most amazing eyes-"
"I meant his body dumb arse," Phoebe gave me a death glare, like if I didn't tell her what the stranger's aspects were, she was going to slit my throat and drink my blood.
I put my hands up in defense, "Woah there, take it easy Phoebs," she laughed along with me. "His bone structure was...a'right."
"A'right?" she asked placing her hands on the table.
I laughed again defensively, "Well he was wearing a sweater and he also wore a coat. I don't blame him," I took a sip of the Oreo malt, "Liverpool is cold."
"And it was your brilliant idea to move here with your unborn fetus," Phoebe always gave me shit for that. When I told her I was pregnant towards the end of secondary school, she suggested the idea of moving somewhere fabulous for the baby. She wanted to go to London or America, but I wanted had to pick something that wasn't so expensive. I chose Liverpool. She told me she was going to help me every step of the way and help me raise Bella. Instead of my baby daddy being there with me through the doctor's appointments, it was Phoebe there.
Phoebe has been my best friend since we were both around the age of seven. We met in primary school and we quickly got connected towards another when we had the common interest of putting worms from the garden down other colleagues pants. We had became best friends very quickly. I honestly don't know what I what do without her. Without her I would have probably been on the streets. And besides, Bristol was no fun without Phoebe. Phoebe moved in with me and my unborn child into the small flat that we have now. She worked with me at Angels Paradise and she met her boyfriend Edward. After they were going out for a year and when Bella was around our months, Phoebe moved in with him and she resigned from the club and now goes to the University at Liverpool. We try to see each other as much as possible so she babysits Bella when I am at work.
"So how was work today?" she finally asked me while drinking her shake and brushing her fingers through her long, curly, ginger hair and grasping onto her iPhone.
"Eh," I put my big, wavy, blonde hair in a ponytail. Brushing my fingers through the ponytail was hard because of the tangles and the hairspray chunks, "it was work you know. Dancing, grinding, dancing." I smiled and popped my phone out of the pink jeweled case then reassembled it quickly. I unlocked it with one quick swipe and looked at my text messages. "How's school?"
"Eh," Phoebe pulled her pink track jacket down towards her chiseled stomach, "school is school. I have an exam next Monday so cross my fingers that I will pass." She crossed both of her fingers while I crossed the one that wasn't holding my phone. My eyes were still concentrating on my phone. I could hear Phoebe slam her hands down. "God damn it Jade." she shouted and laughed.
I then heard a cry that was quiet but increased to a scream. I looked at Phoebe and she smiled and put her hands up, her hair falling into place right below her rib-cage. "Look whose up," I rolled my eyes and quietly ran into Bella's room. I saw her standing up on her crib crying and jumping. Her tiny red nose was runny with a mixture of snot and tears. Her eyes were a deep blue like mine but hers were teary and red. Her pink lips curved into a frown as she screamed her head off. "Hi Boogie!" I said in a cheesy baby voice and had my hands out towards my side. She kept screaming and she lifted his tiny hands up and started pressing her fingers together then stretching them out. I picked her up and put her towards my right side and started to rock her up and down. She put her arms around me and she calmed down a little.
I walked out and saw Phoebe on the phone, probably texting Edward. I smiled and sat down right next to her.
"Look who woke up," I said and dipped Bella down towards the ground and lifted her up and she landed towards my torso and she wrapped her arms around me.
Phoebe put her phone down and opened her mouth and smiled. "Hey Bugga Boo!" She said. Bella laughed and leaned towards Phoebe with her arms towards her, reaching with all her might to have Phoebe hold her. Phoebe held her and started to rock her up and down like I did.
"I am gonna take a shower and then go to bed," I said yawning. "Can you please put her to bed love?"
"Sure thing," Phoebe looked at her phone then gave it to Bella, "I gotta go soon. It is almost midnight."
"Thanks for staying his long," I said smiling at her.
"Anything for you guys," she then hugged Bella and looked at me smiling and flaunting her freckles, "this is family."
I smiled a little and stood up to hug Phoebe. I side hugged her then kissed her on the head. "I love you Phoebs."
"I love you too Jade," Phoebe kissed my forehead and then we looked over to see Bella smiling and giggling.
"What's going on Baby?" I asked smiling with my goofy voice. She giggled again.
"Say night night to Mummy Bella Bug," Phoebe said thrusting Bella close to herself.
I gave Bella a kiss and a quick hug, "I love you Bella."
"Night Jade," Phoebe said while I was walking towards the shower.
"Night," I then walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I could hear Bella crying a little bit. I then looked into the mirror and gazed at the reflection that was before me. I then noticed that I was tearing up a little bit in the corner of my right eye. I brushed it off with one of my fingers. I then turned on the shower and pushed curtain and started to undress.

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