Coming Clean.

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The rings started to flutter my eyes,
my phone was pressed against my ear,
tears streamed down my face,
butterflies filled my stomach.
I started to bite my nails on my right hand.
I never bit my nails.
“Hi Max-”
“Who is this?”
    “It-it-it-it’s J-J-J-Jade?”
“Jade who?”
“Jade...from the club?”
“O’right. You ‘right love?”
“Um...I don’t know how to tell you this but-”
“You want another taste of Max don’t cha?”
“No, Max I’m-”
“I can give you my address love, been missing you lots.”
“Max I’m pregnant.”
I could hear silence stream through my ears.
I could hear the scenery through the phone so I knew he hadn’t left.
I could feel the tears coming more frequently down my cheeks.
“I really thought you should know and I think that our baby-”
“Your baby.”
I stopped speaking and I looked at my phone.
“Your baby. I am bloody twenty and I am not going to have a baby. That is such a buzzer for some babes and I am not raising a twat baby.”
“Well I am flipping sixteen and I can’t a baby without you. You are it’s dad-”
“Fucking sixteen? Fuck off slut. Never call me a’gan. I am so done with this.”
“Max! Will you please listen?”
And with that the call dropped.
I could feel my heart beat faster and the tears coming through nonstop.
I looked down at my stomach.
I then stood up and looked into the mirror.
I pulled up my shirt and then look at my stomach through the mirror.
“I’m showing a little bit...”
I then dropped on my bed and dialed numbers quickly.
I pressed the phone against my ear and cheek.
It kept ringing nonstop.
“Hey how did it go?”
“Horrible. But I have a plan.”
“Ya...what do you mean a plan?”
“How do you feel about moving to someplace like I don’t know...Liverpool?”
“Liverpool? Jade we live in Bristol though but-”
“Max totally flipped and told me to raise this baby on my own then told me I’m a slut.”
“What if your parents find out?”
“They will never know because I will be gone in the morning.”
“Your’e not going to tell Jess and Robert about this?”
“Well Mum never needs to know, and Robert is just my stepdad, he doesn’t care.”
I could hear Phoebe sigh.
“What about Noah?”
I stopped talking and it was silent.
I hadn’t talk to Noah in about a month and a half.
I know he was seeing my brother though.
I didn’t even look at my brother.
My brother and Noah betrayed me.
I shook my head and started to mumble.
“Noah is with my brother now...”
“Well...that would be an awkward thing to witness.”
“He still comes over and Mum and Robert are totally okay with it.”
“But he cheated on you...with your brother.”
“How do you think I feel?”
“I would feel pretty shitty.”
“So you up for it?”
I could hear a groan.
“I’m thinking.”
I waited patiently.
What seemed like hours was minutes.
What seemed like days were seconds.
“Why not.”
“Well, I don’t have anything better to do and we are done with school.”
“You sure?”
“Ya, I’ll start uni there but...Jade?”
“Are you sure this is the right decision?”
I then looked at myself in the mirror.
I was a wreck,
and going bonkers.
I sighed.
“Guess we will have to find out.”


    The next couple of days went by as usual. I went on like nothing happened. I convinced myself I had never met or seen a curly haired man or anything. I pretended that it never happened. I would wake up and then I would find myself doing the same stuff I did before. I would wake up, go to rehearsal, and then later go to work, then come home. It was the usual schedule. Rehearsal was pretty easy. It always was.  As a dancer before I got pregnant, I would have to practice dancing constantly. I would have usually twelve hours in the dance studio if I had a competition coming up. Though erotic dancing wasn’t really what I practiced. At first I was a little confused by the movements, but it got simpler as time went on and I realized that the dances were like the dances I did when I was in school. You move slow and lift your legs up around the pole like you do in ballet and contemp. You can move your hips like in hip-hop. I just go slow, when I go slow I don’t get anxiety and it lets me think.
    We had practice everyday except Sunday and Monday. On Tuesday, I went to Angel’s and waited along with the other dancers. They never really talked to me. I kind of distanced myself away from them. I had a reason to be there. I was a young mom and I had a baby to take care of. I didn’t really care about my co-workers.
    “A’right ladies,” Sugar came in. She wasn’t dressed up in drag like she usually was. Usually people don’t get the idea that the owner of Angel’s Paradise was a man dressed as a woman. She was just so good at it, “we have to nail this dance like every other dance for the next couple of nights.” Sugar stepped in front of us as we made our way to the individual poles. Sugar then took out her iPod and turned on the song. “Five, six, seven, eight, arms up!”
    We followed each movement she told us to do. I slowly pulled my arm up over my head and the other followed.
    “Okay freestyle,” Sugar screamed.
    I watched as the other girls incorporated hip movements and head banging. I then focussed on myself. I clicked my heals on the glass floor and moved them slowly towards me as I pulled both my hands down the pole. I then pulled myself up the pole and wrapped my legs around it and slowly slid down.
    “Girls girls girls!” Sugar stopped the music and all of us stood up and looked up. “You guys look like this is your job.”
    Crystal then snapped her gum in her mouth and put her finger up, “But we are strippers and we want the tips.”
    Sugar went up to Crystal and pointed a finger at her, “Wrong,” she snapped her finger back. “You are dancers. I want you guys to use the time on stage to express yourselves.” Sugar then looked at me and walked up to me. “Like Sherrie,” I looked up from the ground and put my hands on my stomach, “now when she is on stage, the men and women in the room feel her emotions. They want to be her. I think that is why she is our best dancer who gets the most tips.” The girls then looked at me and scanned me. I waved at them then put my hand away. I felt embarrassed.
    The rehearsal went on and we practiced some group routines. We practiced interacting with men, collecting euros the best possible ways, everything.
    “Okay rehearsal is over,” Sugar said. “See you all at seven sharp!”
    I watched the other girls huddle and gather their stuff. I just stayed and practiced. I practiced wrapping my leg against the pole and climbing up with only my upper torso to support me. I then looked over at the corner of my eye and saw the other girls staring at me. I then jumped off and stood by the rusty pole.
    “Hi...” I said looking down at the floor.
    “So what is your story?” Crystal asked. Crystal Balls; she had been working at Angel’s since she was sixteen and she was barely twenty four. She was the best dancer by far and everyone parted like the Red Sea whenever she walked by you. Her long black hair was as black as coal. She has thick eyebrows which were perfectly sculpted. She had perfect lips and she was about 5’10.
    “My story?” I asked. I pulled my long sleeve shirt up and looked up at her as she walked towards me.
    “Well Jules finished telling us her story about how her real name is Jamie and she is engaged and living off her twat parents who don’t have a clue about her eighty year old finance,” everyone was laughing, even Jules. Crystal was really close to my face. “So what’s your story Sher? Or is that even your real name?”
    I tried to walk past her. But she nudged me. I then stood back and looked at her. “All you need to know about me is that I am something totally different by day then I am by night.”
    “Why do you even work here then?” she asked smiling and smacking her gum.
    I then looked at the ground and bit my lip. “None of your business-”
    “Oh bullshit Sherrie,” she said laughing. “Everyone has seen the marks on your stomach and sides. What you have a baby?”   
    I pushed my way through the girls who were now laughing at me. I started to walk faster and faster, looking behind me at the girls following me.
    “You can’t run very fast Sher! Come back Mummy.”
    I then bumped into someone as I was speed walking. I stopped to see the dark haired man in front of me holding my shoulders.
    “Someone told me Sherrie would be back here,” he said winking.
    “Let go please.” I said trying to break free, but his strength was to strong for me to bare. I looked behind me to see the girls staring at the man. There jaws were dropped and Crystal was about to say something and walk up to him. I got jealous. I didn’t know the guys name or anything but I was jealous. “Hey,” I said quietly and quickly, “I don’t do this but can I-”
    Then the man interrupted me by holding onto each side of my cheek with both his long fingers and kissing me. I was shocked at first. I looked at him as our lips were pressed together. Though, his lips were so soft. His touch was gentle. I then relaxed and pushed my hands towards the bottom of his back. I closed my eyes and continued exchanging something that never happened before with a guy that I barely knew. He eventually pulled away and then looked at me. I just stared at him blankly. He nuzzled his nose against mine.
    “Your’e welcome Jade,” he said, kissing it gently.
    He then grabbed my hand and started to walk me out the door. I just kept staring at him. He walked with one hand twinned with mine and the other in his pocket. When we went outside, he drew me closer to his body and then wrapped his arm around me. He then led me to his car and opened the door for me and then got in himself. I sat myself down and he started the car and drove. It was silent for the longest time. He kissed me even though I wanted to, he knew what was going to happen.
    “I’m Jade...” I said to break the silence.
    “I know,” he said laughing and looking out the road. “You already told me.”
    “When?” I asked confused.
    “At the centre,” he said smirking and looking at me. My cheeks turned pink and I started to laugh.
    “I thought you couldn’t hear me...” I said.
    “Well there is a lot you don’t know about me huh?” he said. He then turned and looked at me. “For one, Imma great listener.”
    “I betchu” I said. Shit, he never told me his name.
    “Harry,” he said laughing. I thought that suited him. He was built like a Harry, looked like a Harry, he was Harry. He then pulled his hand towards mine and held it. His long fingers went through mine. He then intertwined his fingers in mine and held it while his other hand was steering the wheel. I then took a minute to look at him. He was wearing a grey beanie and had some long brown curls tucked in it. He was also wearing a grey shirt that had a front pocket on it that scripted a heart and said ‘Lover’ inscribed. He was also wearing black trousers and black shoes. He looked perfect in a way. He didn’t so as much scare me as much or creep me out like he used to.
    “So how old are you?” I asked finally.
    He just smirked and looked and me playfully, “I am turning twenty on the first of February,” he then squeezed my hand and kissed it.
    “Where are you from?” I asked smiling. I barely knew the man and it was already like we were dating.
    He smiled again and started to chuckle a little bit and looked down at the gas petal. “You ask a lot of questions huh?” he giggled and calmed down a little. “I am from  Cheshire near Holmes Chapel.”
    “What is like there?” I asked. He looked at me and I started to laugh. “Well?”
    “Cold,” he said smiling and showing me his dimples, “just like the entire bloody country.”
    “I can’t mind the cold,” I said leaning my head back and staring at Harry.
    Harry turned and stared at me and started to giggle, “Why is that?”
    “Because I have other things to think about,” I said looking at the floor. I squinted a little bit and remember I should tell him about Bella, he is going to know eventually.
    Harry then squeezed my hand again, “Like?” I drew my hand back and sat it on my lap along with my other hand. I grew quiet and so did Harry. I then dug out my purse and started to move stuff around. “I’m sorry Jade, I didn’t mean to-”
    I then pulled out the picture of me and Bella and I handed it to Harry. He  He stopped at the light and looked at it. I saw his expression; he wasn’t mad or sad. He wasn’t confused. He wasn’t happy. He was...unpredictable.He didn’t have any emotion. He put his hand against his mouth and started to rub and nudge it. He was thinking.
    “She is my main priority right now,” I closed my eyes and said. “She is my baby and I can’t be-”
    “She’s beautiful,” he finally said. He chuckled and gave it back to me. “Just like her mummy.” He winked and started to drive again.
    “So you don’t mind?” I asked. I was overjoyed. I knew somehow that he wouldn’t find this as a deal breaker but I wasn’t sure.
    “Course not,” he said. He was focussing on the road but at me at the same time.   “Just another thing to like about you.”
    I smiled and I looked out to see my driveway. Harry slowly pulled in and he put the car on park. He looked at me and I looked at him. I just smiled and pulled my shorts down so I didn’t have to show.
    “You do that a lot,” Harry said squinting while having a grin on his face.
    “Do what?” I asked continuing to pull my shorts as far as I could stretch them.
    “You know,” Harry then put his arm out to witness my hand movements and stretched shorts, “that!” He then laughed.
    “I guess it’s a habit after getting bunkered at sixteen you know,” I smirked and opened the car and got out. Before I could shut it, I looked in quickly and I smiled at Harry. “Maybe it’s a nervous thing.” I then closed the door and gave him a wink. I then started to walk up the the front door step. He was still there. I waved goodbye and I walked inside.
    Phoebe was there with Bella but they were both asleep; Phoebe on the couch and Bella in her crib. I got ready for work. It was almost four thirty so that meant I had around two hours to get ready. I undressed from my sweaty dancing clothes and put them in the hamper by the shower. I turned on the shower and put my hand through the water to test the temperature. I then took a my right foot and placed it in the shower and the rest of my body followed. I pulled my long blonde hair out of my messy bun and i shook it to make sure that my hair came all the way down. I then ran my fingers through my damp knotty hair. I began washing myself and started humming tunes.

All I want, is the taste that your lips allow, my-my-my-my-my-my--
    I then heard a knock on my front door. I shut off the water and I pulled the shower curtain out but over my body.
    “Ello?” I shouted. I waited for a reply but all I heard were footsteps. “Phoebe?” I then without thinking got out of the shower and opened the door of the bathroom to communicate with what I thought was my best lad, but it wasn’t who I was expecting. Harry was right in front of the door, staring at my naked body. “Shit!” I cursed and ran around the bathroom to find towels, but all I could find was a wash cloth for my face. I unfolded it and I placed it over my body.
    Harry was laughing and standing there, hands in pockets and rocking back and worth with his feet. “Missing something?”
    I then shut the door and then leaned against it. I slowly drew myself down towards the ground till I was sitting on it. I closed my eyes and placed a hand to my face. I could feel how red and hot I was. I was cursing to myself underneath my breath. I didn’t hear anything, no footsteps, nothing. Harry was still out in front of the door, and I needed a bathrobe.
    I got up from the floor and placed my side against it. I placed a hand on the wood and knocked quietly. “Harry you still there?”
    “Mhm,” I heard him perfectly through the door. He was literally inches.
    “Can you do me a favor?” I asked. I turned red again and started biting my lip.
    “Sure what is it?” he asked.
    “In the room to the right,” I closed my eyes and put my hands out; trying to imagine the situation he was in and trying to give him directions, “there is a creme colored robe sitting on a chair along with slippers. Will you fetch them please?”
    “On it,” I heard his footsteps grow dimmer; knowing he was either leaving to get my things or that Phoebe was awake. I waited by the door, waiting for hours it seemed like. I just leaned against the door and started to laugh to myself. I then heard someone knock on the door quietly. I opened the door a little and put my hand out.
    “Thank you,” I said. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but he didn’t place my bathrobe in my hand, instead he placed his large and hand and pulled it up to his lips and kissed it softly.
    “Anytime Jade,” he then placed the robe in my hand along with my slippers. I pulled them next to my naked body and I closed the door quietly with my free hand.
    I pulled on my robe and slippers and then opened the creaky door. Harry was waiting but staring onto the opposite wall. The door made a noise when I opened it and he quickly turned around; startled by the noise. I leaned against the wall and looked at Harry.
    “Hi,” I mumbled. I bit my lip and I looked into his eyes. His hands were still in his pockets and he looked awkward, but in the cutest way possible.
    “Hi,” he said. He drew closer to me, close enough that kissing his perfectly moist lips would be so bearable, but he looked away and pointed towards the door. “You didn’t say goodbye to me.”
    “Yes I did,” I said laughing and crossing my arms.
    “No you waved,” he said biting his lip then smirking. “It is totally different.”
    I just looked down and started to giggle. Before I could rebuttle, I heard a scream.
    Harry jumped, “What was that?” He held my hand for protection but I brushed it off. I just laughed and head towards Bella’s room.
    I opened the door and headed in, then I turned back to look out at Harry. “Stay there,” I pointed a finger at him and then pointed it down towards the ground. “Close your eyes.” He laughed and covered his eyes with his long fingers. “No peaking Harry!” I said. I then walked toward Bella who was standing in her crib. I picked her up carefully. She was wearing her onesie with baby chicks on them and had her pink butterfly pacifier on. I brushed her thin strawberry blonde bed head back with my fingers and I looked into her deep blue watery eyes. I walked out to see Harry still closing his eyes. I walked towards him and stepped in front of him. “I want you to meet someone,” I said looking at him smirking, causing me to laugh. “Open,” he opened his eyes and he just looked at Bella. He finally smiled and she just looked at him. “Bella, this is Harry.”
    Bella put her hand out towards Harry. Harry smirked and held it with only a couple of fingers. “She has your eyes,” he kept looking at her and holding her tiny hand. She wrapped her fingers around Harry’s long broad fingers. He then looked at me and started to smile.
    “She likes you,” I said laughing. I then bounced Bella up towards my body. He kept smiling and holding her hand. She was mesmerized by him. She didn’t cry or hide in my shoulder like she usually does, she just stared at him. “You can hold her if you want.”
    Harry then looked up at me and smiled, “I can?”
    I smiled and handed her over to Harry. He grabbed her slowly and then placed her by his side. I put my hands on my hips and tilted my head. He was so good with her. Bella has only been like this with me and Phoebe. She was giggling and he was acting silly and she was buying it, and so was I. “She likes you,” I said looking at them both.
    Harry then looked at me and smiled, “She is to darling.” He continued to tickle her and play with her. She was laughing and screeching with joy. I started to giggle along with Bella and I then looked at Harry. Harry was busy playing with Bella to even notice me. Bella then laid her head on Harry’s strong shoulder and clinched both hands on his shirt. He then started to rock her back and forth while petting and patting her back gently. I started to think, about him, and I my gaze was still on him. He eventually turned towards my direction and looked at me and smiled. “What?”
    “Yes,” I muttered quietly and closed my eyes and smiled.
    “Yes what?” he asked walking slowly closer to me while still rocking Bella.
    “You can take me out,” I smiled and so did he.
    “What made you change your mind?” he asked rocking Bella.
    “Well,” I walked over and took Bella from his arms, “I let the little lass decide. Cause what I was saying before, if you can’t accept me cause I have a baby, then I can’t see or talk to you,” I then walked up to him and came extremely close to his face. “And she approves of you.”
    Harry then put his forehead along with mine. “I’ll pick you up after work?”
    “How do you know I work?” I asked laughing. Bella then started trying to reach for Harry and started to fuss.
    Harry then picked her up from my arms and then he started to bounce her up and down until she started to giggle and laugh, “Why else would you be getting all dolled up?” He winked at me and walked over to Bella’s room and shut the door behind him.
    I then laughed and walked over towards the door. “Harry,” I opened the door, “what in God’s name are you doing with Bella-”
    He ran over towards me and held onto the door, “It’s a surprise,” I looked at him suspiciously and he just smirked. “Trust me.” He gave me a wink and closed the door. I walked over towards the living room and I saw Phoebe who was sitting on the couch looking through her phone and on Instagram.
    “How long have you been up?” I asked playing with my damp hair.
    “Long enough to hear a guy in the house,” she said still looking through her phone. She turned towards me and I started to blush and she started to laugh. “See blusher, knew you liked him.”
    “I do not,” I said hiding my cheeks with my hands. I then sat next to her and she put her phone done on her lap along with her hands. She flipped her curly red locks back only using her head and then looked at me. I had one leg over the other and my hands on my chin. I pulled my pink robe down bellow my knees repeatedly.
    “So,” Phoebe finally said smiling.
    “So what?” I asked pulling my hand out in confusion.
    “Is it the mysterious hot man from Angel’s?” she asked putting her hands out to. She was so charismatic and bubbly. She enjoyed gossip. Phoebe always has, even when we were kids. She was so excited when I started dating Noah and she wouldn’t shut up about our relationship ever.
    I just laughed and shook my head, “Uh ya,” I rolled my eyes up, “I guess.”
    “What is his name?” she asked, now grasping onto my hand.
    I laughed and smiled. I looked down at the ground onto my feet. His name, was perfection itself it seemed like. “Harry,” I finally spoke the name that made butterflies appear thus in my stomach.
    “Oh my gosh,” she said holding her hands up, “sex,” she made a disgusting face and put one hand on my lap and the other by her mouth. “Your trousers are probably soaked-”
    “PHOEBE!” I screamed and covered my mouth. “No,” I said shaking my head. “Last time I had sex was when I lost my virginity and my perfect mistake happened.”
    “Well your ovaries must be gone Jade,” she said laughing. “Harry would be the name of a major bad boy or the name of a extremely hot nerd.”
    “That is enough of you,” I said and I got up and headed towards my bedroom, but I saw Harry coming out of Bella’s room with Bella walking around in a cute plaid dress with pigtails and white Mary Janes. She has her pacifier on too and she was running around screaming in joy. I saw Harry with his hands in his pockets rocking back and forth. I just stared at him.   
    “Hope you don’t mind,” he said shrugging his shoulders, “her diaper was pretty wet so I decided-”   
    “No,” I interrupted and started to laugh, “it is perfectly fine.” I went over to Harry and I stared at him. He looked down on me and started to smirk. He put his hands out of his pockets and then stopped rocking. I started to tear up a little cause I never had someone who was so nice and genuine towards me and my child.
    “You okay?” he asked. He put his hands on my shoulders and then bent his back over a little to looked into my now watery blue eyes.
    “Ya,” I finally said wiping away my tears with my hand. “Um...can I hug you?” I asked.
    He just smirked and then put his arms  around my neck gently and I slowly moved my hands around his back and joined my fingers together. I just started to tear up and he then started to rock me a little bit. I held on tighter and so did he. I felt him kiss my head.
    “Mhmmmm,” I heard someone’s throat clear and I quickly let go of Harry and stepped back. I saw Phoebe holding Bella with one hand and another hand on her hip. She just had a smile on her face and was shaking her head. “Ovaries...gone.”
    “What?” Harry asked looking at Phoebe and then at me.
    “Nothing!” I quickly said. I then put my hand out towards Phoebe. “Harry, this is Phoebe. She is my best friend and Bella’s babysitter when I’m at work.”
    “Nice to meet you Harry!” Phoebe said eagerly and took out her hand for Harry to shake. “Jade won’t stop talking about you.”
    “Really?” Harry asked smiling at me. I started to blushed and looked at Phoebe.
    “Phoebe you should seriously stop,” I said putting on a fake smile to help conceive the real annoyance I had towards her.
    “She is talking about how handsome and strong you are,” Phoebe kept continuing.
    “Harry,” I finally said. “How about we go outside quickly and arrange our engagement later?”
    “Sounds good,” Harry put his hands in his pockets again but put a hand out in acknowledgement for Phoebe. “Nice meeting you Phoebe. Hope to see you soon.”
    Phoebe waved goodbye and smiled. “Trust me, you will be seeing a lot of me.” I shut the front door and looked at Harry who had his hands in his pockets again and who was just staring at me with an eyebrow raised.
    “She is crazy,” I said laughing and looking down.
    “You talk bout me a lot?” he asked smiling.
    “You are so vain,” I said laughing.
    Harry then pulled out his black iPhone and handed it to me. I looked up and stared at him and raised an eyebrow. “Put your number in so I can contact you further on,” he winked and I smiled. I looked at his lock screen which was him and a girl. She had long brown wavy hair and was wearing a red dress. They both were pretty close and had campaign in their hands and were smiling.
    “Your girlfriend seems nice,” I said laughing displaying the phone.
    “Ya,” he said laughing, “my sister Gemma is nice.”
    I then made an o with my mouth and laughed it off, “Sorry,” I said shaking my head and entering my number. “She is just really pretty.”
    “Thanks,” he said looking at me suspiciously and laughing, “do you have any siblings?”
    My joyful face then turned ice-cold, “Ya,” I said clearing my throat and handing my phone and Harry’s phone to him, “I have a little sister Chloe who is nine and a twin brother...Sebastian...I don’t contact them at all...”
    “I’m sorry,” Harry said entering his information on my phone. He gave it back but I quickly twitched and smiled.
    “Here,” I took out my phone and I put it on the camera. He started to shake his head. “Harry please?” I asked smiling.
    He smiled at the ground and he then looked up and gave me a cheesy smile. I tapped the phone and snapped the picture. “Happy?” Harry asked. I nodded and he then grabbed my waist and pushed my closer to him. He then grabbed his phone and turned on his camera.
    “Harry...” I said laughing and covering my face with my hands.
    “Come on Jade,” he said looking at me. I uncovered my face with my nimble hands and stared at Harry. I stared into his green eyes with the brown hint in them. He was smiling at me and then he got closer to my face and then put his nose on mine. I giggled and he smirked. He then back a couple steps away from me and he then put his phone in front of his face.
    “No,” I put my hands over the camera, “I am wearing a bathrobe and my hair is damp. No.”
    “I think you look beautiful always,” he said holding onto my hands with one grip. “Besides, pictures capture not only the image, but the memories.”
    I then looked down and smiled for him. I could hear him snap the picture. He then unlocked his phone and showed me the image.
    “That is actually pretty good,” I said staring at the image.
    “Told you,” he said. I turned to look into his eyes and he turned and gazed into mine. He then got his hand that didn’t hold the phone and he put it against my pasty face and used his fingers to comb back my hair and then used his thumb to pet my cheek. “Your eyes...” he whispered.
    I smiled and then thought about him. Harry was the only thing on my mind. I pulled away and then I looked at him. “I-I-I can text you later so I know what’s going on...”
    “Sounds cool,” his hands were now in my pockets and began to rock back and forth again with his heals. He did that a lot. It was kind of awkward but I liked it. “What time is your shift over?”
    “I begin at around seven and then end at nine,” I said.
    “Cool,” he smirked. He put his hand out towards my phone. “I’ll text you?”   
    “Okay,” I said smiling and pulling my damp hair back. “I guess I’ll see you tonight?”
    “Can’t wait,” he said smirking and then biting his lip. This was contagious cause I bit mine also. “Wear something really nice, like a dress. I wanna take you somewhere really nice doll.”
    I smiled and looked into his eyes, “I will.” He then came really close to me and slipped his hands underneath my arms and hugged me. I put my arms around his neck and I put my head on his shoulder. When he embraced me, it was tight but my butterflies in my stomach seemed to knot it up, causing me pain that gave me pleasure all in one.
    He let go the put his hands in his pockets and walked off. Halfway to his black BMW, he turned around and started walking backwards with his hands still in his pockets. He bit his lip and shook his head up. “See you love.” I then raised my hand up and waved him goodbye. He looked up in the sky and started to laugh. “Come on!” He put his hands wide out.
    I laughed and crossed my arms together against my pink robe, “Goodbye Harry...I don’t know your last name.”
    He opened the front door and was about to get in, “Harry Edward Styles. But Harry Styles for short,” I giggled as he winked and got in the car.
    I then walked in my front door and closed it and then leaned up against it and looked up at the ceiling smiling, “Harry Styles...”

Everlast. (Harry Styles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now