Fix me.

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"You nervous?"
Then stopped picking my nails and looked at Phoebe.
It was my first doctors appointment.
I looked at Phoebe.
"I just thought I would be here after Uni and when I was married...with the father..."
Phoebe patted my back then hugged me.
"Jade Winters?"
The receptionist called from the doorway across the waiting room.
I stood up along with Phoebe and she held my hand.
I walked over to the woman.
"Hi, I'm Judith Robinson, your Gynecologist."
"Hi...I'm Jade and this is my best friend Phoebe."
" the father here at all?"
I looked down at the ground.
Judith looked at me and then shook her head.
"Okay...that's self-explanatory."
"Thank you."
"Follow me please."
I followed the doctor.
I saw inside the rooms; husbands and wives looking at ultra-sounds.
That could have been you Jade,
if you didn't screw up your life.
I laid down on the chair that they set up prior.
Judith spread out my legs.
"We are gonna check for infection in the canal real quick if you don't mind."
I shook my head.
I lied.
I did.
But it tickled a little.
It was super quick though.
It hurt a little towards the end.
Like a shot.
"Okay now we are going to do an ultra sound of your baby Jade."
"I don't know how far along I am..."
"Well we can see through the ultra sonic wave that echo back from the uterus."
I nodded and she pulled up my shirt till you could see my stomach.
"Judging from your stomach you are showing a little bit."
I nodded and Phoebe grabbed my hand.
I was tearing up a little bit.
"You seem around four and a half months so fifteen weeks approx."
I nodded and she then squirted the clear blue liquid onto my stomach.
I shivered a little bit.
She then moved around the motion senser around my abdomin.
"There is your baby."
I looked up and saw little ovals that looked misshaped.
I could see little eyes forming and other things approaching.
Tiny legs,
"It's perfect."
"Would you like to know the gender?"
I looked up at Judith then at Phoebe.
"You already know?"
"Well...I'm 97% sure about the sex..."
I turned at Phoebe.
"Should we?"
"Fuck ya."
She didn't really whisper it.
"Congrats Jade, it is a baby girl."


It doesn't take me that long to get ready for work. All I have to do is dry my hair and put it up in a ponytail and put on my sweat pants and jacket. I also got my blouse and my high shirt and my heals. I knew makeup and hair supplies would be there so I could get ready for my date.
I then got an apple from the kitchen and sat down and saw Phoebe playing with Bella on the carpet by the tele. I watched them but they still didn't notice me. I cleared my throat and Phoebe turned and stared at me. She smiled and stood Bella up from playing.
"Say bye bye to Mummy Bells," she said holding Bella till her feet touched the ground. She saw me and started to smile.
I waved and I put my arms out and she ran towards me with her arms particially extended. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. She then picked up my phone and started to bang it against the corner and scream in joy. I grabbed from her and put it in my purse. She looked around real quickly for it and started to wimper. I then pulled out her teddy bear from my bag which I always kept just in case. She started to pinch the plush toy, hoping it would explode or something. I started to stare at her and brushed her thin hair with was in pigtails. She had her pacifier in so you couldn't tell by emotions sometimes. I then stood up as I held her with my one arm and had her across my body. She kept on playing and looking around as I threw my sour green apple in the garbage. I then turned her towards me and carried her towards Phoebe.
"I think I should head out soon," I said looking at Bella's blue eyes as she showed me her teddy.
"What time are you gonna be out?" Phoebe asked standing up.
"Can you possibly stay the night?" I asked looking at her, my teeth grinding and looking frantic.
Phoebe rolled her eyes. "You going out?"
"I don't know when I'll be home from work," I said smiling.
"I know Harry is taking you out," Phoebe said crossing her arms.
"How do you know that I possibly am going out?" I asked smiling.
"Cause your cheeks are turning red and your laughing," Phoebe smiled and then picked up Bella from the floor.
"I'll be home as soon as possible," I said grabbing my bag and my wallet. I went over to Phoebe who was grasping onto my child. Bella was looking on the floor where her pacifier was. She wasn't crying, her eyes were just locked with it. I bent over and held it in my hand. Her tiny hand fell out and towards me. Phoebe handed her to me and I grabbed her with my one avalible hand. She looked at me and pointed to my hand. "I'll miss you bugga boo," I said nuzzling my nose to her cheek then kissing it.
"Mummy," she pointed to my hand.
I giggled then gave her another kiss on the cheek. I handed her her pacifier. "Give Mummy a kiss lovebug," I said. Bella then placed her wet opened lips on mine. I then gave her a hug and out her down on the ground and she sat there. I walked over to Phoebe and then hugged her tightly and kissed her on the cheek. "See you love, I'll call you."
"Use protection," she said whispering and smirking.
I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. I quickly grabbed my coat and put it on and then my bag followed. As I walked down the steps I buttoned up my coat. I then folded my arms and started walking down the cold dark sidewalk to work. I walked pass flat buildings and businesses. I pull my coat up so I can feel the fabric on my mouth. As I'm walking, drunken men outside of bars whistle at me and I pass by. I ignore them and I just keep walking.
I then walk up to the front entrance to Angel's and walk in. Some girls are practicing there moves on the pole and some are hanging around the bar. They all stop and look at me. I'm no longer invisible; but they know they can't take a bite outta me yet. I keep walking towards the dressing rooms. I see that some girls are at the makeup counters; laughing, talking. That all ended when they saw me. They just stared at me. Crystal was in the middle and she just looked and smiling at me. She double took me and then she just started to laugh.
I then walked to the very end of the dressing room where the lights by the mirror were smashed and the mirror was cracked. This was usually the mirror I went to. Cause I felt like no one understood or that no one wanted me. I just did my makeup and I straightened my hair. It was pretty quick. It wasn't that big of a deal to me. I just didn't want to tease my hair or anything. I went for more of a natural look. I then picked out my purple drapey bikini and then put the drapes on and the gold bracelets and the tiara. I put on my gold heals and then walked out. It took me less then an hour. I then piled my stuff into my bag and put them into my little locker thing and put the lock on so no one could go in.
"You waiting today?" Crystal asked when I turned around.
I then jumped back into the lockers cause of how startled I was. "Both actually," I said. I then stood back up. "I am waiting for about an hour then dancing for the last set possibly."
"Who was the hot curly haired man who "saved" you?" she used air-quotes.
I just looked away and I started to get angry. "I don't know-"
"Cause he has been showing up a lot lately," she said. She then came really close to my ear and started to breath in it. She then whispered. "Is that the guy who knocked you up with your twat-"
I then slapped her as hard as I could and she fell to the floor. I could feel my heart racing through my entire body. My hand was red and I could feel my pulse. I was crying and my face was red. I looked around to see the other girls having their mouths over their mouths and faces. They looked at me like...I was a monster. I then started to cry and I walked off. I stomped out the door and right past Sugar who then came racing after me and trying to put on her wig.
"What in god's name is-"
"I'm first dance," I said without looking at her. I then rushed behind the curtains and I could hear the men. I then walked out onto the pole and just started to walk around it, my hand on the pole gently. I then could hear the bass popping. I was a magnet. I instantly attached onto it with my arms and my legs. I then started to dance. I was furious. I wasn't thinking. My legs were pulled up and my face planted back. I bent over and I pulled myself down. I climbed up the pole and then slid down to the middle. I held that position. I wanted to feel the burn in my inner thigh and my arms. My eyes were closed and I could feel dollar bills up against my face, they would slowly slid off. I could hear men whistling. I didn't care, I was just trying to focus on the one true thing that mattered. I realized what kind of thing I became; a monster.
The night grew on. I mostly just busted tables and waited on people. It wasn't as bad. I made seventy three dollars off the dance I forced outta my system. That was a lot...a record I thought. I tried to forget about it. I was just in a heavy pace the entire night. I could hear Sugar behind me when I was waiting for drinks. Her bony fingers on my shoulder.
"Baby," she asked. I didn't look at her. "What's going on? Why does Crystal have a swollen cheek and a bright red handprint over it?"
I got the drinks and set them down quickly on the platter, causing them to spill. I was shaking. Sugar grabbed onto my hands and I looked in the corner of my eye. "I," I muttered. I started to tear up. "I hit her..."
Sugar then pulled me closer to her and hugged me. I started to cry even harder. "She was talking about Bella and calling her a twat. I lost it Sugar-"
"Sh," she said stroking my hair. "It's okay Jade." She whispered in my ear that everything was going to be alright.
"I'm sorry Sugar," I said. "Please don't fire me..."
"I'm not gonna do that baby girl," she said wiping my tears off with her thumbs. She then kissed my forehead and she put her hands down. "You are gonna do one last thing," I nodded. "You are gonna do the spotlight song."
"But," I muttered, "I haven't sang-"
"I know," she kissed my head and I then walked out and onto backstage.
I walked past the tables and then pushed the red velvet curtains and saw the dancers getting ready; prepping. They looked at me. I grabbed the microphone that was on the counter. Some of the sparkles fell onto my hand and I just ignore it. "What song?" I asked stuttering.
One of the dancers pushed me and I went to the bright spotlight. All the lights were out except for the spotlight which was on me, I just walked out onto the spotlight and onto the very end of the stage by the golden pole. I held the microphone to my mouth. I cleared my throat. I remembered the song we rehearsed. I looked down at the floor and closed my eyes with both hands on the microphone.
Lights will guide, you home.
My runs were rusty, but I carried on. I then got my right hand and grasped the pole.
And ignite your bones.
I then heard someone whistle at me. I then looked up slowly and started to breath heavily. I opened my eyes and looked out into the dark crowd.
And I will try...
I looked around and I could see Harry in the corner. He was wearing a tuxedo and carried some white roses. His hair was gelled up into a quiff. That was all I could see, him in his perfect outfit smiling at me and our eyes locked. I smiled back and I pulled myself closer to the pole.
to fix you....
I could feel the dancers behind me stopping in rhythm and dancing. The pole squeaking from their hands and body.. I was singing and staying perfectly still, looking at Harry. I was moving my hips with the beat and taping my foot. I then put my hand out and some man helped me down the stage I then started to walk around the stage. Men standing up and touching me and dancing with me. I just walked past them. I was to into the song. That song really reflected my life. I was thinking about Bella...but...I was also thinking about him. Ever since he came, I couldn't help but think about him. I then ran back on stage and still sang, my heart into the song.
During the overture, I fell onto the stage and kneeled down. I could feel the stage and crowd roaring. I could feel the guitar and drum. I started to cry. I then walked back down the stairs and into the crowd. I was looking at Harry. People were touching me and I couldn't help but stare at him. Men grabbed me and were grinding on me. I kept staring into his green eyes. It seemed every time I took a step towards him men were dragging me away, taking me away. I fought back. I felt as if I kept loosing him. I then grabbed the microphone.
Lights will guide you home.
I looked at a customer and brushed him off my body, then the next leeched onto mine.
And ignite...your bones.
I gently shrugged him off and the I felt someone grabbed my hand,
And I will try...
He then spun me around and looked at me. It was Harry handing me the white roses. I smiled and I pushed the microphone up against my mouth.
to fix you....
He then just looked at me and stared. His hand was locked in mine with the other holding my face. I could hear the men screaming and clapping there hands. The best part was that they weren't paying attention to me, at least I thought. I couldn't really tell cause all my attention was on Harry. His hand on mine. I felt like crying, I felt this was the perfect way to end this horrible day at work.
"You came..." I said tearing up and putting my hand over the microphone so no one could hear me.
"I said I would," Harry just smirked and put his hand on my cheek.
I knew he was about to kiss me, but not here, I would probably get in trouble. I just backed away and started to walk backwards towards the changing rooms. "Lemme get changed Harry and I'll be out in about ten minutes," I looked around and saw a chair and pulled it out. "," I stuttered. He smirked and walked ove rto the chair and sat down slowly. I then started to walk backwards and then turned around and jogged backstage. I ran into the room and quickly found a moist toilette to wipe my makeup off. I then took off my outfit as quickly as I could while I was wiping my makeup off my face. I then ran to my locker and quickly put in the combination. I then grabbed my bag and phone and pulled out my pink tight dress and matching heals. I slipped it on and put my high heals on. I then pushed my long blonde straight hair to the side and looked in the mirror. I grabbed the eyeliner and slowly drew a thin line and then dosed some mascara on my eyelashes. I then looked myself in the mirror. It was then I realized how beautiful I was. I was strong. I felt great. I then turned around and looked towards the mirror again. Everything was in place. I then realized how long it had been since I left Harry stranded in the club. I then shut my locker and quickly gathered my things. I put them into my bag and then put my phone in my hand and shut my locker with the other. I pushed my bag over my shoulder and walked towards the main stage.
Harry was still sitting in his seat I saw. He was looking around. He looked a little awkward. I just smiled. I then started to walk through the black curtain and the next moment I saw Crystal talking to him. I stopped. I was a little jealous...I didn't like her, or the idea of him talking to her. I then realized how he was looking around as he was talking to her. I then took a deep breath and I walked up to him and Crystal.
"Ready Harry?" I asked clinching my bag.
Harry then quickly stood up and brushed his tux down. "Ya," he then turned to Crystal, "nice to meet you."
"So you don't want a dance?" she asked. She seemed insulted.
"Only is she is giving it to me," he looked at me and wink and then grabbed my hand. My mouth was open wide and I was smiling. "Come on, I have a night planned." We both then walked out of Angel's and I saw his BMW parked up front. I walked up to the car and was about to open it. "Wait Jade," I stopped and he handed me the white roses. "I hope you like them, they reminded me of you, you know, you're kinda pure to me."
"You're telling this to the lass that hand a baby at sixteen right?" I said looking at him and gripping the flowers with both my arms.
"Well you know what I mean," he said putting his hands in his trouser's pockets. He then opened the passenger seat and signaled me to get in the car.
"I can get in now?" I said sarcastically. I then got in and he shut the door next to me. I then saw his jog to the driver's seat and hop in. I watched him start up the car and buckle his seat belt. He looked so manly. I watched him the entire time he was driving for a couple of blocks.
"You like what you see doll?" he asked still focussing on the road.
I blushed and looked down on the floor. I watched as my feet entirtwined with the other. "I don't know," I was still blushing. I looked up and pulled my hair back from my face. I noticed when he was really concentrating on something (like driving), he would lean forward a little bit and he would lick his lips. I just stared at him and started to giggle.
He turned towards me and smiled, "Wha?"
"Nothing," I said sitting up straight and smiling. I then bursted out laughing and i then pushed my hair back with my hand.
"Well you're adorable," he said looking at me and putting his hand on my leg. He then put it back on the wheel and focussed on the road. "So how was work?"
"Terrible," I said looking down at my lap. "This girl at work called Bella names and I snapped at her..." I then remembered it and I felt a tear.
Harry looked at me and saw it fall into my lap. He then parked the car and put his hands on my back. "I'm so sorry Jade, that's bollucks."
"Is this where your taking me?" I asked using my fingers
"No," Harry then unbuckled his seatbelt and then tapped mine and put his arm over my head and rested it on my shoulder, "we aren't going."
"Why?" I asked. I put both my hands down and looked at Harry who was staring at the pedals his foot rested on. I then put both my hands on his pink cheeks, slightly tilting his head up so I could see his green eyes. "Is it because I told you...forget I said anything," I then buckled my seatbelt and I sat back and wiped my tears with my limber fingers quickly and put on a fake smile. I could tell he was gazing right at me. His sight burning a hole right through me it was so powerful. I turned towards him and smiled. "I'm honestly fine," I said putting my hands on my lap.
Harry then came closer to me and unlock my seat belt again. He gently brushed it across my chest and let go of it and it slid back to it's original spot. He looked at me the entire time. I started to breathe heavily as his hands brushed my chest. I then started to shake. He then ran his long fingers from the seat belt, over my body, to my hands. He grabbed it and started to pet it with his thumb. I looked down at my hands, I somehow without realizing it locked our fingers together. He then leaned towards me. I took a deep breathe and started to pant. I never was this nervous around a guy before. He then took out one hand from what seemed like came from the dark and placed it on my cheek. He then brushed my blonde straight hair away from my blue eyes. I looked into his eyes with my mouth slightly open. He then started to brush my cheek and some of the leftover tears from before that were about to dry into my skin. He then pushed himself up and then kissed my forehead. It was gentle and long. I didn't realize my eyes were closed slightly until he released and looked at me. I put my hand over hands hand with was still on my cheek. "I have an idea," he said looking at me. He then rushed outta the car. I opened my door but he stuck his head inside the car before I could get out, "I got it love."
I then shut the door and l watched as Harry jogged his way to the other side of the car. I pressed my hands down legs to retrieve my bag and coat. I heard a click and the door was wide open and Harry standing on the other side waiting for me to retrieve my personal belongings and exit the vehicle. I then click the buckle for my seatbelt and exited the car. I stuck my right foot out slowly and leaned forward to see how far away the curb was. I was use to walking in heals but I didn't want to risk tripping. Harry then put his palm out so he could assist me out of the vehicle. I place my palm on it and his fingers grasped my hand. He then pulled my out slightly to help me maintain my balance. I then slid both my feet out of the car and he helped me pull myself up.
"You don't have to help me," I watched him smirk as I gazed in his green eyes, "I'm not pregnant you know."
I watch his chest vibrate from the laugh that escaped his mouth. He then looked up from gazing at his black shoes into my blue eyes. His eyes were bright from the lamppost next to us. "A gentleman always helps a lady."
"Geesh," I took his hand and stood up and started to giggle, "where you did you go to school?"
"I might have went to finishing school for a couple of years," he turned to me and looked at my sarcastic expression. He started to laugh under his breath and looked at me again and smirked. "My mum wanted me to be a gentlemen," he grabbed my hand and locked his fingers between mine. "After my dad left, she told me 'Harry you cheeky devil, you are going to woo ladies from time to time but you are never going to use them'. So she put me in finishing school when I was sixteen and I graduated from it two years later." He was smiling the entire time. I just watched him the entire time he was telling me. He was so charing and great at expressing or telling memories. He used hand motions and he was super cheeky. He caught me looking at him, "Wha?" He asked smirking at him.
"You must love your mum don't you?" I asked looking at him. A smile grazed on both of our faces. I saw his pearly white teeth and he smiled enough so he had dimples showing excessively.
We kept walking and he turned right so I followed in his footsteps. "Well I still live with her so I must," he said laughing. He looked at me and he saw my expression. "Well I live in the cottage next to hers, but it is a whole other house. I just come sometimes for dinner."
"Well it's nice that she deals with you," I grinned and I then detached our fingers to put my hands over my arms. Liverpool was freezing, especially at night.
Harry then stopped in front of me and put his large hands on my shoulders. I looked in his eyes. The green seemed to turn into a dark brown. The brown outer rim of his pupil seemed to sweep over the entire jade color. "Hold on a minute," I stopped and then pushed my arms slowly down towards my sides. I watched him take off his jacket to reveal his button up white shirt. He then put his black jacket over my head. I felt it lightly skim my back. He then placed it over my shoulders. I grasped the edge of the jacket with both my hands while still crossing them across my torso. He looked at me and smiled. I had half a smile across my face and I looked up from the ground.
"Thanks..." I then watched as Harry skimmed his hands into his tight pockets and rocked back and forth with his heals. "You didn't have to-"
"Let's leave it at your welcome," he smirked and we kept on walking. I followed him and examined his body. He had his hands still in his pockets and his hands were shrugged up. "So I wanna hear the story."
I looked at Harry and started to laugh, "About?"
"Everything," he said smirking. He looked and me and bent over to reach my height as we were still walking.
I just smiled and kept walking, "Well what do you want to know?"
"I wanna know about your parents, your childhood, everything!" Harry flung his arms in the air and took a deep breath and shouted the words that escaped his lips. A smile appeared as I walked along with him. "Tell me everything for the story of a beautiful girl-"
I then rushed up in front of him and covered his mouth with my hand, "Please don't shout. The neighbors will complain. And the police will come and take you away." I laughed under my sneaky breath from the words that escaped my pink lips.
Harry then gently moved my hand away from his lips. "But what is the matter with expressing to the world my feelings of wanting to hear your life story."
"You can express your feelings but not so loud," we both looked at each other and then smiled and started to laugh under our breath. "We sound-"
"Ridiculous," Harry finished my sentenced. I looked up from the ground and stared at Harry. I stopped and shorty he stopped along with me. I was just staring at him blankly. He finished my sentence perfectly in the most perfect way anyone could. He walked up to me and put his hands down further in his pockets. I kept staring at him. "What?" he finally asked. He stuttered the word a little bit trying to figure out what I was saying.
I just walked up to him and stared at him in his green jade eyes, "You sometimes confuse me Harry cause-" Before I could finish Harry turned around and quickly turned back to me.
"Hold that thought I'll be right back," He then ran into the dark but quickly ran back and slid on the concrete road successfully. "Stay here?"
I nodded and watch him run back into the dark. He didn't really jog or sprint. He looked like it wasn't an issue; jogging to the point where he actually got distance when his curls would fly back from the air he caught running. Though his air was gelled back to a quiff, you could see the back of his curls fly backwards towards the air. I just stayed where he wanted me to. My heals seemed sealed to the concrete road. As a minute passed, I started to fear the dark. After meeting Max at a mysterious and beaten down club and I lost my virginity in a bathroom which only had one broken light in it, the dark scared me. Even in Angel's when the lights are dimmed when business starts, my heart starts to beat and I know people hear it.
I start to cringe a little when I hear a noise. I close my eyes and count to four repeatedly. I hold Harry's jacket so tight I can feel my hand turning red.
"One..two..three...four..." I keep repeated the numbers. My hands started to shake so I clinched the jacket harder. I then started to walk towards where Harry was going. As I took each step, I grasped my purse and opened it with my shaky, red, cold hands. I grabbed my phone and I opened my messaging app quickly running my shaky fingers through the contacts list. I opened Phoebe's name on my phone and it immediatly went to messages.
I don't know where Harry is...
I quickly typed the message as I was walking into the darkness where Harry was, fog also surround me, and it was only 10:29:47 at the time. I checked my clock a lot and counted the seconds. I quickly got a text back from Phoebe which seemed to buzz in my red hands for hours, but was actually seconds.
I looked at the phone and I quickly typed back. I could feel fog the fog in my face and I kept walking through it, assuming this was the direction Harry went after I visibly couldn't see him.
No..he told me to stay right there and he would be back in a few.
I then saw a light in a fog. It wasn't that bright nor huge but it was something. I then quickly jogged to it hoping to find answers. As a drew closer, I saw more lights surrounding the small dim light in the middle. These ones weren't like the others, they seemed a little bigger and a little bright. I then finally escaped the fog and found a plaid wool blanket covering the concrete, a small basket with some bags occupying it, and I saw a thin vase with a white rose in it. I then saw the lights that I saw in the fog. Lanterns surrounded the blanket and in the middle along with the vase and white rose was a thin tall candle being lit by a tiny candle. I then saw Harry who was bending down messing with something. I knew it was him from the dark curls pulled up the back to what seemed like to replicate a ramp of some sort, and cause of the white button up. I then felt my phone vibrate for the second time and I opened my phone to see both Harry and Phoebe had texted me. I unlocked the screen and it immediatly went to Harry's messages.
Okay love now start walking forward and if you need help, I'll be there to guide you..xx
I then pushed the lock button and watched as Harry stood up and straightened his pants. He then pushed his hair back some more to still achieve the highness of his quiff. I watched as he then straightened his tie but jerking it back and worth and hen tightening it. He then literally shimmied around towards me and jumped back a little when he saw me. My hands were still crossed and I was holding my phone and his jacket with both fingers. I then lifted my hand and waved an him and started to smile a little bit. He then pushed his fingers into his pockets and started his rocking routine.
"That was fast," he finally muttered and then smirked so I could see his dimples.
I started to walk towards his tall figure. I went in front of him and touched his chest and then I then started to twirl my hands around his torso, "You didn't guide me Harry," I then wrapped my arms around his neck slowly. He then took his hands out of his pocket and put them around my waist. He then pulled my closer so both our chests were pushed together. I knew he could feel my heart beat cause he then looked down at my chest then up and started to laugh under his breath.
"Don't be nervous," he hotly whispered into my ear, "I only want to protect you."
I then looked in his eyes and used my right hand to place it on his cheek. I then nuzzled my nose against his and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I the slid my arms from his and cheek and from his waist around his neck and rested it above one another. I could feel his curls lightly loose above my fingertips. I started to ring my fingers through them gently. I could tell he enjoyed that because of the hot breath he let out of his mouth. I then was startled by a noise that came below me. I jumped a little a noticed me gripping Harry's neck a little tighter and me even closer to his chest. I could hear him laugh and put his broad arms around me and rock me from side to side. I could feel his lips pressing against my neck. I flinched back slightly but slowly moved it closer again so the action could repeat itself. I then heard music gradually get louder as he kept rocking me in place.
"It's only the record player Jade," he hotly whispered into my right ear and he kept rocking me. I then gradually eased down and relaxed my arms. I laughed under my breath and I put my head against his chest as he rocked me. I then heard the lyrics flow through my ears.

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