That is all.

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That morning I felt ill.
My stomach felt as if it would combust,
my eyes felt as if I would burst any minute,
my body was so weak I could barely hold my head up.
Lying my head on the kitchen counter seemed like the only solution.
“Why the glum look Jade?”
Mum came in front the living room holding her cleaning utensils.
I regretted not telling my mum at that moment.
She needed to know sooner or later.
I just didn’t want to budge.
I tried to stutter out words but I couldn’t.
All that came out were a continuous spread of ‘‘i’s’’.
“You feeling alright darling?”
Mum put the back of her on my forehead for a couple of seconds,
then continued by placing it on my cheek.
“Never seen you like this, something up?”
That moment I wanted to scream it:
Mummy, sorry to inform you but I was impregnated by a twenty year old hog by loosing my virginity on the bathroom floor of a club after Noah confessed his love for Sebastian.
“I am feeling like under the weather lately.”
“Well Robert is taking Chloe and Sebastian out sailing, maybe you could join them how bout that?”
The last thing I wanted to do was spend two hours with a stepfather who never liked me, a sister who was spoiled, and the twin brother who betrayed me.
“I think I’m just gonna chat up with Phoebe for the night Mum, but thanks...”
Mum whilst putting on her apron placed a hand on my pale cheek and lightly kissed my forehead.
“You have gotten so beautiful Jade.”
I weakly smiled and placed my head on the counter again with my hands out.
“Mum does Chloe have to go with me and Robert out?”
I kept my head down after I heard the voice of the person who lost my trust.
The one person I thought was there for me.
My best friend.
My brother.
Mum then put a cloth against her hip and her other hand holding the stove handle.
“Must you guys always fight in the morning.”
“Mummy he is just jealous that I am the favorite among the children.”
I noticed Chloe sitting besides me and tilting her head towards my angle.
“No offense Jade.”
“None taken.”
I didn’t even make eye contact with her.
“What’s with her? Can’t go boating. What did ‘Little Miss Perfect’ do this time-”
“Chloe. Lay off your older siblings.”
It seemed Mum always had my side.
“Ya Chummy, why have you been so down lately?”
I could hear Sebastian walk closer to me.
My fist clinched.
My face turned red.
I muttered those words abruptly.
I lifted my head up and had a fake smile and stared at Sebastian.
His dirty blonde hair pushed to the side.
His tanned skin glowing from his neon tank-top and navy swim trunks.
“Come on, tell us. We are family after all.”
You could see his pearly white teeth just glimming.
They were a big target.
I wanted to break each one of them.
“Honey leave your sister alone.”
Mum then put the rag over her mouth and leaned closer to Sebastian’s ear.
“It may be lady troubles-”
“Mum I can hear you!”
I screeched and rolled my eyes and indulged myself in the almonds in the bowl as the centerpiece of the counter.
“Well I’m stomped.”
Mum quickly ran over to the stove and placed the different variety of foods on the counter.
“Alright. Sebastian, Chloe, place the rest on the table please.”
“What bout Jade-”
“Do as I say darling.”
Chloe then stomped towards the counter and grabbed a plate of food and placed it on the counter top.
“It’s everyones favorite,”
Mum then looked at me and smiled.
“‘Specially yours Chummy.”
She then took of the plastic wrap over the different plates to reveal the food.
“A traditional English Breakfast for my favorite bunch. Eggs benedict with apple cider!”
I gulped.
“Thanks mum!”
Chloe swooned and gave Mum and hug and then grabbed a plate.
I noticed how she grabbed the spoon and swooped several servings of the eggs.
“Gosh Chloe...”
“What? Chummy you snooze you loose-”
“Your’e gonna gain so much wait by eating that much.”
The talking and the happiness got sucked out of the room.
I then pulled out and hand and pointed at my palm.
“That’s a serving. You are twelve years old. You should be smarter then this.”
“Chloe she is just a kid lay off-”
I then pointed to Sebastian.
“Don’t tell me to lay off! I am not the one that is sneaking around snogging sister’s boyfriends. How’s Noah by the way? After after all he dumped me on my arse for you-”
“Jade! Language-”
“Don’t give me that Mum. I hear you and Robert argue at night and you use worse language then what I use-”
“Am I f-f-fat-”
“Gosh quit the ‘Lil Miss Perfect’ act Chloe. ‘Oh Daddy may I please have 20 pounds, not for anything serious.’ Gosh Chloe, you are such a twat sometimes-”
I then heard my mother scream at me for the first.
I then saw the shattered plate on the ground which she slammed.
She was heavily breathing.
Her bun which she had all neatly,
now messy with hairs sticking out.
I then started to tear up.
“Piss off Mum.”
“Don’t use that language in this house.”
“Or what?”
“Consequences Jade. Watch yourself.”
“Bugger off.”
I felt Mum grab my wrist.
“Gob shite.”
She then squeezed it.
“Jade I suggest you stop-”
Sebastian tried to stop it but he couldn’t do anything but I kept going.
I didn’t care.
I then felt the burning sensation on my cheek.
It happened so fast.
I could see my mum’s hand turning from a pink to a red.
I held my hand to my cheek to cover the redness.
I started to heavily cry.
“Fucking cunt...”
I then ran upstairs to my room.
I pushed Robert aside and I opened my room door then slammed it behind me.
I then got my suitcase which was full of my clothes,
everything I needed.
I then dialed Phoebe’s number.
I felt the rings flutter through my ears.
I waited.
“God damn lass are you ready?”
“Yea, you on your way?”
“About to leave? You sure bout this?”
I then looked around my room.
Tears were streaming down my face.
I looked at my mirror above my dresser.
I saw pictures.
Me and Mum,
of Chloe,
of Sebastian.
Then I saw one of me and Luke.
We were sitting on a bench,
holding hands.
I noticed him wearing a pink button up.
I was wearing a floral sundress.
I snatched the picture from the mirror.
I then opened my now empty drawers,
I grabbed my matches.
I put the picture and matches down and headed towards my window.
I opened it as high as I could.
I then threw my heavy suitcase over it,
watching it land on on the bushes below.
I then quickly put on my navy blue hoodie.
“Ya I’m here...”
“I asked if your’e really committed to doing this Jade.”
“Ya I am...”
Those words made me feel at ease now.
“Well I am parked outside so you better hurry.”
“Okay be out inna sec.”
I hung up the phone and put it on my bed.
I kneeled down and then grabbed a letter and placed it among side my phone.
I then looked at the counter and grabbed the matches.
I tore and lit one.
I grabbed the picture of me and Luke and looked at it.
The match was dimming down to nothing.
I then placed the picture in the flame,
causing it to burn.
I then placed it quickly in my trashcan.
I walked over to the window.
Looking at whats left of my room,
I zipped up my coat and I put the hood up.
I then looked at my stomach quickly.
“I don’t know if you can hear yet,”
I then sighed and shook my head and climbed onto the window,
“but Mummy is kinda a bitch.”


    Harry and I then ate some Nandos which he ordered quickly. I had my body rested on the blanket and was hoping to get dry as soon as possible. Harry was in a position where he was holding himself up but one hand was unoccupied with the task. I was watching him eat the classic Portobello Mushroom and Grilled Halloumi Cheese Burger while I was picking my fingers through my Chicken Breast Fillet Burger. He noticed me picking at it.
    “You not like it?” He put his food down onto the white greasy paper carry-out bag. He then perched his lips and sucked the sauce with his pink lips. He did it slowly to eat finger, seeing his tongue swirl around his finger making sure to get every last bit or the mixture of mustard and ketchup. Sucking up and down slowly, then slipping his finger out. “I didn’t know what you liked so I just kinda guessed.”
    “No,” I stuttered, still picking the sesame seeds of the bun, “it’s a lovely gesture,” I then weakly smiled and stared into Harry’s jade eyes. “I haven’t had Nandos since I was pregnant.”
    “What was your pregnancy like?” I turned towards Harry after attempting to take a bite into the meat concoction. He just sat there, holding my burger centimeters away from my pink chapped lips. I felt my eyebrows went up and I was speech less. “Like did you enjoy it?”
    “Um,” I kept smirking and giving him a sarcastic look, “I don’t know...I guess I hated it until I heard her heartbeat...”   
    “Really?” Harry took a bite out of his burger then put his large hand over his face  to cover up him eating and for him to use the back of his hand to wipe his mouth from all the combination of sauces.
    “I guess...” I then took the first bite out of the chicken burger. I could feel the heat swirl on my tongue and then slide down my throat. I then swallowed and used the napkin provided from my meal deal. I then set the burger on my lap, without letting go of it, holding onto to it semi-tightly, “I just thought that being pregnant was the worst mistake I ever made in my life.”
    “Was it?” I then looked up from my lap at Harry who was finishing swallowing his burger.
    “Well,” I then looked up at the night sky and counted the stars in my head, trying to find an excuse talking about it, but there wasn’t an excuse. I couldn’t spend the rest of my life making up excuses for getting pregnant at such a young age and avoid the conversation. “I mean I lost my virginity on a bathroom floor when I was sixteen and got pregnant.”
    I could hear Harry laugh under his breath, “Classy.” He spit some of his food out onto the concrete ass he was laughing.
    I then rolled my eyes and gasped at looked at the laughing curly haired man in front of me, “Well excuse me for being heartbroken, I got dumped that day.”
    “So you decided to loose the big v?”
    I then stared at Harry and playfully hit his bear chest. He then sarcastically mouthed the word ‘ow’ and rubbed the newly formed red spot.
    “It was a rush, you know?” I finally said squinting my eyes and holding my hands. Still grasping on to the burger and watching it flop back and worth along with my motions. “He broke up with me for someone else and then I met Max who made me feel like I was special in a way...” I then threw my burger onto the paper bag and wiped my fingers by slapping my hands continuously. “Realizing I should of probably waited till I was probably married and had my life together...”
    Harry then scooted closer to me and put his hand on my cheek and moved me closer to him. He then pushed my legs so they were on top of his. He noticed me biting my lip because he gave me that signal by licking his own. “I like that you have Bella though.”
    “Why?” I asked slowly putting my arms around his neck and relaxing them. My fingers then were playing with his long curls.
    “It shows how driven you are,” he then put his mouth up against my cheek and breathing hot air into my ear lobe. I then rested my head on his shoulder and then gazed at his cheek cause that was all I could see at the moment. He then turned so his eyes were locked on mine. He grabbed the back of my hair and adjusted his position so he could rest his head on top of mine. He kissed my forehead lightly. My eyes close and with his touch my mouth parts a little bit. He releases his touch and I then feel his finger tips tilt my head up towards his face. I take a deep breath and I close my eyes briefly.
    “Why me?” I asked finally. It had been on my mind the last couple of days. How he even had the idea of liking me? Why me. He was a very attractive male who got stared at by women prettier by me, but he just payed attention to me.
    “Why not?” he asked. He smiled then moved closer to me lips while licking his own. “You’re smart,” he inch closer with every word he said, “funny,” he was centimeters away from my lips. “beautiful, motivated,” he then was so close to my lips that just me talking could make our lips lock. He barely whispered, “Plus your a good kisser.”
    I felt his lips press against mine. I felt electricity streaming through my body. I closed my eyes and couldn’t help but to put my hands on his chest. He kept kissing me and I just followed. I could feel the wetness of his lips transfer to mine. I could feel his strong arm bring me even closer to him. He finally released and I put both arms around him and hugged him. I felt so relaxed and safe when I was in his arms. He didn’t care if I was a mum or if I worked on a pole during the night. He liked me for me, for my personality. I could feel his face digging into my hair and kissing my neck. His arms were around my waist and he held his own hands behind my back. He then rocked me back and forth.
    “I think I needa go home,” Harry then released me and held my shoulders with his large hands. I then held onto his cheeks and smiled a little bit. “I just need to get home some because of Bella and I think Phoebe has school tomorrow.”
    Harry then kissed my head and brushed my cheek with his finger. He then kissed the spot where he rub his finger on my cheek. “Lemme just make a quick phone call, then we’ll leave okay?”
    I nodded slightly and he kissed my cheek again and then pulled himself up. I noticed him flexing his stomach as he got up, making my eyes gaze upon his abdominal muscles. I watch him walk into the fog and talk quietly, me realizing that he had gone out far enough so I barely hear him. I then take out my phone and unlock it with a quick swipe. I then go to speed dial and call Phoebe.
    “Ello Govena?” Phoebe asked, I could Bella screeching in excitement.
    “Oh my goodness,” I put my open hand against my cheek to feel the redness appear. Warmth came upon my cheek and flowed through my hand.
    “What?” she asked. I could hear Bella in the back round.
    “Bebe, Bebe!” Bella was screeching in the back round.
    “What Bugga Boo?” Phoebe asked in her child voice, trying to fool Bella.
    “Mummy,” I smiled at the thought of Bella knowing that Phoebe was talking to me.
    “Wanna talk to her Bella Bug?” Phoebe asked and then smiled and started to laugh, knowing that Bella’s reaction was priceless. “Okay Bella, here’s Mummy.”
    I then heard the phone move around, creating irritating noise in my ear. I then heard Bella breathing heavily, knowing the phone was pressed against her tiny ear. She didn’t talk for a while, knowing she was confused whether I was there or not.
    “Hi Bella Boo,” I then waved my hand, realizing how pointless that was since my daughter wasn’t even there besides me like I wanted her to be twenty four seven.
    “Mummy,” she giggled. I could hear her laugh.
    “It is almost eleven o’clock,” I looked at my phone and saw the time. Phoebe always let Bella stay up as late as she wanted her to, but Bella loved her so it was worth it. Yes I hated it when Bella stayed up because she would sometimes get crabby, but I loved the both of them so it was alright, “tell Bebe it night night time.”
    “Okay,” Bella never really argued with me. Another reason why I loved her so much. I could hear Bella dropped the phone and patter her way to Phoebe. “Mummy say nigh nigh.”
    “Bella where is my phone?” I then heard Phoebe pick up the phone and quietly curse to herself. “Anyways what bout Harry again?”
    I rolled my eyes and felt my cheeks turning pink, “He is the sweetest thing in the world Phoebs,” I then put my hand over my face and shook my head back and forth. “He listens to me, and he we have only kissed twice...”
    “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Phoebe asked. I could tell she was confused by the laughter she gave me after I said that.
    “No I mean like he doesn’t want to kiss me all the time,” I had to think before I actually say stuff, “he likes to talk about stuff, he cares bout me.”
    “He’s good with Bella too,” she added.
    I paused. I couldn’t help but just smile at the idea of Harry and Bella playing together. He was so good with her. “He is amazing with Bella...he really enjoys her company.” I then heard Harry start walking towards me, I quickly panicked for some reason and I abruptly interrupted Phoebe. “Phoebs gotta dash, see you soon. Loves and put Bella to bed.”
    Harry then walked up to me and lied down next to me, “Sorry bout that love,” I nodded and pulled my legs out and tried to cover my undergarments which his jacket which I was wearing at the moment. He then patted his pants and then just let them relax there. He then looked at me, widening his jade colored eyes and then laughing at his own gesture. “You ready?”
    I nodded and then I got myself up and stood there waiting for Harry to do the same exact thing. He did and I watched him tower over me. He then put his arm around my waist and pulled me incredibly close to his chest. He still managed to put one hand in his pocket like usual and I put my hand on his chest and the other was clinching the bottom of his pants for secure and to feel safe. He walked me through the dark streets of West Liverpool and I noticed girls whistling at him and checking him out, but I was surprised at how focussed he was on me. When girls would stare at him walking around shirtless at night with our wet clothes in his hand, he just stared at me and kissed me on the head. Every time he looked at me I couldn’t help but smile. He would smile back and show of his dimples and pearly whites. I would playfully poke his dimple to see his reaction. He would just laugh under his musky breath and look at me sarcastically.   
    “You have been hanging out with toddlers to much,” Harry whispered and grabbed my finger then kissing it. His hand resting on my back and squeezing it occasionally.
    I then put my arms out playfully and started to laugh, “That’s what happens when you have a kid.”
    We finally reached the car. I couldn’t see because of the fog, but Harry must have known. He then stopped in front of me and held onto my waist. I thought he was gonna kiss me so I prepped myself by moving closer. He then glided his hands over my stomach and then slid his long fingers into the pocket, grabbing his keys and wallet.
    “Thought I was gonna do something else huh?” Harry then giggled and I placed my hand over my forehead, noticing how hot I was getting from being so embarrassed. “You’re getting pink love,” he placed his large hand onto the newly pink cheek appearing on my face. He then slowly kissed it and walked towards the car. Somehow it calmed me down but at the same time it got me excited again. I then followed him through the fog. He then grabbed my hand as he was walking in front of me. I moved closer to his back to feel more secure. He then opened the passenger seat for me and watched me climb in. After I buckled my seat belt and settled in, he closed the door and then rummaged to the other side to the driver’s seat. He opened the car and bent his head so he could slowly get in. He then grabbed one set of the key and put it in the ignition. I could hear the bottom of the car rumble from the engine. I watched as Harry tilted his head so he could see what was behind him. He then started driving towards the fog. I watched him click on his lights so he could see what was in front of him, making everything visible. I watched him drive. He always seemed concentrated when he was driving. He would lean a little bit and then lick his lips in full concentration. He then finally looked at me and smirked.
    “Wha?” he asked playfully smiling.
    He watched as I bursted into a stream of laughter and looked into his confused  glossy jade eyes. “You have the cutest face when you are concentrating on the road.”
    He then staring shaking his head, making his damp curls rock back and forth, “Only to make sure that you are safe.”
    I started to blush and I watched him smirk and look out towards the road. He then pulled over towards the curb right in front of my cottage. He put the car on park and then put his hands on his lap. I unbuckled my seat belt but before I grabbed my things and opened the door, I stared at Harry who was just looking at him.
    “Would you like to come in for some tea or coffee?”
    “Yes,” he answered abruptly and he then opened his car door and followed me up the porch and to the door. I opened the door and walked inside. I was still wearing my heels and every step I took, I could hear my heels clack on the floor. I then slowly took them off and carried them to my room. I forgot about Harry, but I saw as he followed me to my room. I put my heels on my closet floor an turned around, startled by the shirtless man in front of me.
    “Sorry,” I placed my hands on my chest and forehead, “is it getting hot in here?” I then started to fan myself to create wind from my hands movements. I then without realizing it brushed my hand down my chest and towards Harry’s torso. I then realized what I was doing and put both my hands over my face to prevent him from seeing my red face.
    I could hear him laugh and I then heard someone else clear their throat, but it didn’t sound like Harry. I opened my eyes and saw Phoebe standing in the doorway. I then walked over to Phoebe and tried giving her a hug.
    “Mhm,” her arms were cross and you could see her knitted jumper riding up her hands. She then moved closer to my ear and I could tell she was staring at Harry as she was mumbling in my ear. “Thought you never put out-”
    “‘Cuse us Harry.” Before he could respond, I pulled Phoebe out of the room and slammed it shut. I then crossed my hands as Phoebe pulled hers out and she started to laugh.   
    “Damn Jade,” she then put some fingers by her mouth, pulling her lips down and then releasing it, repeating the action. “Told you.”
    “Told me what?” I knew she could tell I was annoyed by the hint of my voice.
    Phoebe then put her hand on my shoulder, making it rest. “His body,” I started to blush. “The thought of his toned abs-”
    “Okay okay,” I put my hand against her mouth. It slid it down by roaming her head up. I then crossed my hands.
    “Well I’m gonna head home,” Phoebe’s thumb was pointed towards the front door. I nodded and watched her grab her coat and slip on her Ugs. “I’ll call you after class...”
    I nodded in response and watched her walk out the door. I then turned around to witness Harry in front of me. He was still shirtless and he peering over me with his towering height.
    “Hello beautiful,” I watched his pearly white teeth become visible when he smirked.
    I folded my hands into my arms and then looked up into his glossy jade eyes. I then walked past him and entered my room. Before I could shut the door,I saw his broad hand slam against the wood, creating a boom like sound. I then could hear someone sniffling behind the door across the narrow hall. It then became a scream, causing Harry to flinch a little bit. I then pushed him aside and before I could open the door, he grasped onto my wrist and turned me around and ramming me against his tanned skin. I then realized my fingertips were lingering over his sparrow tattoos above his collarbone. I looked up to see him. Words couldn’t escape my chapped lips. I kept stuttering; I was speechless.
    “You go change and I’ll go and take care of the little princess,” I couldn’t help but smile after he said princess. The best part was that I knew that he meant it. I could tell that he cared about me and Bella. I watched him quietly walk into Bella’s room, and shortly after, the screaming stopped and I could hear laughter from the both of them. I shrugged and walked into my room. I closed my door quietly and I walked over to my drawers. I pulled open the rusty drawer and I grabbed the pajama bottoms and tank top which were already there, on top of all the rest of my pajama pairs.
    I took off Harry’s jacket and placed it on my made bed. I then took of my bra and then tossed it in my hamper. I then put on the white tank top and the blue pajama bottoms. I then grabbed my hair brush which was on the drawer top and I brushed the damp hair. It wasn’t as snaggy as I thought it would be, it was pretty smooth. I then grabbed a band a slowly put it threw my hair, created an elegant ponytail.
    I opened the door and walked quietly to Bella’s room, which was already open. I leaned on the doorway and observed Harry on the rocking chair reading to Bella, whose bed head was wild but she had her pacifier in and was observing the book that Harry had been reading to her. It was my old book of poems that I must have left in Bella’s room when she was taking a nap.
    “What's freedom for? To know eternity,” Harry’s voice was so deep and poetic and beautiful. I felt a special connection with his voice. When he spoke, he spoke the truth. His voice had no hints of lying or anything. It was breathtaking. “I swear she cast a shadow white as stone.” He looked up from the book and saw me standing in the doorway. I just smiled and watched Bella tap the book to signal him to continue to read. His glossy green eyes were focused on me. He then put the book down and closed it and placed it on the counter. “But who would count eternity in days?” He then picked up Bella and started to walk towards me. His head was towering over mine and he was still looking down. I could feel him take a breath and whispering unbroken words. “These old bones live to learn her wanton ways.”
    I then shook my head and got back into reality. “Hi baby,” I then took Bella’s from Harry’s broad arms, creating an excuse for actual touching them. I held Bella and I could see her smiling through her pacifier. Her head rested on my shoulder and  rocked her side to side. I then mouthed the words thank you to Harry, who in response nodded and then smirked. I then walked over quietly and put Bella in her crib. I then walked out the door and dimmed the lights and he went immediately to sleep. I closed the door as Harry was the last to get out. I then went into the kitchen and went to the stove to heat up some water for some tea. I heard Harry walk up behind me and I turned around to see him shirtless and leaning against the counter. He tilted his head and then I started to giggle.
    “Thanks for doing that Harry,” I put my hand against my forehead and I slid it down and crossed my arms.
    “Anytime,” he pushed himself up and he started to walk forward and he put his hands on my mid arm and started to rub his fingers up and down them slowly. “Theodore Roethke.”
    “Hm?” I was so distracted on his plump lips that I didn’t realize what I was saying.
    “The book of poems,” Harry leaned in closer and his nose tickled mine. “You obviously know what it is since it was bookmarked with a post-it.”
    “I Knew A Woman,” I then bit my bottom lip and I moved my body closer to his. “It is one of my favorites.”   
    “I knew a woman, lovely in her bone,” he recited from memory. “When small birds sighed, she would sigh back at them; Ah, when she moved, she moved more ways than one,” he then moved his lips closer to mine, “The shapes a bright container can contain! Of her choice virtues only gods should speak, Or English poets who grew up on Greek.” Harry put his arms around my lower back and pulled me in closer. I had no choice but to put my hands on his cheeks. We were now tilted by the stove. “I’d have them sing in chorus, cheek to cheek.”
    Before we were about to exchange pleasantries, the steam from the kettle started to make a screeching noise. I quickly turned around and I put it next to the stove and I turned down the heat. I grabbed two cups and my peppermint tea bags and put one in each mug. I then poured a reasonable amount of hot water into each mug and I then stirred it with the spoons. I handed one to Harry and then grabbed mine. I blew on mine for a little while before taking a sip on the newly hot tea. I took a sip and watched as Harry took a long gulp and then put it down and headed over towards the couch. I watched him sit down quickly and then watched me drink my tea.
    “Well come on,” he put his hand on the vacant seat next to him. “I’m not going to hurt you Jade.”
    I rolled my eyes and placed my mug down on the counter next to the stove. I walked over to Harry whom was still on the couch quietly and slowly, holding both my hands together and then slowly sitting besides him. I tried to sit a good couple inches away from him, seeing if he would bring me closer of if he would just leave me be. I put crossed my arms slowly and Harry’s arm was on the couch top and I looked to the opposite side and noticed he was playing with the side of my tank top, letting his fingers roam through the fabric. I then giggled under my breath and then Harry moved his hand up and rested the rest of his arm on my shoulder, causing me to move as closely as possible to him. His vacant hand then rested on my thigh. I placed both my hands on top of them and started to fiddle with his fingers.
    “How tired are you?” he asked. I then shrugged and  then pulled my arms out, stretching each limb. “Do you want to watch some toons?”
    I then giggled and looked at him, “Sure...I guess...” I then started to play with my ponytail with both of my hands and all of my fingers.
    Harry then found the remote to my crummy tele and turned it on. It was a retro one that had an antenna that you had to rummage with to get a good reception. Though Harry turned on the tele and the reception was fine. He held me tighter, and I found myself on his bare chest, my head on his left side. I could feel his heartbeat, his chest moving up and down abruptly.
    “Are you nervous?” I asked smirking. My head was now resting over his soft skin.
    “Nervous I might mess up this perfect moment, yes,” I smirked and I could feel my heartbeat beating, felt like his heart was next to my ear. I then started to softly move my fingers up and down his tanned torso. We were watching Chatty Man, though half-way through I could barely keep my eyes open. I could feel the weight of my eyelids trying to clash down and be at ease, but I felt awkward sleeping on Harry. Is it to soon? Though I could barely think considering how sleepy I was.
    “Getting tired?” he asked, breaking the silence. I then nodded faintly and he lied back some more then in a rough though gentle way, he pulled my fatigue body on his chest, where my right hand was over his left side, residing over his heart. With every beat, my eyelids grew dimmer and dimmer, closing then opening. When my eyes were closed all the way, I felt a kiss on my forehead. I could feel Harry’s hot breathe tickling my ratty long blonde hair and my petite ears. I felt his long fingers curl my hair softly and then release, and repeat itself. My reaction was to move a little, which I did. I moved my body, then let itself rest, causing me to smile in comfort.
    “Jade Winters,” Harry then started to smoothly touch my forehead with his smile. I instantly woke up, but kept my eyes closed and acted like I was still asleep. “I don’t know if you feel the same way, because it is so soon, but all you need to know is that I am really into you. I fancy you so much.” He then kissed my forehead again. “That is all.”
    He is so perfect. He tells me how he feels like it is a voicemail; short and to the point.

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