Prior to The Engagement.

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  • Dedicated to Jackie Ehlers

I started to walk down the hall.
Seemed just like a normal hall.
I have walked down this hall for what seemed like ages.
It was.
Mum and Robert bought the house before Chloe was born.
I guess you can say this hall is like my home.
So many memories.
The endless tag games when Seb and I were little.
When we would practice ballet in the hall,
and Mum would yell at us.
Just simple memories.
I continue to walk down the hallway.
I walked by Seb’s room,
I peered in to see if he was there.
He seemed to be talking to someone...
I open the door to see Sebastian on his bed,
talking to Noah.
My boyfriend.
I walked over and lean against the door handle.
“Hey darling.”
He stands up from the ground and kisses my head.
“I love your dress.”
He is referring to the dress he bought me.
My pull over casual mini dress with the collar.
I put it on because Seb and I are seeing Josh Groban.
Noah told me he had to go an hour ago.
Was he in here the entire time?
    “Why are you-?”
“I forgot my house keys so I drove back and Seb helped me.”
I cringed.
I stuttered.
There was then the awkward silence.
“I will walk you down stairs then since you found them huh?”
“Y-y-y-yeah sure.”
“Let’s go darling.”
I put my hand out,
but Noah didn’t grab it.
We walked down and he kissed me on the cheek and left.
I then stomped upstairs with my heels,
confused and angry.
I stepped into Seb’s rooms and then plumped on the bed.
Seb was on the computer printing out our front row tickets,
he turned around and saw me.
“Chumly what’s wrong?”
“I think Noah is going to dump me.”
Sebastian turned around,
eyes widening.
“I don’t know...I think there is someone else.”
Seb hurried to his bed where I then sat up,
brushing my long hair back.
“Do you think he would leave me for her...?”
He started to burst out laughing.
I hit him and started to cry.
“Oh Jade, he isn’t going to break your nimble heart.”
“Do you promise?”
“Yes I do, he was in here discussing your birthday present.”
Sebastian grabbed ahold of my arm and held my body as I hugged him.
“I promise you, twin bond, that he loves you more then anything in this entire world.”
“Be here for me forever?”
“Forever and Always Chumly.”
What an idiot.


    “Are you sure it is okay?” Harry asked as we both stood outside Bella’s door whispering.
    “Yes I am positive Harold,” I hit his peck playfully and we both laughed. I had my long hair up in a dirty bun, and I was wearing my grey long sleeve shirt and my blue sweatpants along with my pink slippers. Harry was wearing a white t-shirt, my favorite attire of his honestly since I could manage to sneak a peak of his countless tattoos, and some blue skinny jeans. He was also wearing the black beanie I gave him on our last date that happened around a week ago. He has been wearing it everyday since, so he must enjoy it.
    Harry took a deep breath and I pushed in against the wall. “Don’t mock me doll, this is serious.”
    “You have done this before,” I roll my eyes and look into his emeralds. I fall for them every single time.
    “Yes, but that was when I was trying to impress you,” he smirked and watched me blush, “and I think it worked.”
    I smiled for quite some time then I looked at him sternly then pushed him to the door. “Go Styles.”
    “But-” he whined.
    “You promised,” I also whined. I wrapped my arms around the sides of his waist. I interlocked my fingers together and put my head on his chest. I could smell his scent; a distinct scent of Axe and roses. The perfect scent for this dream-boat.
    “Fine,” he moaned.
    I clapped my hands and kissed him on the cheek. “So proud of you Harold.”
    “You know that isn’t even my name,” Harry winced and made me giggle.
    “I have always enjoyed the name Harold,” I looked up above Harry’s dark curls and beanie and smiled. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, “Harold.”
    “You are crazy Winters,” he replied and kissed my head and I wrapped my arms around his neck and came to my toes.
    “And you have a job to do,” I kissed his lips rapidly and continuously until he pushed me away playfully. “I can’t help myself Harold.”
    Harry opened the door as I started to walk backwards back into my room. He turned around quickly and I stopped in my place. “I like this Jade better, what made you change?”
    I signed and looked down on the ground and glanced back up to see him still looking for an answer, “I just took a chance on you.”
    “And?” he leaned in playfully and put his hand around his ear.
    I continued to walk backwards till I heard the presence of the door closing up on me. I opened the door and before I walked in, “I think I made the right choice when it came to it.”
    The last thing I saw before I entered the room closed the door was Harry smiling and doing the same thing.
    Harry and I were moving kinda fast, though we weren’t. We had been on more then five dates in the last two weeks and he had been at my house almost every single day. He would sometimes pick me up from practice of after my spotlight dance and drive me home. He wasn’t my boyfriend, I guess we were dating. The only other person I ever dated was Noah. That didn’t end well obviously. With Noah I felt as if we were the couple that was rehearsed, we barely did anything and when we did it was the cliche stuff; him bringing me roses, poetry readings in the park, walking around holding hands. Cliche is cute until it becomes a routine, then it just becomes dull. Harry had been coming over and spending the day with me a lot, in fact it has been around three and a half times, the half counts as the time he came but had to leave because he realized he had class. He always ends his visits with a peck, a long lingering hug, and a song lyric, mainly Ed Sheeran because I think the shower incident made him realize I was a fan. I don’t know why but my feelings for him had been becoming undeniable. Is it can’t be. I have known the guy for nearly three weeks and at first he annoyed me, now...I don’t know. He is the complete opposite of me, I am emotionless and I can’t trust people. I hurt people, with a single touch. He can mend a broken heart with a kiss. He can be corny and gross yet be passionate with his words. Is
    I head to my bed again and sit down and hear my phone buzz. I slide across the screen and I press the phone against my ear. “Hello?”
    “Yogie Yo,” Phoebe’s greetings were childish, but it was Phoebe. “So can me and Ed stop by quickly so I can get my money?”
    I quickly scramble up and head to my purse and try to find my wallet. The phone is against my shoulder so I can multi-task and talk to her. “Y-ya-ya sure.”
    “Unless...” I could hear Phoebe laugh. “Harry is-”
    “What?” I started to blush. I felt guilty. For the two second pause between words, I could sense her glaring at me through the phone. “Okay yes he is.”
    “AH-” I drop the phone from the scream that just abrupt my ears. I quickly pick it up to still hear her screaming, possibly dancing knowing her. “Are you two-”
    “No,” my mood shifted at that moment. I wanted to be more then anything. I wanted to be his, his forever. I wanted to be the reason he got out of bed in the morning. I don’t know why, but he made me feel safe and secure. I only wish that he felt the same thing.
    “Casual shag buddies?” Phoebe asked nonchalantly.
    My eyes widened. I can’t think about sex now. I mean I mean I mean...I mean...I think about Harry...see...I can’t even comprehend saying it or admitting it. I feel so naughty in a way thinking about it. I realized I was to busy having a conversation in my head I didn’t even reply to Phoebe.
    “You didn’t reply,” I could hear Phoebe chuckle.
    “Shut up,” I groaned. “I don’t feel like replying to every one of your stupid remarks.”
    “They aren’t stupid. In my defense, I spend weeks figuring out what to say to you babe.” I could hear her kiss the phone and I hung up.
    I leaned back against my back and checked up on my twitter. The only people I am following Sugar and a couple of celebrities. I don’t tweet. When I do it is usually spam hacking into my account. Though I go on because Sugar always says that most hilarious stuff. I noticed someone slam the door open, startling me. I look to see Bella running to my bed screaming and laughing. I pick her up and place her next to me. Harry followed her, looking flabbergasted.
    “That was the most traumatic thing I have ever done Jade,” his eyes were still widened and he looked like he just saw the ghost of Christmas past.
    “You are overreacting,” I glinted as I played with one of Bella’s pigtails that was stick up on the top of her head. 
    “No I am not,” he plumped on the bed, making Bella jump a little bit and the comforter rumple. “She is so messy sometimes.” Harry grabbed Bella’s leg and started to shake it playfully. “Why must you be so cute yet so unhygienic?”
    “Mummy,” she pointed at me with her tiny fingers. Her mouth at an ‘o’ shape.
    “I know how you feel,” I grabbed Bella and placed her on my bed. She sat there and started to pat the duvet cover with her tiny hands. Harry lightly jumped onto my bed, making Bella jump a little bit and laughing. Usually if Phoebe did that, I would freak out and be so close to having an anxiety attack, though Harry without knowing is helping with my attacks. He is the medicine I willingly am taking without my own consent. His hand was supporting his heart shaped head and sinking into his chocolate curls, springing out through his fingers like a waterfall drowning between sharp rocks.
    “So,” Harry finally said after a couple of minutes of listening to Bella coo, “do you want to go out next week?”
    I was holding one of Bella’s hands, to support her sitting up from the sinking mattress. “Harold we are going out for the next couple of nights. So you should take that as a yes,” I look into his emeralds and finally smirk, “finally.”
    He laughed underneath his hot breath. He shaked his curls and finally got his breath together. “No I mean out to my house, in Holmes Chapel.”
    I looked into his emeralds. The shimmer of glee was reflecting from his eyes to my whale blue eyes, full of fear. I don’t know anything about parents. I don’t know anything about dating, and frankly I don’t know anything about men in general, including boys. Social interacting wasn’t my cup of peppermint tea.
    The hope of glee in his emeralds quickly turned into disappointment, “You don’t have to-”
    Before I could feel anymore guilty then I already do, I pushed myself on top of him, causing him to fall on the bed. I pushed my plump lips against his soft pinks in hopes for him to understand my message, what I was trying to say. I emerged from then on when it came to kissing Harry. He barely kissed me but would show PDA in the simplest ways. When we would go out to little cheap diners, drunk girls would stare at him and yell at him and compliment him in the most revolting manner, but he would just hold me tighter and he would put his nose against my ear softly and always say, “I knew a woman, so lovely in her bone,” and recite some of the poem, but my nervous chuckling would make him laugh and he wouldn’t even try to cite the rest. I think that this gesture on my part was a way of us to branch out on the PDA.
    I pulled away gently. I could feel his fingers inching lower down my spine. My hands seemed to have ended up in a bunch in his brown curls. I inched closer to his face and kissed his nose. “Yes Harold, I would love to.”
    The shimmer of glee came back in his eyes and he hugged me. He hugged me so tightly I could barely breathe. When he began to release me from his grip, I started to ease into his chest. Lying on his and feeling his heartbeat really fast on my right hand. I was staring at his left sparrow also. Before I could fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat, Bella came and jumped on the two of us, probably in hopes of attention. I started to laugh in embarrassment and she and Harry started to laugh in enjoyment. I sat up and folded my arms to ease myself as Harry picked Bella up with one scoop and threw her up in the air gently, in hopes of her to laugh. Of course he succeeded. He held her in the air afterwords and started to shake her lightly, bringing the gleam back into her tiny face. She leaned her head back in enjoyment. He brought her down towards his face where she started to hook her tiny fingers into his semi open mouth. He opened his mouth wider and leaned back a bit, making it seem like he was a fresh trout being hooked by Bella. She screamed in enjoyment, thinking this was the funniest thing in the entire world. Hearing her laugh brings tears to my eyes, every time. I know I am sensitive, I don’t try to show my emotions a lot. I let my guard down when I do, but Harry is honestly helping me with that. He puts his emotions on the table and what doe he get? Everything he could probably possibly want. After contemplating on my emotions about actually displaying them as Harry was playing with my baby, I heard the door open.
    “Hello?” I stand up quickly and glare at Harry. He was about to formally meet Phoebe and her boyfriend, so he needed to prepare for the disaster that might happen. “Please take off the condom and put both of your pants on then come out, we’ll wait.” See what I am talking about? Disaster. I look over at Harry who looks extremely uncomfortable.
    “She has that effect on people,” I finally admit. Phoebe isn’t and always wasn’t the best when it came to the people I dated. With Noah she constantly was asking us about sex and gave him a cheap pack of condoms from Tesco.
    Harry nods and laughs awkwardly as he attempts to hand me Bella. She begins to grunt and fidget.
    “Darling she wants you to hold her,” I say and signal him to hold her. He looks at me as if I am offended. I am the exact opposite actual, I am happy that she feels safe around Harry. The last thing I want is to be with someone my child hates.
    We both got up and walked outside the bedroom and into the living room. Phoebe was taking off her red mahogany trench coat and revealing her black jumper and black leggings and her creme colored boats. Her long red hair was up to the middle of her head in a classy bun. Ed had the same outfit as Phoebe. He was a tall, a little bit taller then Harry, probably 6’1. He has blonde hair that is quiffed back. He isn’t muscular, but you can tell that he works out. He is on the rugby team at Uni and is a shoe in for captain next fall, so I assume he gets in shape for that. He had a long sleeved black jumper and black jeans similar to Harry’s, except Harry’s was more fitting on him then on Ed. He wore black slacks, again Harry’s look better.
    Phoebe put her hand on her hip and smirked, “You made the baby watch?” I blushed in embarrassment and I looked at Harry who was flushed with white. I look at Phoebe who was smiling, showing her pearly whites. “Shame on you two,” as she winked and placed her coat on the couch. Her attention was then dragged onto Bella who was still in Harry’s burly arms. “Bugga Bear,” she cooed. Bella started to giggle and put her arms out, signaling for Phoebe to pick her up. She held Bella and swayed her, with her right hand resting at the back of Bella’s head, gently touching the thin strawberry blonde hair. “I see she likes Harry.” Phoebe jumped a little, from when Ed then touched her back and started to rub it, letting her ease into the touch. “Harry this is my boyfriend-”
    “Edward,” he interrupted. I liked Ed for Phoebe, but he was sometimes overbearing. I don’t deal with those kind of people well now a days. “People call me Edward or Edwin or Ed, I don’t mind either of them.”
    “Nice to meet you,” Harry put his hand out but Ed ignored it and turned towards Phoebe and smiled, then began to talk to my daughter. I looked over at Harry, his hand still out, but now clenching. His hand began to turn a bright pink, immigrating to red. I quickly put my hand over it and stared at him. He was looking at Ed with such furry. I could tell he was clenching his jaw or biting his tongue, either way I have never seen this side of Harry before. He turned towards me, looking into my concerned baby blues. He put his head on my forehead, I could tell he was staring at my lips. I was so tempted to kiss him, but PDA wasn’t my cup of tea, so I turned towards Phoebe.
    “You know Harry Phoebs,” I finally said gesturing my hand towards Harry. I looked at him and he started to laugh. “What?” I whispered. He rolled his eyes and put his hands behind his back.
    “Always a pleasure Phoebe,” Harry said bending his back a little bit to greet her.
    “Oo,” Phoebe turned towards me still holding Bella. She bent her knees a little bit to curtsy. “A gentleman I see.”
    Harry started to laugh a little bit, “I try my hardest, it is how my mum raised me.”
    “Mum’s boy I see?” Harry turned towards Ed who was raising his eyebrow and had both hands on his hips and smirking. As far as I know Harry doesn’t get angry easily, though I know he is protective over his mother.
    He was glaring at Ed at this point. “Ya,” he smiled and was smirking at him, looking at Ed’s every move, “you could say that.”
    Edward rolled his eyes and put his arms around Phoebe, who was still enjoying the company of my daughter. I always felt uncomfortable when Ed tried to play with or hold Bella, let alone look at her. He gave me this vibe which I didn’t enjoy. Wish people like him would perish.
    “Let me get your money,” I finally said after being stalled by the tension between Harry and Ed. I rush to my wallet which was on the kitchen table. I pick it up and take out 50 pounds. I hear Phoebe’s presence next to me.
    “Everything okay?” she asks as she puts her hand on his shoulder.
    “Yes,” I lied. I had to lie to her, every time I brought up Ed she would flip. She would try to explain how this is the first relationship she had since forever and she wanted me to understand how happy she was.
    “I don’t believe you,” Damn. I sat down on the chair closest to me, knowing she won’t leave until I tell her. She followed by putting herself to the chair across from me and proceeded by putting Bella on her lap. “Jade tell me, you can talk to me.”
    I look over her red head to see Harry sitting on the couch, his whole arm against well the arm of the couch. His fingers clenching the fabric material. I look behind Harry to see Edward on the couch, legs crossed talking to Harry. Harry isn’t making eye contact with him. He is instead looking at the tele, which displays nothing.
    I lean towards Phoebe. “I have never seen Harry so tense,” I whisper quickly, which is rare for me. “When Ed got here, he started to clench his fists and he turned pale, whittly, he seemed sick or disgusted by him.” I lean back to see Phoebe, my best friend, looking offended, teary if you say so. I know she hated when I talked about Harry like that, but what was I suppose to do, ignore my feelings?
    “Phoebe I am-” I finally say. Guilty at my words before.
    “You always have something to say about Ed don’t you?” She was tearing up.
    “No,” I defended myself, “I was just telling you how-”
    “What?” She lifted her arm out. Anger flushed her face and tears about to fall down her cheeks. “You think he isn’t good enough for me? Well news to you Winters, I also wanted to come over and talk about plans for the future.”
    What? What was she talking about? Why is she changing the subject?
    “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” she asked, hopefully calming down a little bit. “The same house, doing the same thing, being a stripper? Raising your daughter on sex money.” She was getting loud, I didn’t want Harry to hear this.
    “Calm down,” I firmly said. Counting to three in my head and pulling my clothes down to my knees.
    “Me on the other hand,” she started to laugh and smile, “I see myself married, being a lawyer, having a kid or two, being with Edward.” Her smile disappeared. “DOes that matter to you?”
    I sighed. “Why are we discussing this now?” She tensed up. When she tenses up and sniffs a couple of time I know she is keeping something from me. Sometimes if I’m lucky she will itch the back of her head.
    Phoebe tensed up after I said that, and sniffed a couple of times which was to many. “Ed and I are planning on getting engaged over the next month or two, when junior year begins and when he is captain of the rugby team.” she explained while itching the back of her head, close to ruining the perfect bun she created.
    I couldn’t help but almost start to laugh. Who plans when to get engaged? That is like an arranged marriage, it doesn’t feel right and someone is controlling you in the process. In this situation, Edward is controlling my best friend. I didn’t laugh though.
    “Jade?” I didn’t realize I was spacing out. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Of course you pull this when I  tell you the most important news-”
    I get up and I hug her tightly, along with Bella who is being sandwiched in this situation, but I don’t think he mind it because she didn’t budge. I kissed Phoebe’s cheek and felt her tear up. Phoebe never cried unless she was feeling overwhelmed, angry, or happy. I think she was feeling all of these emotions.
    “I support you no matter what,” I whispered into her cold ear.
    “Thank you,” I could tell she meant it and that she was still crying. I let go after a couple of minutes of a lingering hug and she got up. She put Bella down and started to brush off imaginary hairs off her leggings.
    “Phoebe,” we both turned around to see Ed by the front door, dressed to leave, “time to go.”
    He talks to her like she is a child. She isn’t a child, she is his partner. In this relationship, they don’t agree on anything, he makes the rules. I could tell Harry agreed because he was still staring at the blank tele, clenching his fist and jaw, tensed up.
    “Well,” Phoebe walked towards the door and got her jacket, “he is right.” She turned around towards her abusive partner. “I am going to say goodbye.”
    “I’ll be in the car waiting,” he spitted.
    “Nice to see you Edward,” I said to him as he opened my door, trying to lower my sarcasm.
    “I know,” he shut it behind him.
    Harry stiffened on the couch.
    “Well I should go love,” Phoebe hugged me and gave me a kiss. “I need to hurry since of Ed,” she bent down to give Bella a kiss on the cheek. “I love you boo,” Bella ignored her and continued to play with her toy. Phoebe turned towards Harry’s direction. “Nice to see you Harold,” she smirked in the Phoebeist way possible. He didn’t budge though. Still tense. I was shocked, Phoebe looked annoyed.
    Hopefully she knows how it feels to be on the other side.
    She waved goodbye and I shut the door behind her. I turned around to witness Harry shooting up from his seat. Still tense.
    “Is everything-” I asking
    “I have to go,” he abruptly replied, “emergency.”
    “Oh-okay,” I crossed my arms and lowered my head, melancholy from his response to leave so quickly.
    “I will call you later okay?” he said grabbing his coat and slipping into his slacks.   I nodded. He kissed me quickly and left my cottage.
    I pushed my back against the door and slowly started to slip down to the ground, tailing behind me was my hair. I wasn’t crying, wasn’t angry, I was confused about the man that I was falling for. Was there emotions that he couldn’t express? Was there something he had to hide from me? I thought that he didn’t have ay baggage. Lord knows I have a load. I turned my head to see Bella standing a few inches away and looking at me.
    “Do you still like Harry?” I asked Bella. She glared at me. “Cause I don’t know if Mummy does anymore.” Bella fell down to her bum after I said that. I laughed, not making eye contact with her. “Sadly, I think I am falling in love with him.”

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