Trying to Forget.

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“And this one has two bedrooms.”
Phoebe and I stepped into a small quant cottage along with the agent.
“It is nice compared to where we are living now; a one bedroom flat.”
Phoebe then stood next to me and helped me up the three steps.
I held my back with one hand and held Phoebe’s hand tightly.
I could see the agent in the corner of my eye,
she looked concerned.
“Do you need help?”
I then smiled and laughed it off.
“No thank you. It is only three steps.”
All of us laughed as I got up to the porch.
“How far along are you darling?”
I looked at the agent and smiled.
“Just over thirty weeks.”
“What is it?”
I then smiled and started to rub my belly.
“A baby girl.”
I then looked up to see her smiling and cooing over my unborn fetus.
“Though I am big enough, I feel like I am carrying twins.”
Phoebe smirked along with the agent and protested,
“God only hopes.”
The agent then laughed and clinched her clipboard even tighter.
“Shall we look inside?”
I only interjected that so I could sit down and relax my pregnant arse.
The agent opened the vacant cottage and we walked inside.
We could right away see the living room and the kitchen.
It was small and quant, but I knew it was the perfect place for us.
“You see the kitchen, it is quite small, but very nice quality for your price range.”
I walked into the kitchen with both hands supporting my back.
I held onto my 90’s sunflower dress which I got at Goodwill.
I looked down to see my oversized pregnancy feet,
managing to fit in dirty worn-out converse.
My grey cardigan was stretched over my fingers.
My hair was in a low messy bun.
I turned around towards Phoebe as the agent was rambling.
Her long red hair was perfectly waved.
She was wearing her purple Pink™ track suit.
She also wore her grey Ugs.
Her face though.
She only wore a thin line of eyeliner.
Her freckles perfectly placed on her nose and cheek.
Her emerald green eyes.
I fucked up her life.
She never had to do this.
She came with me to Liverpool.
She left her life behind for me.
She is pretty much the father of my child.
How do I repay her?
Phoebe then smiled back at me.
“Let me show you the bedrooms.”
I got back into reality and followed the agent into the back rooms.
We quickly looked into them; naturally I would have the bigger room.
I looked down at my stomach.
“Are you guys interested?”
I looked over towards Phoebe who then shrugged and fake smiled at the realtor.
“We will need to talk about it.”
The puggy woman put one hand up and started to walk backwards, exiting the large room.
“I’ll leave you two be.”
She closed the door behind her.
I looked at Phoebe.
She brushed her long, curly, red hair with his fingers.
“Do you like it?”
“Quant as in?”
“Quant as in we have to buy it.”
“Well it is the only house we can afford.”
“Nothing works though.”
“We can hire someone.”
“We barely have money though.”
“Well I mean maybe at your university has someone.”
“Well there is this really cute guy in my engineer class.”
“Ooo maybe we could?”
“Well...can we?”
Phoebe then started to jump up and down in excitement.
I then gave in.
Phoebe then ran up to me and hugged me, avoiding to crush my bloated stomach.
“It is a nice place to raise the baby.”
I started to rub my stomach with one hand and hold it with the other.
The realtor then came in.
“So do we have a decision?”
I look over at Phoebe and smile.
“Go for it.”
She mouths those small words to me.
“We’ll take it.”


    I awaken to the smell of eggs. I looked around to see myself on my couch with a quilt over me. I sit up and see a glimpse of Harry in the kitchen cutting some strawberries. I am then full awake after hearing a loud yelp from my kitchen and to fully see Bella in her high chair patting her face and giggling along with Harry.
    “Bella,” Harry walked quietly to Bella and put both his large hands on her tiny cheeks. “You are gonna wake up your mommy.” He then got a glimpse of me on the couch sitting up and messing with my hair. He looked at me again and smirked. I placed my hands on my knees and stretched them down to my feet, feeling each limb in my arm ache and strengthen. Harry walked back to the kitchen and smirked, flipping the omelette in the saucepan with one arm. “Good morning beautiful. Did I wake you up?”
    “Actually to the smell of eggs,” I wiped my eyes with my fingers and I could hear him smirk.
    “Really?” he asked. He grabbed a plate and tilted the pan, causing the mixture of eggs and bacon to slide onto it. “I was hoping Bella didn’t wake you.”
    “She didn’t,” I said smiling. I could barely see anything. I felt pain every time I blank. I must have slept with my contacts in. I placed both feet on the ground and I stood up slowly. Harry noticed me rubbing my eyes and tearing up from my eyes and rushed over and placed his broad hands on my elbows.
    “Are you alright doll?” Fear trailed in his voice, as if I was hurt in anyway. Being oblivious to the fact that it was only my contacts.
    “Yes I’m fine,” I laughed under my breath and looked at him with my blurred vision, knowing he was probably smirking in relief. “I am going to head into the bathroom real quick.”
    “Hurry,” he anticipated, “I don’t want your breakfast to get cold.”
    I smiled and he peered down to give me a kiss on the cheek. I could feel my stomach twist and turn. I felt warm and tingly, causing me to cross my hands over my stomach. I then watched him walk towards the kitchen and continuing cooking. I couldn’t help but smile. I walked over towards the bathroom and closed the door after me. I looked into the mirror to see my watery blue eyes. I quickly took out my contacts and put them on the sink’s counter. I then swiftly grabbed the saline solution and the contact compartment and placed the contacts in, then squirting the solution in so they could clean. After tightly closing the lid so I could ensure that they would clean effectively. I grabbed my square glasses and put them on. My ponytail was pretty messy now so I just grabbed the hair tie and I pulled it so it could escaped my long blonde hair. I placed the hair tie in the small basket over the toilet. I ran my hands through my hair, combing it as gently as possible. I didn’t really have time to worry about my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and immediately noticed the table’s arrangement. There were two chairs opposite of the table and in between was Bella in her high chair laughing. There were two plates which both consisted of an omelette with bacon and cheese, strawberries, and biscuits. There was also orange juice beside the dish. I noticed Harry who had his hands behind his back and was smiling, seemed that he was waiting till I was done. Not to mention he was shirtless and you could notice the black ink covering his body.
    “Hello,” he smirked. I couldn’t help but giggle and look at the floor then look back up when I recovered.
    “Hi,” replying in the most blunt way because I didn’t know actually what to reply back to him.
    After smiling, it seemed like something hit him, because he then was muttering to himself and was clumsily trying to find a chair and once he did, he pulled it out, signaling for me to sit and eat. I slowly walked over to the chair and sit down. Harry pulls me into the table, his strength makes my heart flutter. I look over to my side and see Bella smiling and playing with her yogurt and smacking it all over her face, creating the most adorable mess. Harry sits across from me and he puts his glass of orange juice in the air. I finally get what he is indicating and he laughs when I struggle to get ahold of the glass and put it in the air.
    “To the new morning,” Harry praised and I laughed and clinked my glass against his and took a sip. It was tang yet with a sweet aftertaste. I placed the glass down and I began to cut into my eggs and once I took the first bite, I felt as in my mouth was dancing amongst my mouth. A symphony was playing and my taste buds were dancing. I looked up to see Harry laughing.   
    “What?” I grabbed my napkin and with both hands I wiped my face with it.
    “Do you enjoy them?” he asked taking a bite.
    “They are amazing,” I coon and take another bite but stop myself and question, “how did you know?”   
    “Your reaction was priceless,” Harry was laughing and I then started to join and place one hand over my mouth. “You closed your eyes and moaned.” I felt my cheeks turning pink. I indulged in more eggs and placed some on my toast and quickly ate it.
    “So tell me about your life,” Harry finally said with eggs stuffed in his cheeks. He looked like a chipmunk. I couldn’t help but laugh. I drank some juice to calm my self down and to swallow my immaturity.
    “Um...” I kind of looked at him funny, confused by the question. He raised his eyebrow, waiting for my response. I then looked over at Bella who was still eating her yogurt. I grabbed her hand and she locked her fingers between my pointer. “I take care of her and I go to work and I come home and be a mom. My life is boring lets talk about yours.”
    Harry then wiped his mouth with one finger looked confused. “Uh...” He kept rubbing his finger along his mouth. “I live in Holmes Chapel, I go to college at
Manchester Metropolitan University, I am in a little band with my friends but we don’t have a name cause we just jam together. I am very close with my sister and I want to be a lawyer someday cause I don’t really have my life planned out. I just want to go with the flow.”
    “What is your mum like?” I asked. My head was resting on both my hands, fisted to support me. His life seemed more adventurous then mine.
    “My mum...?” He asked and the shook his head and smiled. “My mum is my favorite person. Her name is Anne and she sculpted me to be the person I am,” Harry grabbed his phone out of his jean pocket and with swiping motions, he managed to find a picture. He handed me the phone and I held it with both hands. His mum was beautiful. She had long brown hair that went down to her shoulders. She had her son’s smile and I noted the dimples on each cheek. Her eyes were green like his but leaning towards the dark side. She was wearing a purple dress and smiling next to her son, who was wearing an all black suit with his hair quiffed. He was leaning against her and it was touching. She looked so happy with her beautiful son. Two beautiful people, happy. Before I could tear up, I gave Harry back his phone. My mum and I were that close sure, but we never actually talked about stuff. Sure like I would talk to her about boys, but she assumed I was this perfect human with no flaws. When I left home, I only left her a note and I called her once...that was it. I miss my mum though.
    “She makes me realize how important life is,” Harry continued. “She has been through so much when it comes to men and I knew that I have to treat everyone, especially women, I need to treat them with respect and be a gentlemen. I am focused my life around that.”
    “That is amazing.” I was so impressed with how he spoke. He talked with his hands and he was so smart with words. He made me so happy in a way.
    “My mum and my dad divorced when I was bout seven,” he explained. I felt as if I needed to say I’m sorry. My eyes started to water a little bit, knowing the pain of realizing that your parents aren’t gonna be together. “It’s alright, it was over 12 years ago.” He was probably done with the sympathy and remorse of his parent’s split. “My dad and I aren’t as close are I hope, but I know that he loves me. I always call him from time to time. Gemma and I are very close. She lives in Manchester with her boyfriend but mostly stays at Mum’s cause their relationship isn’t the best. Dad lives there also. Mum though is engaged to Robin...he is pretty cool. I really am happy for the two of them. He makes her happy and treats her right. Plus we enjoy the same things.” I listened to him talk about his family. It was breathtaking. He was so engaged in the conversation and he would look at me and smile as he was talking. I was swooned by him. I had ‘lust,’ no it was more then lust. Lust is when you just want to hook up with someone. I want more with Harry. I look over at Bella for a second and she is engaged in his words, only paying attention to Harry as she is holding my finger. I kiss her small pudgy hand and I watch her focus on Harry.
    “Enough of me blabbing,” Harry said wiping his forehead, “your turn.”
    I started to tug my blue pajama bottoms, my nervous habit. I then sigh and smile. “I have my mum, my step dad Robert, my twin brother Sebastion, and my little sister Chloe. My mum and dad were together until he became a drunk and he abandoned us when I was around five.” I could feel Harry’s hand trace over mine. “I’m okay,” I finally croaked. I held in my tears. “My mum then raised me and Noah as a single mum, until she met Robert. Robert is okay I guess. I always missed my dad though. He treated Mum well...he still does I think. He is successful and I think from coming from a broken family to being upper class, Mum deserved it. Sebastion and I were always close. He was my best friend. We both got good grades and hung out all the time. Phoebe and I have known each other since school started for the both of us. I am exactly a week older then her and she hates it. We use to combine our birthday’s together because she both our family’s were close. When I was around five, Mum told me she was pregnant with my little sister Chloe. I didn’t really care. She was pleasant till she became a total brat because she was Robert’s real child. Sebastion never realized it but he and I were the mistakes. Robert always made us clean, well mostly me. I did a lot of house chores when I was a child because he thought it was only appropriate. I wasn’t his child and I guess he and Sebastion had a nice relationship. I met Noah in secondary school and we hit it off. He asked me out when I was around thirteen and we started to date. He was my first everything. I loved him...but I was a distraction I guess from the fear inside him. He was fooling around with Sebby...” I realized I called my brother his nickname. I started to tear up with the memories of crying at night because of what my brother did to me. I understand he couldn’t hide himself, but he went behind my back. “Sebastion,” I corrected myself, “and he never admitted it. I found a note in Sebastion’s room from Noah that described how he felt. I never got it, I only got the pain of it all. That night I went out to the club with Phoebe and I met this guy. I only kissed one guy in my entire life so I decided to get back at Noah through the only way I could. I started dancing on him and I kissed him. I felt as if it wasn’t enough until he led me into the broken down bathroom and...this perfect mistake happened. I found out I was pregnant and I went into shock. I move here and I found a job here. I applied for other jobs but they didn’t pay very well. I then was walking home one day after working at this crummy business office and I found Sugar who took me in with the other girls. Phoebe was already working there because she couldn’t find a better job. I was skeptical at first but I love to dance. I have been dancing for over fifteen years and it makes me so happy. When I dance I feel the music through my body, every limb. It is my passion. Even though I dance on a pole, I still get to embrace my love for dancing onto it. I am used to it now. I haven’t trusted anyone since Bella was born. I felt the need to not to. I mean after what happened that night I didn’t. Probably a big mistake, but I feel like I am starting to get my guard down.”
    I look at Harry who seems to be paying attention this entire time. I look down at the counter next to the clean plates and see both of our hands entangled. I feel my heart pace and the pressure of his hand squeeze on top on mine. I look up to see him staring at me with his emerald greens, swirling his tongue over his bottom lip. I gulp loudly and open my mouth slightly. I then pull out my hand and try to mutter out a distraction. “I’ll clean our dishes.” I finally choke out those words and grab both plates and glasses and put them in the sink.
     I turn on the hot water and run it through my fingers till it gets burning hot, dropping the plug in the sink’s hole and adding some cheap soap. I look over to see Harry getting Bella out of her chair and carrying her towards the other rooms. I see her cling onto him with both hands and rest her head on his broad shoulder. She looks relax and at peace, a mother’s dream for their child. I begin to wash the dishes quite abruptly, which is weird to me since I am so used to doing things slowly and carefully. I am just questioning what Harry is doing with my child. I finish washing the dishes and wipe down the counters and rush towards the living room. Once I am there, I cross my arms together and I walk quiet towards the short hallway and I hear the bath running. I walk towards the bathroom and open the door quietly to see my child laughing in the bathtub and screeching in joy. I open it all the way and see Harry kneeling down to the bathtub’s height and to see him making a funny face at Bella with his eyes wide open and tongue out. She starts to laugh and splash the water. He turns towards me and smiles.
    “She got a little messy and I though a bath would be nice,” he never questioned his decisions which I thought was cute. His charming face smirked at me and I looked at Bella who was pointing at me.
    “Mummy Mummy Mummy,” she repeatedly was chanting and Harry started to laugh and look down on the ground.
    “Why don’t you go get dressed and I will get her out and ready in about ten minutes or fifteen minutes,” I nodded to his proposal and I went into my room. I looked through my closet and found a simple yellow sundress. I threw it on the bed and slowly took off my pajamas. I found a white bra and some undergarments and I put them on in a quick manner, worried Harry would come in and see my naked body. He has before, but that is probably the last time he will see it. I put on my deodorant and then slipped on my sundress. The weather looked as if it would be coldish, but I decided if I go out then I will put on a jean jacket or something. I go to the vanity which was just my dresser and a broken mirror and applied some cheap E.L.F. cosmetics. I didn’t bother to take to long since I don’t wear a lot of makeup outside of work. I quickly brushed my hair and pinned each side. I looked into the mirror and thought that I looked mediocre knowing that I only did my makeup in less then ten minutes. I go out of my room and I see Bella flopping around the house and giggling and Harry chasing after her. He stops and looks at me, double taking me.
    “Is this to much?” I asked and my nimble fingers grasp the bottom of my dress which ends just above my knee caps.
    Harry then walked towards me and caressed his fingers over my cheeks, “Considering what we all are doing later, it is perfect.” He lightly kissed me and we held that position for what seemed like ends time.

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