A Valentines Day Surprise (3)

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Jin's POV:

After a few episodes of Breaking Bad, we got up, I got a shower and got dressed and ready. Ross was still in the shower, so I knocks on the door. "Hurry up, babe! We're going to be late for our reservation!" I told him.

"I'm trying! Don't rush me, I'm very slow today!" I heard his voice muffled through the door. I walked in. "Are you okay?" I asked him. Ross nodded "uhm... Yeah. Now GET OUUUUTTT Or at least close the door for god's sake" he said.

I chuckled at him and closed the door and kissed him, shampooing his hair and putting conditioner in it afterwards. "You're so adorable" I commented. Ross blushed and got out of the shower and paused.

"You used my towel." He said. "Oh... Hold on" I said, going out and grabbing one of my hoodies. I came back and gave it to him. "I haven't done laundry, and neither has my mom." I said. He nodded and put it on and I checked the time.

"Shit. We're nearly late. Go get dressed. HURRRRRYYYY" I said. He walked out. "EHHHHH. I SAID DON'T RUSH MEEEEEEEEE and why do you get to say shit and not me?" He asked.
"Because. I'm eighteen. You're sixteen" I replied. "OH YEAHHH" he said. I chuckled. "HUUURRRYYYYYY".


Phew. We just barely made it in time. It was nearly dark and the ferris wheel was already lit up. Intertwined my hand with Ross's and smiled at him as we were sat down at the edge of the pier for a candle lit dinner.

"How did you get the money for all of this?" He asked. I smiled. "Something from online. It was totally legal and everything" I replied. Ross smiled.

~After the candle lit dinner

Dinner was finished and I had payed for the food. I went wrapped my arm around his and walked him to the ferris wheel. "I'm so fulllll" Ross groaned. "I know, the food was great" I replied as Ross leaned against me.

We got onto the ferris wheel. The little river was absolutely beautiful and the dim lights around it lit it up. The moon was full, surrounded by misty clouds which lit up the sky along with the stars and behind us, we got to see the cities lights.

Finally... We were at the top and the lights of the wheel flashed red and pink. I looked at Ross. "Hey..." He looked at me smiling. "Yeah?" Ross replied. "I need to ask you a question" I continued. "Oh... What is it?" He asked.

I pulled the box I have had in my pocket the entire time and knelt down in front of him. "Babe..." I said as Ross covered his mouth.

"We have known each other for a really long time now, and even before we started dating... I knew something was there. I knew we had an overwhelmingly strong connection and besides the he fact that you are the man of my dreams... The man I've been waiting for... The man that has been sticking around through the best times and the worst... That same, overwhelming connection has led me to proposing to you. Ross Owner... Will you marry me?" I said, opening the box with a beautiful diamond ring.

He nodded his head as I smiled and stood up, hugging me and hiding his face into my chest, crying tears of happiness. Or at least I hope because damn, that's a lot of tears. "I rubbed his back and pulled away just for a moment to out the ring onto his finger. "I love you, Ross" I said. "I-i love y-you too..." He stuttered. I chuckled. "Calm down babe. We're almost at the bottom again" I replied. He nodded when we finally reached the bottom.

I brought him out and I put him in the car and started driving. "You okay?" I asked. "OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY. I'M DYING, JIN" He said through his tears. I laughed. "In a good way though..." He continued.

"So... What do you think about moving in with me now?" I asked. He nodded. "I-i want to n-now" he replied. "Good. I'm sure my mom will be happy prancing around the house naked and alone" I said. Ross giggled.

Eventually, Ross fell asleep in the car and I carried him to bed. My mom came over. "How'd it work?" She asked. "He's moving in with me. I proposed to him. I'm not marrying him until he's at least 18 though" I replied.

"Good. That's exactly what I would do. I'm here to help get into your apartment and everything. And if something happens, just come to me, I'll help you" she said. "Thanks, Mom" she nodded and wen off to bed and fell asleep.

After You (Finished)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora