//Chapter One:The Very Begining\\

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~ (Y/N)'s POV ~
*Flashback: Before In Paris*

I began walking down the dark alleyways to get home, London wasn't a very safe place at night. After living here for a few years, you get used to all the dangers around you. Every step I took, made the sky seem darker. I was beginning to feel anxious and sped up my pace, my mother must be worried again. I was turning a corner as I spotted a glowing dot in the distance. I was heading straight towards the light and within seconds I was there.

"Huh? What is this?" My voice showing a hint of fear, as this wasn't a normal thing to happen in London. As I reached down for the light, A black light appeared with a mixture of white. As the light disappeared a small shape was visible. "Hello?" It called out, I was shocked but for some reason I trusted this small figure. "Hello, what's your name?" I said in a whisper, but loud enough to be heard. "My name is bamboo, I am your Kwami." I stood confused but said "I'm (Y/N)" The Kwami could tell I was confused as I thought what in the world is a Kwami? "Your probably wondering, what's a Kwami? Well a Kwami is connected to a Miraculous. I am connected to the panda Miraculous." I was still very confused. So I spoke up. "Yes but what are you supposed to do?" I asked, in the nicest tone, seeing as the question seemed rude. I was really confused.

"Ah! A Kwami much like myself are Sprite-like creatures that help particular humans like yourself. With your Miraculous, which you picked up. You will transform into a superhero and stop Akumas!" The Kwami, 'known as Bamboo' exclaimed twirling on the word 'superhero' I still had more questions but I had to get home. "Well, I need to go home. Would you like to come with me?" I said quietly, just so the Kwami could hear. Bamboo nodded quickly and floated into my open bag as fast as she could go. As she flew into my bag I noticed something. I had a weird head piece in my hand, why is 'my' miraculous so obvious? It was a headpiece, it fitted underneath my hair. The headpiece was black and a circular shape until it got to the front, when it reached the front it pointed downwards into a triangle shape. On the triangle area there was five white gems. I placed it in my bag so I didn't break it.

After walking down a few more alleyways, I reached my beautiful home. It was just outside of the city centre meaning it was calmer but my house wasn't placed in a neighbourhood full of deadly, perverted people which I avoided daily. My (H/L), (H/C) hair; was being pushed in different directions by the air, which wasn't too windy. as I finished walking along the final path home. I reached my door, As I knocked on the door, my mother answered straight away. Looking really worried. "My child! Are you alright!? I thought you was hurt!" She started sobbing and crushing my body in a hug, I was glad she was my mother. No matter how protective she was. "Mother, I am fine. Don't worry!" I whispered in her ear, recurring her I was okay.

"Mother, it is really late so I'm going to head to bed okay?" She quickly responded by nodding her head. As soon as I saw her nod, I raced upstairs. I heard movement in my bag. Oh right 'my' Kwami. I opened my bag and apologised to Bamboo for making her stay in my crowded bag. "So I'm clearly going to have to explain more?" She said raising her tiny eyebrows which I giggled at and nodded at her question. "You are a superhero now, you must protect the citizens from Akumas which are creatures responsible for transforming people into villains, who will try to steal your Miraculous." She paused checking if I had received all the information.

I nodded for her to carry on. "The Akumas are black butterflies with translucent purple spots on the edges of their wings. They are corrupted by Hawk Moth, his base is in Paris. I hate to say but after training, we must move there to stop him and help the other Miraculous members" surprising her, I reacted in a positive way. I've always wanted a new adventure and moving to Paris, The city of love was the perfect way to start!

"I think I understand however one more question?" I said, which she replied saying ask away. "Why is my Miraculous so obvious?" She went over to the bag to get it out. "This is how it will look when you are fully transformed, it was activated when you released me." Then she pointed to the middle gem and told me to press it, which I did. It shrunk to the size of my wrist and became a bracelet. Still looking the same as before but smaller which made me gasp. "H-how?" I stuttered. "Magic!" She giggled which didn't last long before she went serious again. "Now remember this; you must feed me or you won't be able to transform. My favourite food is bamboo, no surprise huh?" She said in a sarcastic tone which made me laugh. I pointed at my bamboo tree. "Wow, what a surprise!" I said but once she noticed the bamboo she flew fast toward it. As I raced over to her, I spoke up "hold on! let me cut it up. so I can keep some with me at all times." She agreed.

After cutting up the bamboo and giving her some. She floated onto my head. "It's getting late and we have training tomorrow, so it's bedtime." She said trying to act like she was a really serious Kwami although I could tell she was messing around about being serious, she was too funny to be really serious. "I'm excited for training!" As I changed into some (F/C) shorts and a short, sleeved (F/C) top also putting my (H/L), (H/C) hair into a bun. Not needing to wipe makeup off, as I didn't own a single bit of makeup. "Very kawaii Haley, Goodnight" "Goodnight Bamboo"

First Chapter, Sorry if it's really boring. It's just the basic information.

Not Edited (--/--/--)
Next Chapter: Chapter Two ~ First School Day In Paris

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