// Chapter Two: First School Day In Paris \\

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~Haley's POV~
*Present Day*

"Damn it, stay down Bamboo!" I whispered. She obeyed but grunted at having to stay in my mini, off the shoulder bag which was (F/C). I had a knee height dress on that was (F/C) and a bow on the back of my head which was (S/F/C) with matching converse. I hate dresses but it's extremely warm and I'd melt in jeans. My (H/L), (H/C) hair was straightened. As I began walking from my humble home, I fiddled with my bracelet. I wonder when some more Akumas are going to attack, life is pretty boring when your not fighting monsters.

I looked up realising I was now at 'Collège Françoise Bupont'. "Great, Im here.." I whispered so only I could hear. I began walking up the stairs, when I heard someone whisper behind the wall. "I can't do it!" I peaked over the wall and said "can't do what?" Which made the dark haired girl jump whilst her friend laughed. I began laughing as well because I didn't mean to scare her. "Hey! Your the new girl, (Y/N) isn't it?" The dark reddish-brown haired girl spoke. I nodded and spoke up. "What are your names?" The darker haired girl exclaimed "Marinette!" I giggled at her sudden outburst. "Nice name girl!" Giving her a quick fist-bump. The dark reddish-brown haired girl spoke next. "I'm Alya, I run a blog called the ladyblog. You should check it out sometime!" I smiled. "Of course I will! And it's nice to meet you both." I said politely. "Hey! Why don't you be our friend!" Marinette announced. I quickly nodded.

I felt a faint tap on my shoulder, which caused me to turn around. Marinette squealed and went behind the wall, while Alya stood telling her to get up which caused me to giggle. "H-hey." I heard the voice stutter. I looked back at the figure from looking at Alya and Marinette. "Hi." I said simply. "I'm A-Adrien, I saw you was new and wanted to introduce myself." I giggled at how shy he was which made him blush a bit. "I'm (Y/N)." He smiled "That's a lovely name for a lovely girl." I smiled before I turned to Marinette, I moved my lips forming 'give him the present' she looked confused on how I knew but she shook it off and gave it too him. "Happy birthday Adrien!" She said and was followed by me and Alya saying the same. He blushed and smiled "thank you!" We all smiled and laughed.

As I turned my head I saw a girl with blond hair bullying another person. I walked over towards the girl and spoke up while causing Marinette, Alya and Adrien confused. "You know it's not nice to bully people?" She looked up at me and snorted. "Who do you think you are you talking too?" I smiled before saying "apparently somebody who thinks she's a princess." She glared into my soul which made me shudder. "I am a princess, I mean everyone loves me and I'm beautiful enough. Unlike you!" I laughed at her statement. "I don't care if I'm not beautiful, at least I'm kind unlike you. Your acting like a spoilt brat!" I exclaimed which made her get a little bit angry and stomp off.

By the time, I was finished arguing with the blond haired girl. Adrien, Marinette and Alya was all stood behind me, all shocked at what happened. I giggled at their expressions. "Who was the 'princess'?" I asked doing quotation marks with my fingers. Adrien was the first to speak up. "Her names Chloe, she's not very nice." I made a sarcastic comment by saying. "Never would have guessed Sherlock." Which made us all laugh and caused Adrien to go red. Adrien saw and waved at his friend to come over to us, which caused Alya to go red and hide behind Marinette. "Awh look who's the shy one now Alya." Marinette said cause us all to laugh and Adrian's friend to go red. "Nino, you are?" He said putting his fist out for me to fist-bump it. "(Y/N)" I replied, fist- bumping back. What's? You don't leave a bro hanging. "(Y/N), you look really nice." Marinette said causing everyone to agree. "Well don't get used to it, I don't really like dresses." Everyone stayed in a peaceful silence for a second or so before Alya spoke up. "Let's take a selfie for the school blog!" She announced. We all agreed and got into a pose. I did a kawaii pose which I learnt when on holiday in Japan. After looking at the results of the picture, everyone laughed and joked about it before the bell rang and we headed to home room.

As I reached home room, somebody grabbed my wrist and pulled me back gently which caused me to squeal. "(Y/N), would you like to sit next to me and Nino in home room?" Adrien spoke up as he spun me around to face him. I smiled and nodded before he dragged me into the classroom. 'Chloe' growled at the fact Adrien had hold of my wrist which caused me to smirk at her. "Sit here, we don't bit." I giggled before I realised Marinette and Alya were sat behind us.

I waved at them and smiled. Marinette looked upset. So I leaned over as the teacher wasn't in and said "what's wrong?" She looked at Adrien and said "nothing but Mr Agreste is staring." I growled and looked and he was but he spotted me and turned around, he looked like a blushing mess. I say back down and leaned over to whisper in his ear. "Its not nice to stare Adrien." He shuddered and blushed even more which shouldn't have been possible. A few minutes later, the teacher came in and told me to introduce myself. I walked to the front. "I'm (Y/N) and I'm 15 that's all you need to know about me." I sat back down waiting for the bell to ring so we could leave to first lesson.


Adrien: (Y/N)'s pose was so cute

Author-chan: actually it's Kawaii.

Adrien: *winks at (Y/N)

Author-chan: go home Adrien ur drunk.

Not Edited (--/--/--)
Next Chapter: Chapter Three: Lady Wifi

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