// Chapter Nine: School Trip \\

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*(Y/N)'s POV*
~Present Day~

I began running towards the school, I woke up later again. The bell rang just as I opened the door to homeroom. "Your just in time, miss (L/N)." The teacher said as I sighed. "So class as I was saying we are going on a surprise two day school trip! Your parents know and your parents dropped off your suitcases last night. It's a 'congratulations' for finishing another school year!" Out teacher announced as I sat down next to Adrien. "What!?" The whole class shouted at the same time. Me and Adrien looked at each other worryingly. How would we get away from the teachers when an Akuma comes?

After we all go on the bus, we had been told we are going camping. Me, Alya, Nino and Adrien were sharing a tent. Alya was really upset when she realised Marienette wasn't her friend anymore, she cried on my shoulder for a full hour before finally stopping. In just that one hour, I could tell she had become depressed. I mean losing your very first friend you had since you've moved is really upsetting. "(Y/N), I'm sorry for crying on you... It's just... Why me?" Alya said. Nino came up to Alya and gave her a hug, her face turned red but she hugged back. "Thank you Nino, I need that." He smiled and blushed. "I ship them so much." I whispered over to Adrien, he nodded and smiled back at me.

We all arrived at the campsite. I realised my mother had packed my guitar, I smiled at how well she knows me. Adrien stood next to me and spoke up. "You play guitar?" I nodded and carried my bags to our tent. "Here let me grab that" Adrien said as he grabbed one of my bags. "Thank you Adrien!" I smiled. We walked to our tent and unpacked. Our tent was like one of those huge ones with two separate rooms. Me and Alya was sharing and Nino and Adrien was sharing one. As I put my bags into mine and Alya's side, I threw myself back on my sleeping bag which was surprisingly soft so I didn't bang my head on the floor. Bamboo appeared in front of my face. "Adrien wanted you, he's outside in the forest. I'll show you the way." I stood up. "Alright, let's go."

Bamboo led me into the forest, trying not to get spotted by my classmates. We stopped in front of a Sakura tree. "I didn't think these grew in Paris?" I said and a voice behind me spoke, causing me to jump. "It's rare that they are out of Japan." He said also chuckling at how badly I jumped. "I wanted to ask you something but I don't know if it's too soon..." Adrien whispered. "Ask away." I said.

He sighed before speaking. "(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend, even if it is too soon. I know I love you as (Y/N) or Panda Fille." I couldn't say no, he chose the perfect spot to ask me. "Of course Adrien." I smiled at him as he pulled me closer to kiss me. As we separated from the kiss I heard multiple squeals and two specific girls growling at me. Marienette and Chloe. "You stole my boyfriend!!" Marienette screamed at me. "I'm not yours Marienette, you always stalk me! Same goes for Chloe!" Adrien said in a calm voice but I could tell he was annoyed. Marienette was really annoyed, I could tell. I gasped as i saw something I didn't wanna see... An Akuma!


Author-Chan: sorry for the horrible chapter, the next chapter could also be the last. I'm not sure at the moment, give me your opinion if I should add a few more.

Adrien: I asked her out and everyone went crazy, I hate everything y did u do dis

Author-Chan: because I've been drawing a lot  and I really need to write and I had no ideas so deal with it.

Not Edited (--/--/--)

Next Chapter: {It's A Secret}

PITCOF - Chat Noir X Reader {Editing} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora