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It all started in Summer...
It had been only two days since summer vacation started and well me being me was in intagram,all day...
So all of a sudden ,I got a following request from a boy that went to my school,though the only time I remember talking to him was the last day of school,cuz he was getting signed in his sixpack (I know ,kinda weird but it was a Six pack😂)and I signed.

I accepted it without even hesitating.Though as soon as I accepted it he DM me
Me~hiii(I'm weird like that)
Him~do u remember me?
Me~ totally
.........and it went on all night........
.......for many days....
I don't know exactly what happened because after a while,I started falling in love with him?....or what was it?I cared a lot for him and when he would text me my heart would start beating really fast,he would be super sweet to me (he started calling me cupcake,His cupcake)-so sweet!!!

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