Best feeling ever!!!

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We got to a point where he knew me so well and I trusted him too.And at that point I knew,I Really Did Love Him....
One day (still Summer) he said,(by the way let's give him a name,not the really one but let's call him Iseah)
Iseah~um...I need to tell u some.
I was so scared ,i was sure it was
over 😔
Me~yeah,go for it...
Iseah~okay,but before I do, promise me you won't stop talking to me please
Yeah its over...
Me~okay,I promise.
Please don't please don't

Iseah's POV
Her(alex)~okay,I promise.
Should I tell her,I mean I really love her, but does she love me I don't know .what if she doesn't and I tell her and she stops talking to me,I wouldn't be able to live like that.but then,what if she does feel something too,....

Alex's POV
After I answered that I promised, he read it but it had been like 5minutes and he had not answered I txted
Me~gonna tell me?
Me~itz ight(okay)
Iseah~well I'm scared to tell you.
Me~dont be.
Iseah~well,okay its cuz I,I think I think I feel some foe you .
Me~fr,u really mean it?
Iseah~Well ima goo...
Iseah~cuz ,I,I'll txt u later...
Why did he say he had to leave that fast,itz weird cuz he never does that...I wish I could tell him what I feel,I mean he feels the same way ,right..he said he did feel some...

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