so sweet

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After that we were together everyday after school,or mostly...sometimes he would get detention so I wouldn't be able to see him...
Everytime we were able to be together,we would talk and he made me laugh so much,which he loved.
He's voice was so sweet in my opinion tho it was the reason I laughed,because it was "going through puberty" so you can imagine the way it sounded😂
You know what's the best thing about it all,that everytime,before he left he would give me a hug,and I don't mean a quick hug,I mean a tight hug that would last 2-3minutes,it felt eternal,and while hugging me he would tell me that he loved me.and lastly he would give me a kiss,no,not a mouth kiss,he could of if he wanted ,but he didn't,not because he didn't want to but because he respected me.He once asked me if I had had my first kiss,and I said no because honestly,I hadn't,.He was surprised about it but didn't mind,instead,he said that he was lucky cuz he could be my first. I wouldn't be his tho cuz when we broke up last time he gave his first to that girl,but oh well.He would be mine.And although he hasn't kissed me just yet,I new he would,he was just ,idk,maybe didn't know when and didn't want to ruin it.

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