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The same old thing happened again,us talking,the "I love you" 's,him calling me his baby,his cupcake,me calling him babe,
We used to call each other,other names like dumbass(me to him) & smartass(him to me)
It was so sweet, but like always arguments came along...
We weren't dating so I can't say that we broke up...
We were this weird thing that he wouldn't ask me out again,and I wouldn't ask why,but we still acted and said stuff like if we were. .
Well the thing that happened was that he got mad,super mad I'm guessing, thanks to me.and I really didn't think anything was gonna happen,actually I thought he was gonna get over it or I was and that we were gonna start texting again like nothing.....

Well,I was wrong....

He then posted a picture of this girl from school,in facebook.saying that he loved her,he thought I wouldn't see it since I never told him I had facebook.

I cried....
I couldn't help it..
Then I saw them together and I broke down,ran away,I didn't wanna see it ,I couldn't handle the pain and act like nothing

But someway I did,I tried to smile and pretend I was ight
Although, I couldn't help but cry when no one noticed,
I know that I shouldn't have cried ,because he wasn't worth it,but ey try to make some sense out of me when I see him no

They didn't last long tho
1month or so
And a week after we started texting again,not like before but the common,"how have you been", "wyd(what you doing)" ,"wbu(what about you)",etc.
Then one day a friend went up to him(she didn't know anything about us,since she had just moved into our school)anyways,she went up to him and asked it she could get the basketball for a little,he nodded.

I moved a little to the back,so I wouldn't be so close to him...
I pretended I didn't notice him that much,but heck I was nervous..
Then,for the first time we talked,in person(yeah,I know, dumb,I'm telling you my life sucks)anyways he talked to me
Iseah-"how have you been"
I frozed,
He's talking to me
Wait,what do I sayyyy
Me-"good, (I was looking down)you"
Iseah-"want the truth?"
When he said that, I looked up for the first time making our eyes meet and lock
When I was about to answer,my friend came and was gonna say some,but realized what was going on and stayed quite, tho when she was about to walk away I stopped her.
She came and gave him his basketball back.
When I was about to leave I realized I had sent answered his question,so I turned around,noticing that he was staring at me the whole time.
I smiled and said
"We ainy done talking....(paused)
But we will Monday (it was Friday), okay?"
He nodded,smiled and walked away...

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