back to school

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Alex's POV
A week before we started school we were fighting and decided to break up,
Then,when school started I found out ,I had him for a class
I was happy tho sad at the same time..
God I'm so confusing and weird, eh I'm cool like that...
When I first saw him in the class,I swear we wouldn't stop staring at each other.
A week or less passed and he texted me
Iseah~i I miss you and I wanna talk yo you, in person
Iseah~you don't want to
Me~i honestly don't know..
Look things changed a little, I'm trying to ,you know move on...
Iseah~oh,well um sorry to bother you then,Ima goo
Me~no,wait look,let's talk in seventh period yeah?
Iseah~about that,.. I don't know if Ima be there still
Me~what do you mean??u aren't moving schools right?
Iseah~no,not really, I'm just changing that class...
If you haven't realized yet,thats the only class I had with him...
Iseah~well for two reasons one I don't like the class and two,cuz I don't wanna bother you
Me~u've never bothered me ight,so don't change
Iseah ~plus ur moving on and me been there is not gonna help
Me~ey I said I was trying,but I never said I had succeeded, I'm seriously not even close..but please stay
Iseah ~no I can't,I already asked to be changed so,I can't anymore
Me ~f*ck u can!!pleaseee
Iseah ~im sorry..
Me~can I tell you some?
Iseah~of course cupcake
Me~i missed you...
Iseah ~i did too...

And once again I started falling for him...

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