after breaking up

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Alex's POV
After breaking up he said that it was because someone told him that I did idk what and since he didn't believe me started calling me a liar...
Iseah~look you know what,dont talk to me anymore ,I hate liars like you ,I thought you were different but I realize you are not,later
Me~no iseah stop please
Me~do you trust me?
Iseah~i don't know
Me~iseah please, give me one good reason why I would of done whatever you're saying that I good reason is all I'm asking for
Iseah~idk(I don't know)
Me~exactly,what would I win with that,nothing, okay,so like fr you are all believing what idk who told you without even asking me first,plus if I were lying then tell me,why am I crying eh,wanna know why,cuz I love you,remember when you said you loved me too ,what happened to that eh?please don't do this to me idea please believe me
Iseah~i cant okay I can't and ima goo  so later
Me~you don't believe me huh?
Iseah~idk Alex,Idk
Me~okay...think bout it,ttyl(talk to you later)
If you guys are wondering what were are talking about,let me explain,,,someone got into iseah's mind; told him that I texted idk what girl and started talking sh*t to her,which ain't true because from what I remember she texted me first and all I did was answer back because ey I wasn't gonna let that b*tch talk like that to me like who does she think she is nah ah,aint gonna work with me honey, go mess with someone else that cares about what you say, anyways, I'm guessing that she got mad cuz I answered her back and didn't care so she decided to tell iseah that I said idk what to her and since they are homies,yeah you can guess what happened, he believed her and not me...
Wow, ey I think I'm good at mysteries..yazzz
I wish it was that easy to solve back then,...

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