March 19,2016

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So,we haven't talked nor txted since 4days now,well since u know he said we would talk on "Tuesday"and then we didn't and he just send me 'nvm(never mind) about talking'
All I answered to that was 'tru and okay'
I haven't checked my Instagram since yesterday, and I don't want to.I log out everyday,so idk if he has txted me or not, probably not.The thing is that if he did,idk if I should or shouldn't answer him,should I block him...
I know his trying to move on,but its just that I can't,its not that easily ,I loved him,and yes I said loveD
I don't think I feel the same as before,ever since I saw him talking to that girl again,I felt anger,not really because he's doing the same thing all over again,but because I still care for him.and I don't want him to get hurt,i feel something weird,like if ik something's gonna go wrong because  she doesn't feel the same way he feels for her....
I try my very best to stay away from him,but who am I trying to lie to,I can't stand not seen him,I don't love him,I just care too much about him...okay i dont know what i feel anymore

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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