couldnt get worse huh

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Alex's POV
Iseah then told me that the only reason he dated me was because the girl I talked sh*t about asked him to.which got me mad AF...
Me~wow,ey good job,wanted to break me?to make me cry?then guess what you got it.I trusted you,fell In love with you iseah and this is what I get ,wow awesome,tell your slutty friend that she got what she wanted,don't ever talk to me again okay ever,I hate you ,and to think I fell for you so stupidly
Iseah~(read it but didn't reply...)
I was crying once I finished typing,I hadn't realized it until I was done tho...I couldn't believe It,I expected it from everyone but him,why,why him,why couldn't I be happy for once,is that too much to ask for??

   ....little later

I read it but I didn't wanna talk to him,I couldn't
Iseah~answer please,look I'm sorry I didn't mean that okay its not true
Should I answer?
Iseah~alex please I'm sorry idk why I said that but its not true okay I was mad and I wasn't thinking please.
In a way,I didn't know if to answer him because I thought it was true that the girl asked him too,but then I loved him and it really did seem like he did too,the way he talked to me ,was,was special,or at least that's what I thought...

I stop talking to him and tried to ignore him,which he did the same..
Later on tho(like a week or two)he apparently discovered the truth,that she was the one that started it and that I wasnt lying to him...pathetic to be honest....
So he decided to send me a following request(Instagram) first I didn't know what to do but eh curiosity was killing me so as dumb as I was cuz I knew it wasn't gonna end good;I accepted the request.and just ad I did,he txt me
Iseah~a can we talk
Me ~ig(I guess..)
Iseah~im sorry for calling you a liar,and for saying all those stuff,I'm so sorry cupcake
Me~dont call me that ight
Iseah~i love you
Iseah ~why,don't you ,i k u to too so stop bidding it baby, I messed up okay ,my bad but I already said im sorry
Iseah ~we're guud?
Iseah~i love you baby
Me~i love you too..
And just like that I fell for him,again...
And he knew it,that he could break me and I wouldn't mind cuz although it hurt
     I loved him...

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