Chapter 5

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     I'll stop this once and for all on Saturday. Which is the day after tomorrow. I was still in the foyer. Harika had left five minutes ago. I was lost in thought. I was planning. I was ready to end it. 

     I have to make it through another day. Another hell filled day. I don't know if I can. I sit up and put my head in my hands. 

     "Here we go." I said, as I rose to my feet. I did my usual routine of shower, teeth, and bed. I walked into my bedroom. I went to sleep forming a plan to remove Harika from my life forever. 

     I woke up the next morning to a horrifying sight. Harika stood over me with her purple eyes. They were silently judging me. 

     "Hi Kenji. How are you?" She said with her voice smoother then silk. 

     "I'm fine, Harika. If you don't mind me asking how'd you get in my house." I asked trying to move to the other side of the bed. 

     "Silly Kenji. You always leave your window unlocked." She said motioning at the open window. I really need to lock that. 

     "Kenji let's walk to school together like we use to. Before, you began acting weird. I'll be waiting downstairs. Don't keep me waiting." She said removing a knife from behind her back. She then stabbed my wall.

     "Got it." I said trying to stay calm. My entire body was shaking. She left my room, and walked down the hall. I got up and dressed. I met Harika downstairs. 

     "Would you like a muffin Kenji?" She said holding up a muffin to me. 

     "No, Harika I think I'm good." I said pushing the offering aside. With that we were off. It was a tense silence all the way to school. When we arrived I ran to join Olsa and Shiann. We walked to the classroom together. Trying to act normal was so hard.

     When lunch rolled around, I sat alone. I got up to use the restroom. When I came back, I went to take a drink of water. 

     "Wait Kenji, why don't you have a soda? Here take this one." Olsa handed me one and began to drink hers. 

     "Thanks Olsa." I followed suit. Taking a large gulp. Later on after school, Harika grabbed my and tried to lead me home. When Olsa grabbed my other arm.

     "Can I borrow Kenji for a second Harika?" She asked. Harika's eyes flashed purple, then went back to blue.

     "Sure Olsa." Harika said releasing me. Olsa tugged me aside to the side of the school. 

     "Call me later tonight." She whispered into my ear. Before I could respond, she pushed me back into the front of the school. Harika walked me back all the way home. I entered the home. I went to my bedroom and dialed Olsa. It rung a couple of times then static.

     "Kenji is it you?" She asked.

     "Yes. Why'd you want me to call you." I responded.

     "Harika's been acting strange. She randomly stares at you and goes silent. When I call, she doesn't answer. She's also never home." She stated. She didn't know the half of it. 

     "Yeah, she's been acting stranger around me too." I said. 

     "At lunch, when you used the bathroom, she put something in your water. It looked like a pill of some sort." She said. A pill. Great, now she's trying to poison me. 

     "Olsa, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I need to tell you something." I said sternly. No reply came for a few seconds. 

     "Sure thing Kenji. See you then." She said before hanging up. I put my phone down. I heard footsteps running down the stairs. I opened my door in time to see the front door close. I forgot to lock it!

     I ran to the door and opened it. I looked around. In the driveway was the one clue I needed. A empty bottle of Scent of Lavender. It was Harika. Now she knows Olsa noticed her. This puts Olsa in danger. Damnit, you fool! Why do you have to be such an idiot? The future only holds what might happen. 

     I went to bed scared of tomorrow's events.The plan to get rid of Harika needs to be pushed back. I would be safer with Olsa. Though it puts her in harm's way. 

     The next morning I woke up around 9:45. I put on clothes and began to fix breakfast. When that was over, I opened my door to Harika standing on my front porch. 

     "Kenji, who was that on the phone last night. ARe you hiding something?" She said. Her purple eyes piercing my soul. She looked at me like a hungry falcon would a rabbit. 

     "It was nothing you need to worry about Harika." I said inching around her. She moved to intercept me. She lifted me right off the ground and slammed me into my door. It knocked the air out of me. 

     " Kenji, I don't like it when you lie to me. It's not a good habit to have either." She said not even flinching. I continued trying to gasp for air. She brought a knife into view. She kissed me on the cheek. 

     "Look, Kenji you've lied to me before. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now." She said pressing the knife into my abdomen. She let go of me, letting me drop to the ground. I got into a sitting position. Harika was already walking away. 

     I got to my feet. I clutched my chest were she had grabbed me. She is pretty strong for such a small girl. I walked over to my bike and unlocked it. I hopped on and began to head for Olsa's house. She lived on the other side of the village. It was five minutes by bike and ten if you walked. The locals waved to me as I passed. I was able to reach her house without error. I knocked on her door. I was let in by Olsa's mom. She was off to the store. I walked in and sat with Olsa. She was in the living room in front of the glass patio doors. I caught something moving in the woods. In the bushes, purple eyes stared straight at me.


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