Chapter 6

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I watched as the eyes faded deeper into the woods. Olsa noticed me staring past her. She turned around. Harika was long gone though.

"What is it Kenji?" She asked gazing out the window.

"I swear I saw Harika." I said moving her behind me.

"Maybe we should go somewhere safer?" Olsa said grabbing my arm and hiding behind me. A knock at the door scared us both. I turned slowly to the door. The knob began to try and turn. It was locked though. Olsa's mom had a key, so it wasn't her. The knocking began again. A lot more violent this time. I walked over to the door.

"Who is it?" I said ready to slam the door shut, if whoever would try to force it open.

"It's me, Kenji. Olsa's mother." A voice replied. The voice was way to young to be her.

"It's my mom, Kenji. Let her in." Olsa said taking a step forward. I moved to intercept her. I put my arm up for her to wait.

"What's your maiden name?" I said in a quizzical fashion. There was a uncomfortable silence. It lasted way longer then it should have. I heard footsteps walk off the porch. Harika never gives up that easy.

"I think that was Harika." I said turning to Olsa. She nodded. The sound of glass shattering resounded through out the house. We both froze.

"What was that? Did she just break a window?" She asked with fear in her eyes. I nodded in response.

"Do you know where I can get a weapon at least?" I asked. Olsa pointed to a drawer in her kitchen. I ran over and grabbed a knife. Olsa ran over to me. I walked slowly into the living room, and looked down the hall. A door that led to Olsa's room was now open.

"Harika? You in there?" I said pushing the door open some. I quick little blade lunged out at me. Nipping my arm. I reared back. Olsa screamed as my legs went limp. I wasn't hurt that bad. Why can't I stand. I began to lose consciousness. All I remember is watching Olsa yell my name.

When I awoke, outside was dark. I wasn't in Olsa's house anymore. I was in the woods. I tried to move. My body just wouldn't respond. I looked around more closely. This area looked familiar. There were berry bushes around me. I was in the berry grove.

I laid there for what seemed like an eternity. I began to regain control of my body slowly. Starting with my fingers and ending with my feet. I tried to stand up. I wobbled and leaned against a tree for support. I walked out onto the road. I continued to have trouble walking. In the dark, I saw a far off light. It was toward my house.

"That light is coming from my room. I also need to find Olsa." I said weakly. My head hurt, and my voice was weak. I staggered and stumbled home. When I reached the door, I heard screaming. I grabbed the doorknob. A hand grabbed my arm. The figure picked me up and threw me to the ground. I looked into the deep crimson eyes of my attacker. There was no feelings or showing of any humanity in them. I heard a scream come from the upstairs of my house.

The poison's affect was still kinda there. I staggered back to my feet. I rushed the figure as best I could. It easily kicked me aside like I weighed nothing. I got back up again.

"Just stay down. By the time you get up there, she'll be dead." The figure whispered. I continued toward the door. Another blow went to my head, as a kick to the stomach followed. I flew off the porch onto my back. I coughed up blood. The sheer force was enough to kill. I sat up. Another kick launched me into the trunk of a tree.

"You'll die, if you continue. Just stop this senselessness!" It yelled at me. Blood soaked my shirt. It came from my head and nose, like a waterfall. Every bone in my body groaned in agony. I rolled onto my side. I tried to push myself up. I was kicked three times in my stomach. I was flipped over and it brought down a heel kick into my stomach. I spit up more blood onto the ground. I gasped for air.

"That's enough. He gets the point now." Harika said walking over to me. I was on the edge of death. Once again, my consciousness going in and out. Harika stared down at me. She smiled with fangs. I never saw those, when she was like this.

"Oh, helpless Kenji. Why do you try? You know I'm around every corner. Nothing you do is without me knowing." She crouched down near me. She ran her finger through my blood soaked hair. She whispered something inaudible to me. My body went numb. My eyes grew heavy. I watched blood leak in front of my eyes. Then all light was gone.

I woke up with a start. I was back in my room. Only it was sunny. Nothing was displaced. I felt fine. There was no pain. I smelled what could only be omelettes. I rushed down stairs to the kitchen. Mom was making breakfast. That can't be right. Mom was on a business trip. Someone patted me on the back.

"Morning son!" The mysterious figure said. I turned to someone I hadn't seen in ten years. My father stood behind me. His smile like a beacon in the dark. This wasn't possible. He has been dead for ten years. I was just five, when I watched him die. We were walking home from school when it happened. I was done with my first day of kindergarten. We were talking like a normal father and son. Nothing was different from a usual day. Then a hooded figure with glowing purple eyes, who looked roughly around fifteen, took out a gun and aimed at my father. It went in slow motion. A loud bang and a flash of light. Then I felt his hand go limp. The killer ran afterwards.

I watched him take his last breaths. My shirt was soaked with blood. I didn't cry. I just froze and stood there. Cops and paramedics showed up later. My mom took me home in tears. I will remember that forever. It will never leave me. The flash. The funeral. The tears. The eyes. I soon blocked out others. I had no health problems till that happened. I quit eating. I couldn't sleep. I just practically died. I looked behind me again. He was gone.

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