Chapter 7

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How is he just gone? I turned back to mom. She just stared at me. I reached out to touch her. My hand went straight through. She quivered and disappeared.

"What is this living hell? What's happening?" I said running over to the window. Outside was just black and red. It was like nothing existed. I closed the curtains again. I tried the door. It wouldn't budge. I did the same to the window. Same result. Every exit in the house was basically bolted.

I don't know how I got here. I just gotta get back to reality. I picked up a pot in the kitchen. I threw it at the window. It didn't even crack. I continued to beat on the glass. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I tried to hold on to the last scrap of hope I had. The window never showed any signs of giving away.

I tried the door as well. I threw a chair from the kitchen into the door. It shattered on the oak wood. I tried forcing it open. In the end, I only accomplished to hurt my shoulder. The wood hadn't even been scratched. I fell back against the wall exhausted. The stairs creaked. I looked up at the top. The figure with red eyes stood.

"Why am I here?" I asked through breaths. The figured stared at me. It raised it's hand. A flash happened, and it appeared right in front of me. It crouched down near me. I stared into it's red eyes. I just noticed, but my heart is pounding.

"Why do you try? You get hurt so much. Yet, you still get up." The voice was very familiar. I reached out to touch it. A knife narrowly missed my neck. It stuck out of the wood floor. Harika walked down the stairs toward us.

"Kenji! Welcome!" She said with a huge smile on her face. Being locked in my house with her is not something I wanted. The figure backed off. I tried to get up and run. As soon as I tried, Harika slammed me down to the ground again. It knocked the air out of me.

"You can't get out. Why try to run?" Harika asked standing by me.

"Why am I here? Harika tell me that. Also what is this place?" I asked when my breath returned. She smiled. She reached down towards my head. She grabbed my head, and brought it up to her. She clashed our lips.

"Kenji, you were always so curious. Fine, I'll tell you. This is my fantasy. You can call it that. Why you are here though. It's all of my personal wants. I created this space for us. We can be happy together. Like we were going to be, before someone allowed themselves to be seen." She said furiously, looking up at her accomplice. She let herself be seen.

" What do you mean it let itself be seen?" I asked confused. Harika was still holding me in her arms. I didn't like it. Though if I resisted, she might kill me. She looked back down at me.

"I gave her one specific order. Not to be seen. Then she gets herself caught." Harika said pulling me closer. I moved out of her arms. She reached out to grab me. I grabbed the knife stuck in the floor. I slashed the back of her hand. She yelled in pain.
I grabbed her and held the knife to her throat.

"Now let me out, or your dead." I said keeping Harika hostage. Harika laughed. I felt a massive hit dealt to my back. The other had warped behind me. I hadn't noticed it. I was knocked to the ground.
Harika walked over to me slowly. I went to lash out at her. She easily knocked my attack aside. She picked me up with one arm, and threw me into the living room. I went to get up, but she jumped over to me.

"Kenji, why can't you just be normal again? Just this once." Harika's eyes were the deepest shade of purple ever. I stared into the eyes of death that night. I kicked and squirmed trying to get free. She was just to strong.

"If you die in here, you die in real life Kenji.",she grabbed my neck and began to squeeze, "Good night my love. I won't forget you. It's a shame it ended this way." She said increasing her grip. The life was leaving me. Colors blurred, my hearing faded, and my breaths becoming shorter.

I grabbed her arm, and tried to pry her hand open. My strength almost gone. Harika's face was wet with fresh tears. Though her deranged smile was plastered there. Her eyes were flickering. I lost consciousness.

I heard voices and sounds. I woke up on the cold ground. Dried blood clung to my skin. My head hurt. Then I felt the worst pain in my life. It was as though someone had dug a knife into my head, and was constantly repeating. I cried out in pain. Blood began to run out of my nose. I spit up large amounts of blood. I couldn't breathe. The blood was stopping that from happening. This is it. I'm finally gonna die. I will never know what happened to Olsa. I failed.

"You won't die. I'll make sure of that." Said a voice. I fell to the ground. A hand pressed onto my chest. A warm sensation filled my body. The blood stopped. My head quit pounding. I looked up at an old lady. Her kind eyes locked with mine.

"Rest now, child. It will feel better once you awaken." She said in a sweet voice. I let sleep swallow me. When I awoke, I was in my house. I was laying on my couch. I tried to get up, then pain shot through my body. I groaned in pain.

"No! No! No! Stay down. You'll reopen your wounds. For someone who nearly died you sure are energetic." The lady in a black cloak said. I layed back down.

"Who are you?" I asked still kinda groggy. She held out some bandages. She began to wrap my midsection again.

"I'm a Wiccan." She said looking over at me.

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