Let's Get This Straight (Ten)

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The next morning, Desiree was stirred from her sleep by the unmistakable smell of bacon being prepared. For a moment everything was just fine until what she witnessed the night before came crashing to the forefront. Taj. Piper. In bed. Together. Desiree felt on the verge of either bursting into tears again or pounding the wall. Perhaps both at the same time.

There was a knock on the door, but Desiree chose to ignore it. Let them think that she was still asleep. When the knocking grew more insistent, she marched over, twisting the knob with such force that some small part of her was surprised that it didn't break. A frown settled on her face upon spotting him.

"Morning, sunshine," Taj greeted, his smile warm and friendly.

She wanted to slug him but miraculously managed to keep her hands to herself. Instead, Desiree none too gently informed him to shut up, slammed the door, and stormed toward her closet to find something to wear. Moments later, there was another knock. At the maximum level of annoyance, she rolled her eyes while returning to the door.

"Is there a problem?" she inquired testily, holding her belongings in one hand.

"I was intending to ask you the same thing," her kidnapper replied, wearing a quizzical expression.

"No. Everything is just freaking peachy."

"Wow. That is so convincing." Hands on her hips, Piper stared at her. "What is your problem?"

"You." The younger woman brushed past her and hurried into the bathroom, while the confused pair shared a look.

"I told you she didn't like me." Taj placed three glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table. When he insisted on cooking breakfast, Piper gave the kitchen over to him, but refused to let him use her "Kiss the Cook" apron. Her argument was that she had brought it with her, and no one wore it but her. Despite her friend's adorable pouting, she refused.

"I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for her behavior."

Taj quickly nodded. "Yes, there is. She doesn't like me."

"That's not reasonable," Piper argued.

The Jamaican man decided to drop the subject. "You should tell her breakfast is ready."

Piper hesitated before softly knocking on the door.

"What?" Desiree snapped from the other side.

Piper pulled in a deep calming breath when she felt her patience beginning to vanish. "Breakfast is ready."

"Can't you see that I'm in the bathroom?" the young woman called.

"Yes, I realize that you're in the bathroom. However, when you have finished, please come eat," Piper said as pleasantly as she could.

"Oh, I bet you're hungry. Aren't you?"

She frowned, yet decided not to bother inquiring what the irate woman meant by that. Desiree was not in a cordial mood, and soon the same could be said for her kidnapper.

Taj and Piper decided to wait for Desiree to finish whatever it was she was doing in the bathroom to join them for breakfast. Taj tried to keep the food as warm as possible. Finally, when both were on their second cup of coffee, the bathroom door opened releasing a gush of steam and a clothed Desiree. The young woman had chosen to wear a pair of white jean shorts that was accompanied by a striped red and white cotton short-sleeved shirt.

"You look cute," Piper commented, taking another sip from her coffee. She figured, well, hoped anyway that complimenting her would help. It didn't.

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