An Absolute Stranger (Twenty-Six)

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Expression thoughtful, she watched as her fingertips caressed back and forth over the manila envelope's seal. While they did so, she imagined a miniature angel perched on her left shoulder and an equally small not so angelic being seated on the right. The angel recommended that she leave the envelope intact as its contents were none of her business unless the intended recipient chose to share. Speaking of the recipient, the angel also instructed her to get up, travel to her room and deliver the untouched envelope into her hands immediately. Didn't matter what was within. Regardless, it belonged solely to her as her name had been written on the front with the brief message to open as soon as possible. It was possible for her to do so in under a minute. 

Unless the current keeper chose to turn a deaf ear on the angel.

Fingertips continuing to brush the securely pressed flap, she listened to what the figmental occupant on her other shoulder had to say. That one suggested she should at least examine whatever Emily Gibson placed inside and depending on what she found, either give it to Piper or tear it to pieces and discard--preferably in several receptacles. Apparently, the not so angelic one might have been a touch paranoid.

Went on to explain that of course the contents of the envelope were her business because they could have involved her family. She had to protect them. Didn't she aim to protect them? Of course. Didn't she also aim to protect Piper from herself? Depending on what Emily may have put inside, consequences could arise. No matter how calm she currently seemed, Piper was a volcano just waiting to erupt with a lava headed straight toward Richard Love Sr.

The current keeper had the power to prevent impact, protecting all entangled.

"Hey, Desi."

Catapulting from the chair as though it were suddenly engulfed in flames, she turned in the opposite direction, planting her backside on the table where the envelope was placed. While producing a shaky smile, she hoped the other woman didn't take notice of it. "Morning, Risa. just get here?"

Not offering an immediate reply, Larisa studied her face. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Desiree thought she might have said that a little too quickly and based on her sister's expression, she may have entertained similar thoughts. "How are you doing? How's my boy?"

"Mild headache but I'm fine. Tobias had a good night." Finding an unused cardboard box in her parents laundry room, Larisa removed the flaps and padded it with multiple blankets for a makeshift bed. Showing his gratitude, the cat slept in it during the entire night while positioned next to his Aunt Larisa's bed. "This morning fed him breakfast and he ate like a champ. By the time I was ready to leave he had fallen back to sleep. Since you'll be spending the night with Piper, I wouldn't mind babysitting again."

"Thank you, Risa."

"No problem. So what's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You looked...peculiar when I walked in here."

Desiree shrugged. "No peculiarity on my part. I'm fine." She pointed toward the waiting room's entrance. "Her discharge papers are ready, so let's collect Piper and be on our way." When her sister looked toward the entrance, she hurriedly tucked the envelope into the waistband of her pants, making sure that her shirt covered it. When Larisa refocused on her, it was Desiree's turn to notice that she looked peculiar. Before she could comment, Larisa spoke first, suggesting that she would wait for them by the elevators.

"Why? Just come with me to her room." Apparently not willing to give her the option to decline, Desiree grabbed her hand and proceeded to walk in the direction of Piper's private room, unknowing that her heart slammed against her chest with each additional step.

Larisa's hand didn't regain its freedom until they were within Piper's room. A smile planted on her lips, Desiree introduced the two as they stared at each other, one barely concealing hostility while the other appeared borderline skittish.

Dressed in the casual outfit Desiree purchased for her at the plaza across the street, Piper rested on the bed, sitting up with a couple pillows propped behind her. Having been channel hopping when they entered, a daytime soap opera shown while she offered a half-hearted wave. In response, Larisa nodded, a faint smile passing her lips.

Desiree glanced between them, picking up on the tension within seconds. "All right, ladies. It suddenly feels like we're in one of those old Western flicks where two opposing gunslingers engage in a quick draw battle. What's that about?" She gazed toward her lover. "I'm especially picking up on a lot of heat from your end, sweetheart."

Light eyes took an intent stroll along Desiree's body. "That heat probably stems from my appreciation of you." One of those eyes winked while Desiree felt a heat climbing to her cheeks. "Your fault for being so damn foxy."

Cheeks multiplying in heat, Desiree shook her head, a smile trying to form. "I need to step out for a bit before we leave. Can I trust you both to be on your best behavior?"

"Can't speak for your sister, but you can trust me. I'll be polite as I don't harbor any issues where she's concerned. After all," her eyes temporarily shifted toward the eldest sister, "she's an absolute stranger to me." Desiree missed it yet she caught the flash of pain on Larisa's face.

"Hopefully not for long." Desiree split a hopeful smile between the pair. "You both mean so much to me and I'd love for you to become friends." Announcing that she would return soon, she managed two steps toward the door when her sister stopped her with a hand pressed to her upper chest.

"Whatever it is, I'll do it for you." Eyes just a fraction too wide, Larisa forced a smile. "Stay here with Piper. I'll take care of it." She would rather endure a root canal without anesthetics than to be in her ex-girlfriend's company without someone as a buffer.

"Thanks but this is something I'm required to do on my own."

"I beg to differ."

Arms folded over her chest, Desiree regarded the other woman. "So do I unless you can figure out how to use the restroom for me."

"I'll accompany you."

"Risa," gripping her sister's shoulders, she displayed a patient smile, "I've been using the potty by myself since I was four, so thanks but I got this. Please stay with Piper, start getting to know each other and I'll be back shortly." Squeezing her shoulders and leaning forward to kiss a cheek, Desiree turned to blow Piper one before quickly walking out.

Longingly staring toward the open door, Larisa shoved slightly trembling hands into her pants pockets. She swore that she could feel eyes attempting to bore holes through her back. Alone at last.


Taking a rather deep breath, she turned, uncertain how she was able to produce a pleasant smile. Meanwhile, Piper allowed the hostility to fully show. "You look good, Piper." Larisa inwardly sighed. Of all the things she could have said the moment their reunion was unsupervised and she selected that comment? Oh, it was true, but sounded far too foolish and superficial.

Evidently, Piper didn't appreciate it as a frown discovered her forehead. "No need to make small talk. Just sit down and we'll wait for your sister in silence."


"When I referred to you as a stranger, I wasn't lying. I don't know you...never knew you. I'll do my best to be cordial when your sister is around, but other than that it would suit me just fine for us to ignore each other. Okay?"

It wasn't necessary for Larisa to look into a mirror. The misery racing through her was readily discernible. "We can't discuss anything?"

"What is there to discuss? You made your feelings perfectly clear a decade ago."

Nearly twenty minutes late because she lost the key to the hotel room and had to find Taj in order to use his, Piper walked into the crowded restaurant. She stood at the entrance for a few moments trying to get her breathing under control after the short run from the hotel. She just learned a very valuable lesson that could be useful to all women around the world--running in high heels and a short dress is not the best idea. Speaking of the dress, Piper's comfort level in it was quite low but she wanted to look great for Larisa.

Twenty-three. Today was their twenty-third day of knowing one another, enjoying one another's company, falling deeper with each passing day. Though they spent the bulk of each day together, Piper always felt the same nervousness and excitement when she knew she was about to be reunited with Larisa. Some might think it ridiculous that she had given her heart so swiftly, but there wasn't a doubt in Piper's mind that she was in love. She was in love with the most beautiful, intelligent, witty and kind woman in the world and couldn't fathom how life could possibly get any better.

Thank goodness she accepted Taj and his family's invitation to join them on their Jamaican vacation. Otherwise, she might not have ever met Larisa and known this special woman who made her feel so wanted and loved, existed. It was a frightening thought and Piper shuddered nearly every time that she thought about it.

She scanned the restaurant, eyes soon connecting with a engaging dark brown pair. Hoping that her bright smile wasn't in the vicinity of goofy, she moved through the tables and nearly collided with a waiter on her way to Larisa’s table. As she drew nearer, Larisa stood up and walked around to pull her date’s chair out for her.

Reaching the table, Piper leaned in to give Larisa a kiss on the lips, which her date ended far too quickly. Thanking her for exhibiting gentlewomanly behavior, Piper occupied the chair and placed her small purse (which she detested carrying around because she deemed it too much trouble) on the small round table romantically prepared for two.

"Hey." Piper's voice sounded a bit breathless. "I’ve missed you." Sure they spent yesterday evening together when Larisa asked her out on this date, yet she experienced an ache each time they parted company.

"Hello," Larisa replied, having a difficult time keeping her eyes off her date. Piper was simply the most gorgeous creature that she ever laid eyes on. The dress appeared as though it had been created especially for her and she wore a light covering of makeup that only proved to accentuate her beauty, yet she could easily do without any. "I’ve—" Automatically, Larisa began to state that she missed Piper as well, which was the truth, but it would only make what she had to announce all the more confusing. "I’ve been waiting for you." Larisa picked up the menu so her eyes could focus on something else. "Almost half an hour. Started to think you weren’t going to show up."

Piper picked up her own menu and opened it while looking toward Larisa. "I’m sorry. I had some trouble getting into the hotel room." Her expression was sheepish. "Lost my key." With much difficulty, Piper turned her attention to the menu.

"It’s just that our reservation was for 6:30." Larisa reached over for the glass of water, taking a sip. She detested how she sounded, but it was all for a reason. In her opinion, there wasn't an alternative. "Would have appreciated it if you had been considerate enough to pick up a phone and call."

The teenager's brow furrowed. Something was amiss. It wasn't her imagination that a foreign frostiness radiated from her lover. Could she be that upset Piper was late? Piper quietly put the menu down, having decided what she wanted and folded her hands together on her lap. "I already said that I was sorry," she replied in a calm quiet voice. "I should have called you, but I didn’t think about it."

Neither woman said another word until their waiter arrived to take orders. Once the man returned with their beverages and left once again, Piper busied herself with rearranging the silverware on her cloth napkin while wondering what the sudden tenseness between them was all about. Not being able to stand it another moment, she broke the silence, asking Larisa if there was anything wrong.

Expression thoughtful, Larisa wrapped a hand around the wine glass, swirling the deep red liquid. Looking up, she studied Piper’s face. For the first time she had doubts. Perhaps this was not the way to go about it. She wanted to be with this woman for the rest of her life and it caused Larisa profuse pain to know that it could never be. She had to do this because it was better for her lover to despise her.

"Piper," she started, "I don’t think we should see each other any more. That’s why I invited you here. To break up with you." The chefs were probably preparing their meals at that moment yet Larisa doubted either of them would partake of a single bite. Her initial intention was to wait until after dinner, but the moment she spotted Piper she knew she had to go through with it earlier to get it over with.

Piper's eyes instantly welled with tears. "What do you mean you don’t think we should see each other? What happened? We had plans..." Amazed and delighted to discover that not only were they from the same country and state, but also shared a city, Piper and Larisa agreed it was just another sign that they were meant to be together. The plan was to continue their courtship and eventually save enough money to get an apartment for just the two of them. More than once over the last few weeks, Larisa stated that she wanted to help Piper leave her father's household as soon as possible.

Sighing, Larisa sat back in the chair regarding her companion. "Did you honestly believe that I really loved you?" The look that Piper gave her obviously said yes. Tongue clucking, she shook her head. "Oh, please, Piper…you could never win my love." She almost winced and could have kicked herself when the tears began to fall. She was responsible for those tears and she hated it.

" said that you loved me." This was a nightmare, right? It had to be.

Larisa nodded. "That's true. I wouldn't be the first person to claim love in order to get into someone's panties. Honestly? It was just sex. Passionate, hot, mind blowing sex, but at the end of the day just sex. You and I could never be a we. A relationship between us simply wouldn't work."

Tears dripping from her chin and staining the tablecloth, Piper stared as though the person seated on the other side of flickering candles was a stranger. "What about our plans?"

"You believe everything someone tells you, Piper?"

"This doesn't make any sense." Piper didn't bother to wipe at her streaked face and didn't care that her sobs had gained the attention of a few other customers. "You listened to me...about my father. You comforted me. Why would you do that? How could you be so warm and tender and now...this?"

Larisa stalled by picking up her wine glass to take a couple swallows. "Guess I was trying to be nice, but, babe, speaking of your childhood, you have a hell of a lot of baggage. I'm only twenty-one and I want to have fun, not be saddled with someone barely out of high school who had such a precarious upbringing."

Heart shattering, Piper half expected to drop dead in that moment. Part of her yearned to. "I trusted you, but I don't know you."

"It's been three weeks. Of course you don't know me. Listen, we had a nice Caribbean romance and now it's over. Time to return to our regularly scheduled lives. Best of luck with yours." Larisa anticipated the slap before Piper's hand even moved from the table. She considered that she was let off the hook much too easily when the other woman marched away. Cheek stinging and ignoring the stares leveled at her, she watched through blurring eyes as her ex-lover exited the restaurant.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Heart beating a rather energetic rhythm, Desiree closed the lid atop the toilet within a quiet ladies' restroom. Envelope tugged from her waistband, she occupied the lid while staring toward the seal. This was her final chance. She could either return to Piper's room and present her with untampered mail or possibly dig an even deeper hole for herself.

Desiree required a shovel the moment her index finger slipped into the end of the envelope. Seconds later, she held a sheet of paper covered in a small, neat handwriting. Placing the envelope on the floor, she sat forward with elbows on her knees as she read.

Dear Piper,

Considering how extensively I've disrupted your life, I realize it doesn't mean a thing, but please allow me to say that I'm so very sorry. I'm your older sister and I've behaved the farthest from sisterly. I'm ashamed of myself. Ashamed actually doesn't cover how I feel about myself. It's gotten to the point that I can barely look in the mirror without first using cocaine. I've become a shell of the person I used to be and I deserve whatever happens in the future.

I want to apologize for all that our brother and I have done to you. Instead of the disgusting plans we carried out, I wish that you and I could have had a relationship. I wish that I could have been strong enough to stand up to Victor. I don't know why I went along with all he planned. I guess because he tried explaining to me that you were responsible for the death of our father. At first, I tried to tell him that you did not have a choice since you walked in on him choking your mother, but soon Victor wore me down.

I think part of the reason I helped was because he's my brother and despite how twisted he is, I still love him. Another reason was because I feared him and I'm weak. You've dealt with more than the two of us put together and yet you're still so strong. I admire that and honestly wish that I could be more like the little sister I never had the opportunity to know.

Victor has been searching for you and he finally discovered your whereabouts. There has been too much tragedy, too much death, so although it took me all these years to do so, I'm going to prevent the next stage of the plan, which is to end your life. As you read this letter I'm most likely locked up in a jail cell, which is where I know I belong. I'm not intending to plead innocent because I am drowning in guilt and will for the rest of my days.

I hope and pray that the remainder of your life will be filled with peace, happiness and love. It's about time that you experience all three of those plus so much more. Please take good care of yourself, Piper.


Emily Gibson

Breathing a sigh of relief, Desiree carefully slid the letter back into the manila envelope. Thankfully, Emily's letter didn't go into specifics so she felt quite comfortable giving Piper the letter. Reaching toward the bottom of the envelope, she thought she might hyperventilate upon withdrawing a disc. Desiree's stomach began to hurt when she noticed Emily's handwriting.

My detailed confession

Her question as she flipped the disc back and forth as if by doing so she would be granted a preview of its contents? How detailed was it?

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Channel surfing resumed until Piper stopped at a network currently playing a cooking show. While a chef explained how to create the perfect sweet and savory marinade for boneless chicken breasts, Larisa sat lightly slapping her thighs while trying to inconspicuously look at the blonde. The tension was so thick she didn't even require a cheap plastic knife to cut it.

Although realizing it most likely wouldn't do any good, she felt compelled to speak. "You still love to cook?"

"Yes." Her eyes stayed riveted to the television attached to the wall.

"Did you continue honing your culinary skills in prison?" Oh for the love of God. Someone should slap heavy duty tape over my mouth.

"Yes." Following a pause Piper conversationally added, "Picked up a few other skills too. Like how to make a shank out of a toothbrush."

Larisa thought she spotted a grin, yet during the time it took her to blink it vanished. "Why would you mention that?"

"Just sharing random information."

"Uh huh."

Silence fell again until Larisa's brain fired back to life. "You might not believe me, but I'm so relieved that you're alive." She waited a few moments and when there wasn't a response, she decided to keep talking. "I know about you and Desiree...about your relationship and I wish you all the best. Really do." Still nothing, but she had to be listening although she hadn't glanced away from the cooking program. "You've been through so much shit and it's about time a boatload of happiness was thrown your way.

"So many including myself have caused you pain and I'm certain you've only retaliated when it was deserved. Believe it or not, I want you to be happy, I want you to feel an incredible amount of love, I want you to set this world on fire and show it how brilliant Piper Redding is." Blinking away tears, Larisa smiled despite the other woman not looking toward her. "Who knows? Maybe in the next year or two you could have your own televised cooking show. If you'd be into that."

"I hit her."

Larisa blinked for an entirely different reason. "Pardon?"

Television turned off, Piper kept staring up toward the darkened screen. "You mentioned I only retaliated when it was deserved but your sister and I had an argument on the day Victor and Emily showed up at the cabin. Watching the news, it seemed I was guilty after all and I tried convincing her that I wasn't. Words were lobbed back and forth. Eventually I lost my temper and punched Desiree in the mouth."

"You're responsible for the loose tooth?"

Eyes briefly shutting, Piper muttered an expletive. "Didn't realize I hit her that hard. Remember blood on her lip, but--" She yelped when Larisa pounced on her. Yanking the pillow from behind Piper's back, she began smacking her on the head, managing to land four strikes before being pulled backward. Observing as Larisa struggled in her sister's arms, it occurred to Piper that had been the most gentle 'beating' she'd ever received. Her hair might have needed brushing, but she hadn't sustained the tiniest injury. Imagine it's difficult to kick someone's ass with a pillow.

"Desi, let me go!" Instructed to drop her 'weapon' first, she tossed it toward the floor. Once Desiree released her torso, she exited the bed, leveling a glare toward Piper. Biting back a growl, she pointed at her. "Next time it won't be a pillow if you ever put your hands on my sister again. Understand?"

"If I ever did that you have my permission to smother me with a pillow."

"Deal." Thrusting her hand toward Piper, she was surprised when the woman shook it.

Desiree curiously glanced between them. "Didn't I ask you two to be on your best behavior while I was away?"

"She started it." Pointing an accusatory finger, Piper sounded much like a tattling ten-year-old. "I was just talking and she jumped on me and started attacking me."

Hands on her hips, Larisa rolled her eyes. "With a pillow. You threatened me with a shank!"

Watching as her lover's mouth opened wide, Piper quickly shook her head. "Paranoid Polly, I did no such thing. Mentioned that I knew how to make one. Mere chitchat."

"Chitchat my ass."

Simultaneously, they asked Desiree where she was going when she started walking toward the door. Without turning around, she answered, "I'll be in the waiting room. When you children stop squabbling, I'm ready to leave."

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