Chapter 4

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Logan gazed across the border, even though it was night time on our side, the Dark Spot looked even darker then the rest of the land.

Logan jumped, tensing when a rustling sound erupted to the left of him. A bunny jumped out of the bushes, making Logan laugh at his jumpiness.

Logan smiled at the rabbit. "You scary little bugger," Logan muttered.

The bunnies nose quivered, and looked up at Logan. The bunny drew it's lips back revealing razor sharp teeth.

Logan gasped in shock, not moving fast enough to dodge the bunny as it flew at his face. Logan tried to get the rabbit off his face, but the rabbit had dig it's obnoxiously long claws into his skin.

Logan fell to the forest floor and shouted, when he heard the rabbits teeth snap, needily, at his neck. Logan managed to loosen the rabbits grip. Arrow in hand, he jerk into the under belly of the rabbit. The body went slack and fell off of Logan.

Logan sat up, scrambling away from the strange creature that now had an arrow in it. Gasping, Logan looked around and saw a dark skinned guy walked out from behind the trees. He looked around Logan's age, but his black hair went down to his shoulders. "What the-"

"You ought to be more careful, mundane," the guy rumbled, walking over to the rabbit.

"W-Wha- Who?" Logan tried to ask, but kept tripping over his own words.

The guy picked up the rabbit and ripped the arrow out of it. "You're to close to the boarder, some of our animals crossover onto your side."

Logan stood, using the tree to help him stand up. "W-Wait you live in the Dark Spot?!"

The man looked up at Logan weirdly, meeting his gaze. "Yes, I suggest you stay away, the next one of my kind might not be so nice."

"Your kind?" Logan asked, surprised.

"Yes, my kind," the man shrugged past him.

The guy kept walking, taking the rabbit with him. "Wait!" Logan called out to him. "Wait, where are you going?!"

The guy turned and waved the rabbit in the air. "Clean those scratches out! You don't want them to get infected," was all he said, before turning around and continued walking.

Logan watched the man until he was the size of an ant, before he turned around and made his way home.

Logan snuck in the house and quickly washed his face, small claw marks that ran across his face stung. Logan sighed he didn't know how he would explain this one to Mama.

After sneaking up to his room, Logan laid down on his bed and even though he was exhausted he couldn't fall asleep.

That man said he lived in the Dark Spot. What if his sister was still alive? Who else lived there? He said "his kind" what did that mean? Slowly he drifted into a fitful sleep.

Hours later he woke, the sun turned his room to a orange tint. Logan stood and stretched, rubbing his face, feeling the tender scratches still there.

Sighing Logan stood up, quickly getting dressed. Then Logan walked carefully down the stairs and when he was sure Mama wasn't in the house, Logan snuck outside.

Logan quickly walked down the road, entering town. He climbed the three steps that lead up to the craftsman shop. Logan opened the door, putting on a think apron and grabbing a mask.

"Oh! Log, before you start forging, I'm suppose to tell you your pay is being reduced," his boss, Mr. Chintow, said.

"What?! But they just reduced it last week!" Logan complained.

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