Chapter 14

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Logan woke, pain radiated from his abdomen. A chill in the room made him shiver. He looked around his eyes focusing on a girl next to him.

The girl had black hair, large green eyes, but you could barely see the green because pupils were so big. She had extremely pale skin. Overall she was the strangest thing he'd ever seen. In all truth am honesty if he wasn't in so much pain, he'd probably have freaked out a little more.

"W-Where am I?" Logan wincing at how rusty his voice sounded.

She stood up, and walked to the door, opening it. "He's awake!" She called, turning back around to face him.

Two people came running through the door. One a young man, looked about the same age as Logan. The other an older women, worry lines creased her face. Both of them had normal features unlike the girl.

"Good, you're awake!" The women told him, coming up to the bed side. She put a hand to his forehead. "Well, no temp. So that's a good sign!"

"Who- Where-" Logan broke off in a fit off coughing. His abdomen screamed in pain, causing him to groan.

"Oh! Where are my manners?! I'm Doris, pack leaders wi-" she cut herself off, a sadness clouding her face, "co-pack leader, and this is my son, Jacob, he's the other leader, and my daughter, Tania." She said, indicating to each of them.

Pack?! What are they talking about?! "Where am I?" He asked again, dreading the answer.

"You're in the Darkness, child, my daughter and her friend found you injured and brought you back here," Doris explained. "She saved your life."

"And where exactly is here?" Logan asked, breathlessly. He was in the Darkness!

"In the werewolve's pack," was her response.

Logan pushed himself up, everyone had gone to bed. Logan gasped at the constant knives that seemed to be stabbing him.

He forced himself to keep going, he had to get out of here. Marita needed him! Logan recalled what happened, when he got caught. Marita calling his name rang through his head.

Standing, Logan leaned against the wall, slowly he finally made it to the door. Logan opened it slowly, looking down the hallway. Positive the coast was clear, he stepped out, walking down the hallway.

His body was shaking, pain shooting through his stomach. Logan felt like he was going to throw up and then pass out. He made it to the stairs, pausing to catch his breath which he was gasping for.

After a second, he made the climb down the stairs. Logan made it to the bottom, breathing heavily, and swaying. Logan wished he had his strong body back, the only thing that rarely ever failed him.

Logan took two steps forward looking around for an exit. Suddenly he felt something cold pressed to his neck. "Where do you think your going?"

Fear buried itself deep into his stomach. His throat dry, Logan glanced down, seeing the razor sharp sword.

Dim lights flipped on, letting Logan see the room better. Jacob walked into the room, sleep in his eyes. Logan's eyes widened, the odds were definitely Not in his favor.

Jacob sighed, shook his head. "Tania, let him go," he said tiredly.

Logan raised his eyebrow in surprise. Tania's arm tightened round him, pressing the sword tighter. Logan leaned back, the sword cutting his throat slightly.

"Why?! So he can go kill off more of us?!" Tania asked.

Logan looked around wildly. Kill more of them off?! Dread filled him. Jack and Carl, they said they killed a pack leader late last night!

"He wasn't the human that killed Dad, Tania!" Jacob snapped, exasperated.

"Oh! So we just let him go?! Let them all get away with it! With what they did!!" Tania behind him argued.

"Tania, please!" Jacob said exasperated. "This isn't you! You've always wanted to meet a human, always wanted to see what you would've been like!"

Logan could feel Tania stiffen behind him. "Is that what I wanted? Or is that what you wanted?" She asked quietly, before shoving Logan at Jacob.

Logan gasped at he felt his inside feel as if being ripped out, dragged across the ground before being trampled over, then shoved back into him out of order. Jacob grabbed Logan, steadying him. "Are you ok?" Jacob asked, but his eyes were on Tania as she ran out the door.

"Fine," Logan mutter, holding one hand to his bullet wound and the other on his neck.

Jacob sighed, looked down at Logan. "I'm sorry about her," Jacob apologized.

"It's alright, I probably wouldn't have been any different if I had just lost a person close to me," Logan said.

Jacob eyed him, before helping him stand up. "Why don't you tell me where you were headed?"

Logan eyes him, cautiously. Could he trust them? The hunters sure didn't think so. "I have a problem I have to deal with," was his response.

Jacob nodded, waving his hand, to continue. "What kind of problem?"

Logan hesitated further more. "It's personal."

Jacob moved forward reaching past Logan. He pulled up a chair and had Logan sit down. Jacob sat in his own chair, also.

"I don't think you see where I'm coming from. I can't help you with your problem, if you don't tell me what it is," Jacob said.

"You're going to help me?!" Logan asked, surprised.

Jacob stared at Logan for a second, considering him. "I do what's best for my pack. Right now that means trying to live on this planet for as long as we can. Our last falling was a hard one, this one would be even worse, especially since we are unprepared," Jacob explained.

Logan was surprised by all this information, confused by most of it, but surprised all the same. "How will helping me, help you and your pack?"

Jacob looked him in the eye. "My father was killed by a monster this morning. A hunter. If the hunters have found us, that means our existence will soon be known. Humans will hate us and they will attack us before they even know us," Jacob told Logan. "If we help you with your problem, you will tell humans we mean no harm, when they discover us. Do we have a deal?"

Logan sat there considering his options. "If I refuse," he said cautiously, "what happens to me?"

Jacob tilted his head, slightly. "I will let you live among us, but I can't guarantee your safely, many of my kind hate yours. Your kind have killed, tortured, destroyed and disgraced our loved ones and sometimes even them."

"But I can't leave?" Logan asked.

Jacob shook his head, a sadness slipped across his face. "You can try, but we will catch you. If you make it out of our borders though, we won't follow."

Logan slowly made a hesitant decision, but paused remembering something. "You said to, er, Tania that she always wanted to know what she would've been like, what did you mean by that?"

Jacob raised an eyebrow in surprise. "She was born a human, like you. Now what is your decision?"

Logan's mind was racing, he wanted to protect Marita, but he also wanted his people to be safe! Who could he trust? Who should he trust? The hunters? The werewolves?

Logan forced himself not to flinch as Jacob reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll leave you to think about it, but you should really get some sleep. It's the best way to let that wound heal."

Logan nodded, standing slowly. He walked toward the stairs. Jacob offered to help him up the stairs, but Logan shook his head.

Logan's wound burned, his mind raced, his eyes drooped with exhaustion. No matter which way he looked, there was no answer. Logan's wound still hurt, his mind still raced for options, and he couldn't find sleep. What was he going to do?!

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