Chapter 23

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Tania wondered around the forest, it was starting to get dark, and cool off. Tania enjoyed the relief from the sun, even if it was harder to see in the dark now then it was when she was in The Darkness.

Tania now stood at the edge of the Dark Forest. The house before her glowed in the distance. Part of her wanted to turn around and never return, but the sensible part of her said that she didn't have anywhere else to stay. Plus she had no idea how to live in the human world.

Tania took a deep breath and walked forward. Tania told herself that she would just go inside and go up to bed. Tania reached the house and paused.

She could hear shouting inside, both men and women voices. Tania couldn't make out what was being said though.

Tania readied herself, and pulled the door open, walking inside. Now she could hear what was being shouted.

"Logan, she's your sister! You're supposed to take care of her and not leave her to the monsters!" Mary yelled.

"Mama, Tania can take care of herself! If Tania ran I honestly don't blame her!" Logan yelled.

"Logan! How dare you say that! I'm so disappointed in you, she probably ran away, because of how much of a disappointment you are!" Mary yelled again.

"Mary, watch you tongue! That is your son you're talking to," Charles interrupted.

"No, Papa, it's fine. I know I'm a disappointment to her, but it doesn't matter. I can never be a low as she is," Logan growled before running up the stairs.

There was silence that followed, but then Charles broke it. "He's right, that was low."


"No, I'm tired of you not pulling your weight around here, Mary. It's not only affecting me, but our son," Charles walked toward the door, before pausing. "And now we also have a daughter to take care of."

Then he passed me, he glanced my way, but only kept walking. Charles slammed the door in the way out.

Tania nodded to herself and walked out of her hiding spot. "Honey you're back!" Mary exclaimed, walking my way.

"Don't touch me, talk to me, or even look at me," Tania snarled.

Tania walked up the stairs, she paused at her door, but didn't enter. Instead she turned to Logan's room and knocked in the door.

"Go away, Mama! I don't want to talk to you!" Was Logan response.

"What if it wasn't your mother?" Tania asked softly.

"S-Tania?!" Was Logan bewildered answer. The door opened to reveal a messy looking Logan.

"Hey," Tania asked, looking at his hair which stuck up everywhere.

"What do you want?" Logan asked. This was the most serious Tania had ever seen him.

"Look I'm stuck here, so you might as well vent about your mother to me."

"Ah... I guess you heard what went down then," Logan guessed.

"Kinda hard not to."

"You know if I did what you're asking me to do, Mama would kill me," Logan said.

Tania shrugged, leaning up against the doorway. "That doesn't affect me in anyway."

Logan chuckled, opening the door wider. "I guess it doesn't."

Tania swung her sword at her imaginary bad guy. She heard a snap of a twig begin her and whipped around still swinging Nightshade.

"Whoa!" Logan shouted ducking.

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