Chapter 20

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Susan's voice rung in his head. 'I just want to go home.' Her sadness caused a guilt to fill Logan.

Logan stood on the border, between light and darkness. Should he really do this? Or should he just go back home, and hope Tania gets better? I mean soon she'll come to love us, won't she?

Logan sighed and fully walked into the Darkness. Logan tightly hung onto his new bow, nervous energy making him skittish.

He continued walking, the darkness seemed to crowd around him. Suffocating him. Logan walked faster, the sooner this was over with, the sooner he could get home.

A dull light could suddenly be seen in the distance. Logan wouldn't quite call it a light, more like a glowing area in the distance. The werewolves city.

Logan ran foreword only to be stopped by a growl, coming from behind him. Logan raised his arms slowly, Logan then slowly lowered his bow, setting it onto the ground. "I-I'm unarmed," Logan called to the wolf.

There was a strange grinding sound, making Logan turn around to see Jacob standing there. "Give me one reason I shouldn't rip you to shreds," Jacob growled.

Logan looked down and shook his head. "Honestly I can't give you any."

"What have you done with my sister?!" Jacob asked harshly.

"She's my sister too," Logan said before he could stop himself.

Jacob growled deeply, his lips pulling back revealing fangs. "Why are you here?!"

"S-Susan is, er, she needs help," Logan said, hesitantly.

Logan saw concern cloud Jacob's features before he shoved it aside. "Why are you asking for my help? I thought you would know to fix everything, human?" Jacob asked a sneer in his voice.

"Susan's sick, she says she needs blood. You're the only one who knows how to fix that, and that's why I'm here. I care about her, just as much as you do," Logan told Jacob.

Jacob stared at Logan, then turned around, rubbing his face. "This shouldn't be happening so fast! She should've been good for months, maybe even a year!"

"Jacob, she needs your help," Logan said.

"You don't think I know that?!" Jacob snapped, advancing on Logan quickly. "You don't think I wouldn't be going after her as soon as I could! I'm at war here! I have to look out the pack first, no matter how I feel about my sister!"

Logan cowered under Jacob's verbal attack. Logan didn't know what to say, he could clearly tell Jacob was upset.

Jacob stood above him staring angrily at him, before retreating again. Logan inspected Jacob silently. He looked terrible, like he had gotten no sleep, and was stretched out thin. The guilt level Logan was feeling climbed higher. Why should you care how he feels, he's a werewolf. A small voice in his head said.

Jacob paced before stopping in a defeated slump. "I can't leave the Darkness. We're at war here and my pack needs me," he said sadly, gazing longingly in the direction of Half-Time sighed.

"You wouldn't have been able to go anyway," Logan said hesitantly.

Jacobs eyes flashed. "And why not?!"

"Because my house has two hunters their standing guard. They would realize what your were and kill you," Logan explained.

"You left my sister in the hands of hunters!" Jacob shouted.

"Sh... They won't hurt her, trust me!" Ignoring Jacobs snort about trusting him, Logan continued. "Listen, tomorrow I'll meet you at the border between The Darkness and Half-Time. Tania will be with me, so bring the blood or whatever," Logan said

"You do realize I could kidnap Tania and bring her home right?" Jacob asked.

Logan looked down and said carefully. "I just hope you realize that living in the human world is safer then here. I know you want the best for her, and living in a place that is at war, and is constantly worried for her life is not the best for her."

Jacob looked at him quietly. "You know this isn't going to solve anything. If this is how fast it'll where off then you'll be back every week."

"Then I guess we'll have to figure out a different solution," Logan said.

Jacob nodded, his shoulders slumped, "I'll see what I can find."

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow night."

Jacob nodded again, before slowly turning into a brown wolf, about chest hight. His fur glistened in the moonlight, he tipped his head back and howled loudly, before running past Logan.

Logan walked in to the house, quietly. "Where were you?" Carl asked, when he walked into the kitchen.

"Out on a walk, why? Is something wrong?" Logan asked, not missing a beat. He'd practiced this to himself on the walk home.

"No, no, just wondering where you went so late at night," Carl said.

"Well, like you said, it's late, so I'm gunna head to bed," Logan said, walking toward the stairs.

"Better watch yourself," Carl said carefully. Logan stopped at the end of the steps.

"Is that a threat?!" Logan asked, turning slightly.

"No, it's a warning. If you don't be careful something bad will happen," Carl said standing up.

Something bad? Is he talking about the werewolves or himself? Logan thought, but just shook his head. "Yeah, ok, got it."

Logan walked up the stairs into his bedroom, his mind swirling.

Tania laid on the grass, Logan stood over her. It shocked Logan how much weight she had lost since they fist kidnapped her.

There was a rustle in the grass on the side of The Darkness, then Jacob stepped out.

He didn't even glance at Logan, just kept walking toward Tania. Jacob knelt down next to Tania, lifting her head and setting it in his lap.

Jacob brushed her hair out of Tania's face. "Tania wake up," he whispered. "Come on, Tania, it's me, Jay."

Tania stirred slightly, Logan watched surprised when Tania opened her eyes. The whole climb here she hadn't even stirred once. "Jay?" She asked.

Jacob smiled, "Hey, little sis," he said.

"What? Is this a dream?!" Tania asked.

Jacob shook his head. "Logan told me you needed blood, so I brought you some."

"Logan? But now that you're here, so I can go home, right?! I don't have to go back there now?" Tania asked, quickly, excitement coloring her voice. Logan's heart ached at how eager she sounded to be away from him.

"Don't worry about it, ok?" Jacob told her softly.

Tania scrunched her eyebrows, but nodded. "What are we doing here?"

"I'm bringing you some where, but you just relax and save your energy," Jacob said, but Tania was already drifting asleep.

Jake scooped Tania up, and faced Logan. "Let's go," his voice hardening,the soft voice he used with Tania long gone.

"Go where?! Didn't you bring her blood?!" Logan asked, quickly following Jay.

"Nope, I think I found away to solve this whole problem."

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