Chapter 13

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Tania stared down at the human man in front of her. His yellowish hair, drifted over his face.

Blood leaked from his abdomen, the man was in obvious pain. Sam crouched down in front of the man, checking his pulse. "His pulse is too quick, we need to take him back to the pack."

"What?! We should leave him here!" Tania objected.

Sam looked up, astonishment coloring his expression. "Tania! He's going to die if we leave him here!"

"Incase you've forgotten, it was his people that kill our leader, my father!" Tania practically shouted.

"I haven't forgotten Tania, but was this the man who pulled back the string of the bow that shot an arrow into our leaders side?!" Sam argued.

Tania hesitated, before shaking her head. "No," she muttered quietly.

Sam nodded and reached down picking up the unconscious man. Ignoring the man's cries of pain, Sam stood up. "We need to move quickly if we plan on keeping him alive."

Tania nodded, gripping her sword. She started running toward the river. They reached the river, pausing. "What's the plan, we both can't jump across, not with a third person?" Sam asked.

"Turn," Tania told him.

"What? I'm not-" Sam objected.

"Hurry up! Do you want to save this guy or not?!" Tania snapped.

Sam sighed setting the man down, then transformed into a wolf. His brown fur glistened in the pink sky.

Sam flicked his ear, telling her to help the guy on. "Ok," Tania muttered, picking up the man, he was surprisingly heavy.

After tying him to Sam, Tania said. "Ok, jump across the river. Get him some help, then come back for me."

Sam shook his head, letting out a puff of air from his snout. "I'll be fine! It's almost dark and I have my weapons with me."

Sam rolled his eyes, which was really funny in wolf form, but right now she couldn't find it in her to laugh.

Sam stepped backward, facing the river. He took a running start, before leaping across the wide river, landing on the other side.

Sam turned and looked back at Tania. Tania smiled reassuringly, watching him turn and start running toward camp.

Sam had come back for Tania after about ten minutes. Tania climbed onto Sam's back, she clutched his fur into two handfuls. "Run, Sammy, run." She muttered in his ear, watching them flick back telling her that he'd heard her.

Tania felt his muscles bunch underneath him, when he took off. After two bounds Sam crouched and leapt across the river.

Sam started running as soon as his feet touched the ground. Tania and Sam have done this many times, they've practiced many fighting tactics with Tania riding him.

Tania leaned into Sam, loving the speed, the way the air flowed through her hair, she loved feeling Sam's muscles clench and unclench under her. Tania let the feeling of flying drown out her pain, and loss.

The ride ended to soon, when they reached camp. Tania jumped off Sam, brushing a hand down his fur. "Thanks man."

She started walking toward the house, hearing Sam behind her turn back into human form. "Yeah, no problem," he responds gruffly.

Tania turned around and faced Sam. "I don't think I can do this."

Sam put an arm around her. "You're going to be fine. I mean, you have always wanted to meet a human," Sam tells her.

Tania sighed, taking a deep breath. That wasn't all she was talking about. Tania didn't want face her family. She walked up to the door, opening it.

Jay rushed to the door, when it opened. "Tania," relief flooding his voice. Jay rushed to her side wrapping her in a hug. "Oh thank Baltizar!"

Tania hugged him back, telling herself now wasn't the time to cry. "I-I'm sorry I ran away," she told him.

Jay stepped back, looking at her from arms length away. "It's alright, I guess."

"Where's Mom?" Tania asked walking into the kitchen, Sam entered behind her.

"She's upstairs with the human," Jay told Tania.

Tania nodded and sat at the table. "So are you pack leader or is Mom?"

Jay shrugged leaning against the counter. "Well, for now we are co-leading. We didn't really want to ah... talk about it."

Tania nodded look at the table, tracing the familiar lines with her finger. Tania glanced up, when a shout of pain sounded upstairs.

Tania shared a glance with Sam, when Mom came thundering down the stairs. Her hands were covered in blood, but she quickly went to the sink and rinsed them off.

"The weapon that cause his wound is different then anything I've ever seen," Mom told us, turning into her scientific-self.

She turned around holding a little pellet like thing. "This is what caused the wound." Mom inspected the pellet, before shrugging. "Or what's left from the wound."

"Is the human alright?" Sam asked, Jay nodding along with the question.

Mom shrugged again, still inspecting the tiny rock. "He'll live," She muttered, at the same time her hand clenched.

Jay glanced at me and Sam. Sammy sensing the tension stands. "I think I better get home, my mom will be worried."

"Yes that's probably a good idea," Jay told him, leading him to the door.

Sam smiled slightly, glancing toward Tania and Mom. "Goodbye, and," Sam hesitates, "I'm sorry for you loss."

This hits home for Tania, she looked down at the table. Wishing she wouldn't have to face the truth.

Sammy left quickly, Tania hearing the door, squeak close. Jay walked back into the kitchen, watching Mom. "Tania, please go, keep an eye on the human."

Tania looked up, shaking her head. "N-No-"

"Tania now!" Jay snapped, looking at her.

Tania leaned backward, surprised. Jay hardly ever snapped at her. Hurt clouded her mind, anger boiling along with it. Standing up Tania growled. "Your not the only one who's lost a father!"

Tania then fled up the stairs. She felt terrible saying that, she knew that Jake only wanted to help Mom, to comfort her, but Tania needed comforting too! But instead, she gets sent to watch over one of the things that killed her father.

She opened the guest bedroom, the yellow haired boy laid on the bed. Blood stained the blankets. His stomach was tightly bandaged, and his copper skin rose and fell as he breathed.

Tania sat down, watching him for a bit, but her mind was elsewhere. All she kept seeing was the arrow, burring itself into her father's side.

A sudden gasp, caused Tania to look up. The mundane's eyes were open, a crystalline blue. He looked around suddenly, before focusing on her. "Where am I?"

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