Chapter 7

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Tania groggily opened her eyes. Her side was burning and she turned her head to look around, but her eyes took a good amount of time to focus.

Beside her Jay sat anxiously watching her. In a violent flood her memories from the fight came back to her.

Tania tried to sit up quickly, but gasped because of her side. Jake was quick by her side pushing her down. "Sh... It's ok, it's ok!"

"Sam! Is Sam alright?!" She asked looking around, seeing if he was in the same room.

"H-He's stabilized, Sam took quite a beating, but he's tough he can make it through this," Jake told her.

Tania slowly relaxed into the bed, she felt something tickle her cheek and when she wiped it away, her hand came away wet.

Tania hated crying, it made her feel weak. "Oh, Jay! It's all my fault!"

"Sh..." Jake murmured. "Sam makes his own decisions," Jake wiped her face of her tears. "Get some sleep, you need it."

Tania tried to protest, but exhaustion pulled her under before she could.
Tania woke again this time Dad was by her side.

"Dad?" Tania asked groggily.

"Hey, sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Dad asked, cupping Tania's cheek in his hand.

"Um... Fine, my side hurts, but how's Sam? Is he ok?" Tania asked, worried.

"Sam's going to be fine, I think," Dad told her. "What were you two thinking going out there on your own?"

Tania realized how very tired and defeated Dad looked. "I-I'm sorry, it was all my fault!"

Dad sighed and tucked a piece of hair behind her ears. "What am I gunna do with you?"

Tania smiled slightly. "Forgive me for being a terrible daughter?"

Dad gasped and crossed his arms. "How could I possibly do that?!" Sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Tania smiled, she always liked when they actually acted like father and daughter, not like they barely knew each other.

Dad's smile slowly slipped off his face. "I can forgive you, but I don't know about your mother. She's worried sick."

Tania looked down, playing with her blanket. "Can I see Sam? You know before I get grounded for life."

"Not with that wound, sorry sweetheart."

Tania frowned, but nodded. Her stomach rumbled hungrily, breaking the silence.

Dad chuckled. "I'll get you some food."
A week later Tania was allowed out of her bed, by herself. The past week had been pretty difficult dealing with Mom's nagging.

Tania walked slowly down the stairs, holding her side trying not jostle her wound.

Tania reached the bottom of the stairs and entered the kitchen. "Tania, you-"

"Mom, I'm fine! I'm gunna head over and talk to Sam," Tania snapped at her Mom a little.

Mom sighed and shook her head. "At least take Jake with you."

Tania stared at Mom, catching her eye. "Mom, I'm not 5, I'll be fine!"

"Yes, but..." She sighed, seeing the look on Tania's face, "ok fine, but be home by 6:00."

"Yes, ma'am." Tania told her, walking quickly away, before she could change her mind.

Tania double checked to see if she still had her knives on her, before leaving the house.

Tania opened the door, wincing at the brisk air. It was 10:00 a.m. but there was no sun light.

Tania walked quickly to Sam's house. She knocked on the door, hiding a wince as she stretched her wounded side.

Sam's mom opened the door, quickly ushering her in. "Sam's in his room. He's been worried sick about you."

"About me?! I barely had any scratches, I was more worried about him," Tania objected.

"If I recall those were some pretty deep scratches." Jocelyn said, glancing to her side.

Tania flushed slightly. "Yeah, well if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to head up to Sam's room."

"Yes, you do that," Jocelyn told her, before entering the kitchen.

Tania walked to Sam's room, taking a deep breath, before knocking and opening the door. "Sammy? Are you awake?"

"Yeah, come on in," Sam's voice reached her ears.

Tania opened the door the rest of the way, walking inside. The room was dim, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust.

"Hey, how's your side?" Sam asked.

"That depends, how's your chest?" Tania responded.

"It's alright, only hurts when I move, which is all the time cause I have to breath," Sam answered.

Tania sighed and sat down on the side of his bed. "I'm really sorry, Sam. I didn't-" Tania cut herself off.

Sam shook his head. "You need to stop doing this to yourself. It wasn't your fault, just like it wasn't your fault when we got in the fight with that vampire that year."

"Maybe, but you didn't almost die that time!" Tania told him, exasperated.

"Anie, you can't blame yourself every time something bad happens to me, or anyone."

"Yes I can, especially if it is my fault!" Tania argued.

Sam sighed, a smile twitching the corners of his lips. He winced slightly, as he readjusted himself.

Even though werewolves healed fast, it still took a little time to heal vital wounds. If a werewolf were to be stabbed with silver their wounds would heal about the same rate as humans.

"Tania!" Sam caught her attention, snapping fingers in face. "Are you ok? I said your name like three times now."

"What?! Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just you know worried about you and all."

Sam gave you a look telling her that he didn't believe her. "Tania, I'm fine, and I know that's not what it is, so stop lying to me. You can trust me."

Tania sighed and looked down. "I know, it's just I feel like somethings coming. Something bad. I mean my leg and forehead started acting up again, and then we get attacked by wolverines! I mean come on!"

Sam shook his head. "I've been friends with you for practically all my life. I know you and I know your instincts, they're usually right about these things."

"So what do I do?!" Tania asked, exasperated. She had been pondering this question over and over in her head.

"You'll have to tell your dad, I mean he is the pack leader. If anyone can do anything, it's him."

"Yeah, but that's if he listens to me!" Tania sighed. "One moment he acts like I'm his daughter, and then the next it's like he doesn't want anything to do with me."

"I guess you better hope he's in a good mood then," Sam told her, sympathetically patting her shoulder.

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