Chapter 17

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Tania rode Sam into the battle field, staying on him as he pounced on one of the vampires, ripping their head off.

Tania ripped Nightshade from her sheath, swinging it around. A vamp charged at Sam's flank, but Tania quickly dispatched it, at the same time Sam ripped another one to pieces.

This went on for what seemed like days, but was really only minutes. Adrenaline rushing through her veins. Tania jumped off, Sam as he started to turn, into human form. Tania defended him, until the transformation was complete.

Back to back now, Sam grinned, as several vamps circled them. "You take the three on the left, I got the three on the right." Instead of actually doing that, we did the opposite.

Tania dove to the right, swing her blade low, aiming for the legs, at the same time she unsheathed Starlight, using it as protection.

Tania spun around swinging Starlight at another vampire, when Nightshade was blocked. Block, swing, blow, despatch, and over again. Tania heart pounded, sweat coated her brow, but she had never felt so alive.

Only one vampire was left, she swung Nightshade, the vampire danced around the blow, clawing at her shoulder, but Tania brought Starlight up, slicing off his hand.

Vampire hissed a scream, holding his hand. "You stupid girl!!" The vampire suddenly lunged forward, Tania tried to swing her blade up, knowing the only way to kill it was to cut it's head off.

Suddenly she was shoved out of the way. Turning around as quickly as she could, Tania screamed. The vampire stood over Sam, blood dripping from it's mouth, Sam's blood.

Tania stood quickly, and ran over. She kicked the vampire, moving faster then she ever had before. Tania swung blow after blow. The vampire barely dodging them, until it seemed to stop.

The vampire turned around slowly, out of its back an arrow stuck out of it. It wasn't a killing blow, but it obviously shocked the vampire.

Tania swung out, and lopped off its head. Tania turned not bothering to find out who shot the arrow, ran to Sam's side.

Sam moaned and looked at her from the ground. "Anie-"

"Shh..." She stopped him, turning his head over. The bite wound wasn't just a bite, the vampire poisoned him. The venom was sinking into his blood.

The venom wouldn't turn him into a vampire because he was a werewolf, but it would be very painful, and most werewolves died when injected. "Sam..." She said trying not to cry.

Sam's eyes looked feverish when he looked at her. "I-It's ok," he gasped out.

"No, no, it's not! Why did you do that?!" Tania shouted. "I can't lose you, not after Dad, ok?! Promise me you'll fight, ok?! Ok?!"

Sam nodded, his eyes closed slightly. The battle seemed to swarm around them, but no one took notice.

"Susan?!" A hesitant voice behind her asked.

Tania looked up slowly, hate burning in her gut. "That's not my name!!!" She shouted turning around, standing up.

Tania advanced on Logan, quickly watching him scramble back. "Sus-" he tried again, but Tania cut him off with a punch to the face again.

Suddenly a pain hit the back of her head, and she fell to the ground. Tania's vision swarmed, but the last then she saw was Logan and the two humans who killed her father. Then everything went black.

Tania woke, only she couldn't see, her eyes burned. What the heck?! A bright light caused her eyes to water. Crying Tania tried to cover her eyes, the pain was unbearable, it felt like her eyes were burning out of there sockets.

Tania tried to sit up, but hands held her still. "Your ok?! Stop moving!" An unfamiliar voice shouted.

Panic caused Tania to fight harder. "Why the heck would you open the blinds?!" A male voice shouted, a sudden relief flooded Tania's eyes, when the light dimmed considerably.

Through tears and odd shadowy shapes Tania saw a blonde woman, standing over her, and Logan standing at the window. "I thought my baby girl would like to see sunlight again!" The woman said.

"Mama how many times do I have to tell you-" Logan shouted.

Tania's memory slowly came back, and now the pounding in her head too. The two people kept arguing, while Tania pieced together what had happened.

"What have you done?!" She growled quietly.

Silence filled the room, before the blonde woman sat at the end over her bed. "Oh! Sweetheart! You're home now, with your mommy."

Tania gritted her teeth, Sam needed her! She needed to know if Sam was ok!! Logan kidnapped her! A blind rage filled Tania and she launched herself at the woman.

The woman screamed when Tania crashed into her. Sending them both to the floor. Tania grabbed her hair and went for the knife in her boot, whipping around just as Logan pulled a bow up and aimed it at them.

Tania pressed the knife to the woman's throat, who was now sobbing. "Don't move, or I'll kill her!"

Logan still had his bow, drawn. "You won't kill your own mother."

Tania grinned. "I wouldn't be so sure about that! Do you know what I dream about?"

Logan raised his eyebrows confused. "Ah... No."

"I dream of meeting my so called mother," Logan opened his mouth to say something, but Tania continued, cutting him off. "And when I meet her, I dream of ripping her heart out," Logan's mouth snapped shut. "And then I dream of meeting my father, and ripping his head off his shoulders!"

Tania took a deep breath, letting it out. "And most of all, I dreamed of meet my brother, my big, big brother, and you know what I want to do to you?"

"Ah... Kill me?" He asked.

"No," Logan raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I want to torture you, take you to the middle of no where. You'll be alone without civilization, and I will leave you there until you die, so then, then, you know how it felt to be me!"

Tania took a step backwards toward the door. "Now, you will let me go, or I'll kill your mother, right in front of you."

Tania turned slightly, sticking her foot into the doorway, and kicking the door open. Logan took a step forward. "Why should it matter? You're going to kill her anyway, what's the difference between now, and later?"

Tania grinned, and tilted her head. "Good, point!" She pressed the knife into the woman's throat drawing blood.

Tania suddenly, flipped the knife around and sent it flying at Logan. Logan, caught off guard, fell to the floor, trying to climb back up, only to see Tania dragging his mother by the hair out of the room.

Tania gripped the woman's hair, ignoring her cries, ran down the stairs, pulling the woman up from the hair. "Where's the door, woman?!"

When the woman only sobbed, Tania shook her. "Tell me how to get out of here?!" Suddenly a older man burst through a random door.

He stopped abruptly. "Susan?!"

Tania barely recognized the older man. "Papa?" She asked, hesitantly.

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