Chapter 28

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Logan grimaced, when he shifted to get a better look at Tania. Tania had just walked into the room, and sat down. "What happened? Are they going to fight?"

Tania shook her head, rubbing her face. "Most of the towns people aren't, but the hunters still plan on attacking."

Logan sighed, wincing at the movement of his stomach. "Now you guys have better chances though, right?"

"I suppose, I just worry. I want as few deaths as possible," Tania muttered.

Logan nodded, he totally agreed, but he couldn't do anything to help. "Did you talk to Marita for me? Tell her I was ok?"

Tania nodded, looking grave. "She's worried, but relieved you're ok. You're a lucky man," Tania said.

Logan hesitated before asking the next question. "A-And Mama? Did she seem worried?" Tania didn't answer, making Logan look down. "Right of course not."

"She was more worried about her daughter going on stage and almost being killed," Tania said with a snort.

"You were almost killed on stage?!" Logan gasp, slipped into a groan at the movement.

"Ha! Not even close, he more like tried to hurt Hanna, the little girl we saved, but I stopped him," Tania answered.

"Oh... And Mama went a little nuts?"

"I guess you could say that," Tania said, looking down.

Logan watched her and could tell she wanted to say something, but wasn't sure if she should. "What? What's wrong?" Logan asked, gently.

"Well, nothing's wrong per say, but your mother hates you, and I know you've been thinking about running-"

"How did you-" Logan interrupted.

"It's obvious, it happens to werewolves all the time. They get this look in there eye, and suddenly they're gone. They go join the human world, secretly, hiding their powers," Tania explained.

"Oh, well go on," Logan pushed her on.

"Well, you and Marita could live with me, in The Darkness. I mean once all this is over and everything. And I totally understand if you say no-"

"Yes," Logan interrupted.

"What?" Tania asked, suddenly confused.

"Yes, I would love to stay with you. In all honesty I like werewolves better then humans," Logan said with a smile. "But you sure Jacob's ok with this?"

Tania waved her hand, "Ehh... He'll be fine with it."

Logan raised an eyebrow, "you sure about that?"

Tania smiled widely. "No, but he'll learn to deal."

The pain in his gut had grown since Tania left. It left Logan unable to do anything. A soft knock on the door sounded.

"Come in," Logan called, but it sound terrible since it hurt to move his stomach.

The door opened and Marita walked in. "Oh my!" Marita ran over.

"What are you doing here?" Logan asked confused.

"What? Oh don't worry, a lot of men came over to The Darkness to help fight. I came with, I was worried about you," Marita said putting a hand on his cheek.

"Marita, I'm very glad your here, but now you're not safe," Logan said gently.

"Don't worry 'bout that, remember I took training lessons from your sister," Marita reminded him.

Marita kissed him, stopping him from saying anything else. "Shut up and let me help you. There's no going back now."

Logan brushed back her hair. "Do you know how much I love you?"

"Hmm..." Marita said, sitting back. "Not as much as I love you."

"I highly doubt that."

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