Chapter 24

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Logan sat on the porch, a week had gone by since they found the wolf. Now the wolf rarely left Tania's side.

Everyday since they found Buddy, Tania's grown more distant. Marita leaned her head down on his shoulder. "What's bothering you?"

"I-I just want her to be happy," Logan said softly.

"Tania? She will be. You just have to give her time," Marita said.

Logan sighed and watched Tania wrestle with the wolf. "How much time though?"

Marita shook her head and leaned into Logan. She closed the distance landing a kiss. Logan kissed her back, before hearing a coughing behind them. Turning Tania stood, with Buddy standing next to her. "Get a room," Tania scoffed.

Logan pulled back and looked at Tania, watching her pull her hair back.

"Ready?" Tania asked.

"Yep," Marita said, standing up.

"Ready for what?" Logan asked standing up.

"She's gunna teach me how to fight," Marita said, smiling.

"She's going to do what?!" Jim asked, shocked.

"Don't worry, loverboy, I won't hurt her. To bad," Tania said with an evil grin.

Tania walked into the front yard, drawing one of her swords. "This is Starlight," Tania said.

"Hi, Starlight," Marita said.

Tania looked at her like she was crazy. "It can't hear you."

"What? Oh I know," Marita said, confused.

Tania shook her head, muttering something about humans under her breath, then handed the sword to Marita, drawing the other one.

Tania showed her how to hold the sword correctly, then taught her how she should stand. Tania then showed her some basic techniques.

After a few hours the training stopped and it was almost dark out. We headed inside, ate supper and got ready for bed.

Marita and Logan laid in bed together, Marita snuggled into Logan's shoulder. "Do you ever think about running still?"

Logan looked down at her, surprised. "Ah... Yeah, but I couldn't leave Tania here. Not with Mama."

Marita was silent for a second before saying. "She could come with us. You know, if she wanted to."

Logan looked down at her. "What's with all this running and stuff? I figured since be your father isn't around anymore..." Logan trailed off.

"No, I know, but you do not have a very good relationship with your mother, and well I figured we would be better off not here," Marita told him.

"Sweetheart, I love you for thinking of me, but what about our town? All your friends? Wouldn't you miss them?" Logan asked sitting up slightly.

Marita sat herself up too. "Well of course, but what matters most is if you're happy. If we're happy. I can make new friends."

Logan leaned forward and kissed Marita. "I love you, and as long as you're around I'll always be happy."

Marita smiled and kissed him back, both of them laying back down.

Logan ran down the stairs, stopping in the kitchen. Tania sat at the table, her head down.

Logan slowed to a stop behind her. "Hey, you ok?"

Tania jumped looking at Logan. "What? Ah... Yeah, yeah fine."

Not believing her, Logan continued to stare at her. Tania hardly ever jumped for any reason. "Ah huh, well you look like you haven't slept for a week."

Tania grunted putting her head on her arms. Marita ran down the stairs, making Tania jumped again. Marita looked at Tania weirdly. "Is she ok?" Marita asked Logan.

Tania sat up, and snapped. "Yes, I'm fine!" Tania then stormed out of the house, Buddy following right behind her.

Logan shared a look with Marita, but didn't go after Tania. He had learned quickly, that when she was like this it was usually better to leave her to herself.

^Hey short chapter, sorry 'bout that. Well anyway, I know I don't do this often, but I thought I would for this chapter. I would like to thank you all for reading. I hope you've enjoyed it so far. Please vote and comment, thanks for everything!^

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