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Edward Styles is the eldest of the triplets. He's known as the school's bad boy. Sexy, mysterious and dark. He can be quite inappropriate and tends to make everything into a sexual innuendo. His style is simple; a tee-shirt, tight skinny jeans and a beanie. Other guys know to steer clear because they would loose in a fight, instantly.

Harry Styles is the middle triplet. However unlike most middle children, Harry knows his place and he is considered the popular one. He's the one all the guys want to be and all the girls want to have. Harry is known as the ridiculously attractive player type, but that doesn't stop the girls from trying to pin him down. He's super confident, but can be a little cocky at times. He always has the right words to say and knows how to use that to his advantage. And yet, knowing that he could have any girl he wants, deep down, all he's really looking for is that special girl; the one he has to fight for, to win, the one that makes him want to be a better guy.

Marcel Styles is the youngest of the three. Although they are triplets, there are still some unique differences between the three in looks and personalities. Marcel is more cute than hot, but makes up for it in how smart he is. He's nerdy and always has his head in his books. Marcel typically wears sweater vests with suspenders that compliment his glasses. Shy and kept to himself, Marcel seems to have landed himself as the football teams punching bag. Bullied daily he tries to get away from it but it's almost impossible. Harry does his best to stick up for Marcel but isn't always around to do so. Edward tries to help but usually ends up fighting someone, which gets him no where.

These three boys are finally getting a chance to start fresh at a new school in Manchester. Harry always had the dream of singing and his opportunity came when his mum decided to pack everything up and move to Manchester so he could audition for the X-Factor. Edward is bitter about moving and can't wait till he graduates, so he can move back to Holmes Chapel with his father. Marcel couldn't be happier about moving because this meant he was no longer going to be the football team's punching bag. He wasn't really leaving much behind other than his best friend. Sure it was Harry's idea in the first place to move, but he was having mixed feelings. On one hand, he was leaving behind being the most popular guy at school, and it could change at a new school. But on the other, this was the opportunity of a life time and decided he was ready for a fresh start.

McKenna was born and raised in Manchester with her older brother, Mark, and younger sister Melody. Melody who is only 8 is much younger than McKenna and Mark. Naturally Mark and McKenna were close growing up, but by the time high school came around McKenna no longer wanted to be known as Mark's little sister. They are still close at home and Mark is very protective over McKenna. McKenna prefers to keep to herself, but she can be outspoken when she's standing up for something she believes in. McKenna made the choice not to be popular, but it doesn't help the fact that her brother is the most popular guy at their school. He's the captain of the football (soccer) team and has all the girls fawning over him. McKenna is very smart and takes school seriously. When her work is done for the weekend she likes to go to parties like other school girls. She doesn't care what others think about her, because all that matters is how she feels about herself. She's very sensible, sweet and innocent.


After you read the prologue don't jump to the conclusion that I have copied this from the other styles triplets. I have gotten multiple comments saying I copied this story and I do not like the fact that people are accusing me of this without even asking. The fact of the matter is that I started writing this story a few days after the best song ever came out and at the time I looked on Wattpad to see who else had written a story with the same plot. There were a few but none were similar. I believe that this story has been here longer than the other one and my trailer was made days after my first publish. Please look at the facts before accusing someone of something so serious. It may appear as though I copied because the other author has more reads but I did not intentionally steal anything.

Maybe before accusing read more of the story than just the prologue and then tell me to my face that it is a copy! I got an assumption of copying but once that person actually read through a couple chapters they realized they are not that similar. The central idea that the styles triplets are all falling for one girl is similar but that's all. And if you accuse me of that, many stories have the same plot idea, let's see umm probably every one direction story has something similar. So before accusing me make sure you get your hands clean first then check the facts and read more of the story.

If I get more nasty comments saying I copied this, I will delete my story since that's what it seems like people want me to do.

I know what integrity is and I would not plagiarize someone else's work ever. Again if you've actually read both stories and not just my prologue then you can tell me they are similar but I do not believe the story itself is similar. Simply the plot idea that there are styles triplets falling for one girl.

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