The Hidden Passage

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As Zara walked into the passage, she realized how dark it actually was. She would need to find a source of light in order to continue. She looked down the old, dusty, stone steps and couldn't locate anything. Zara looked over to a ledge on the wall of where she was standing. She reached up and grabbed the hook on a golden dish, which was holding a pearly-white candle. As she touched it, the candle instantly lit up. A look of confusion flew across Zara's face.

How is that possible? Zara thought.

She looked closer at the candle. Engraved in the sides of the platter were words in a language Zara could not understand.

It read, tactu tantum magicae luci cereus iste continet ardoribus sempiternis.

She took one deep breath and descended down the stairs. As her foot stepped on the first step, the bookcase slammed behind her. She almost tripped, but caught herself. A fall down these long stairs would mean certain death, or at least major injury. She walked and walked, descending down the stairs. For about ten minutes, she walked. When she reached the bottom, cold air stung her face. Zara looked around.

At the bottom of the stairs, there was an old, stone cavern, dug into the earth. About twenty yards from her, a crystal blue river. She could see shining crystals at the bottom. It beckoned for her, she wanted to swim in its depths. She walked across the rough stone floor, listening to the echos and watching the reflection of the river bounce of the walls. She knelt down by the edge and stared at her reflection. Her reflection looked at her and shook its head. She was confused. A reflection can't move without you moving, but shure enough, it kept shaking its head. Zara wasn't moving so it couldn't have been her. Her reflection was sending her a message.

Don't touch the river.

Zara quickly got up and her reflection disappeared. She was down here to find out what she needed to know, not to be taken by icy waters.

She looked around the walls and found an old shelf containing ancient books. Somehow, they were preserved. They weren't rotting and dusty, they looked polished and clean. But judging by the area around her, not one soul had been down here in centuries.

Zara walked over to the books and proceeded to touch an old green one. She grabbed its binding and pulled it off of the shelf. She sat down against a wall and opened the book. Inside, it was like nothing she had ever seen. There were moving drawings waving what she thought were sticks. She closed the book and read the title. A Guide To The Wizarding World. Zara was so surprised she almost dropped the book.

Real wizards, here? On this earth? Zara thought.

Zara once again opened the book and began to read.

Banished into hiding, the community of wizards and witches had existed for years, unknown to the eyes of muggles. Thus, creating an eternity of secrets, never to be able to be released. Magic has presented itself to many, muggle borns or wizarding families, creating whole world, but hidden under lock and key. Many children are schooled, where they harness their powers and become a new generation of wizards.

Zara flipped through the book, reading about magical creatures and schools. She reached the section about forms of magic and began to read. She suddenly saw a heading that seemed to call to her.


Zara began to read that section.

For many centuries, people have been able to read the future using the art of divination. This can take the form of trances where the seer can see the future. Crystal balls, tea leaves, stars, and planets can be used to read the future.

Suddenly, it all made sense to Zara. There was a reason she could read the future and create sparks from her hands.

There was only one explanation.

She was a witch.


Zara finished reading the book and proceeded to put it back. When she reached to take another book, her fingers could not reach the binding, no matter how hard she tried. On the shelf, words light up in a dazzling blue light.

Only one book may be touched. Once put back, no others can be clutched.

Frustration filled inside Zara.

At least I grabbed a very informative one though, Zara thought to herself.

However, it could have been helpful if she could have found out more about the hidden world the books spoke of. She could have had a better understanding, but she knew she wouldn't be able to do anything.

She walked over to the stairs. As she climbed, and wind blew with an unknown source. It seemed to whisper words to her, but she could not make any out. The wind blew her brown hair into her face. Then, the wind reached the end of the staircase, opening the bookcase. As she made it to the top, fresh air filled her lungs. She pushed the bookcase back into place and exited the room. As she left, she nodded to the woman at the front desk as a thank you gesture. Zara then walked out of the library.

On her way home, she thought of the books and the cavern. Eventually, she approached her apartment steps, pulled out a key from her pocket and put it in the lock. She turned it, took it out, and walked inside.

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