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Daylight swarmed into Zara's eyes as she felt the burning sensation ebb away from her body. Archer was smearing a pink paste on the firethorn wound, and she knew it was the antidote, rose petals. Zara was going to be okay, even though that experience was very dramatic. When she felt okay, she tried to speak. Nothing escaped her lips.

"What was that Zara?" Clara asked.

Frustrated, she tried to make a sound, but nothing came out of her mouth. Zara then realized her tongue was stuck to her mouth. A shadow stepped out from the corner of her vision. It was a woman wearing a black cloak with a black hood. Zara heard Clara scream.

The woman had her wand pointed at Zara, so it was her that wasn't allowing any words to be spoken through her lips.

"Expelliarmus!" Zara heard Archer yell.

The wand from the witch's hand flew out of her grip and onto the path behind her. Then, she sprinted in that direction picked up the wand and ran.

"C'mon, let's go after her!" Zara heard herself say, now that the enhancement was lifted off of her.

The three people ran after the hooded witch, trying to catch up to her as she sprinted in the direction of the castle. She was much faster than the three students when sprinting, but Zara knew that she would become tired, and they could catch up to her because they could sprint for longer.

Then, the cloaked witch shot a curse at the Zara, and it missed her and flew over the top of her head. It slammed into a nearby bush, rattling the ground as the spell collided with the plant. The garden began to burst into flames, rapidly spreading through all of the roses. Soon, the entire garden would be aflame.

"QUICK WE HAVE TO GO!" Zara yelled as another curse coming from the witch's wand almost hit her.

The curses kept flying, and they kept missing, making the garden light up completely in fire. Somehow, Zara thought that she knew that the witch was intentionally missing them. She wanted the students to follow her.

"It's a trap!" Zara yelled. "She's trying to lead us somewhere!"

"Then let's follow her," Clara responded.

Zara, Archer, and Clara chases after the hooded woman, but they had to evade the burning ground, full of flames. It was clear now that not only the witch wanted them to follow her, but she enjoyed destroying what she could of Beauxbatons. Every times she let out a curse, she would cackle. The voice almost sounded familiar to Zara.

No, it couldn't be, Zara thought.

The fact that this hooded woman could be her mother was unthinkable. Anyway, she didn't even know what her mother sounded like and she was dead.

The hooded woman headed to the palace stables where Zara kept her thestral.

Sprinting across the grass, the coven witch managed to make her way across the field and into the stables, soon followed by Zara and her friends.

When they made it inside, she saw the woman fighting with the animals. The creatures were defending Beauxbatons! After a little bit of a struggle, the animals fled, all but Crépuscule, Zara's thestral.

"Fly away, Crépuscule!" Zara yelled.

It was too late, with a quick motion, the witch twirled her wand and transfigured Crépuscule into a cupcake, which she stomped on with her boot.

"NO!" Zara screamed.

The witch laughed and then ran away, leaving Zara, Clara, and Archer stuck in their place.

Through her grief, Zara came to her senses.

"We have to follow her, let's go!"

Faster than they had ever ran before, they followed the witch to their Maison. By the time they made it to the roof, they saw that the entire garden was on fire, and it was slowly, but surely, creeping up to Beauxbatons. Still, they ran after the witch, who made it into their Maison, and then into their room, which she crawled under the bed and disappeared. When the three students looked under the bed, the saw a hole, leading through the palace walls, and most likely, off of the grounds.

"So this is how the children went missing," Archer said.

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