Welcome to Beauxbatons

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Zara and Archer rushed out of the carriage, but it took longer than they had expected. The crowd had rose and was filing out of the door. There were so many students that they had to wait a few minutes, trying not to get separated as the crowd pushed its way forward. Attempting to evade the large group of people, Zara and Archer slipped in and out between people. Because of their small size, they were first years, they could do this. When they made their way to the front of the crowd, they had arrived at the carriage doors. A man wearing a black tuxedo opened the door for them, and they stepped onto the cobblestone ward.

The castle in front of them seemed to dazzle, as if the walls were crafted with pure crystal, but they were just very polished stone blocks. Around her, gardens swarmed the grounds. She saw tiny little creatures that looked like sticks moving around the flowers and trees. She peered out into the depths of plants and saw the tip of a wing, and then a burst of fire appeared. A large dragon head appeared over the bushes, but on its neck was a black shackle, attached to a chain that clearly was embedded in the ground. Zara felt pity in the beast. It wasn't free, and would remain here for the rest of its life for the sake of "art".

"Look," Archer said.

Zara spun around and saw a moat filled with clear, shining water. In the depths, she saw creatures swimming around. The pool of water surrounded the castle in front of her. Then, she heard a creak as the drawbridge dropped down, crafted with thick oak. It touched the ground almost silently.

"This way," a old woman dressed in green robes called to the crowd.

Slowly, the crowd moved toward the bridge. They crossed over it and into the shining castle. Below them, the moat rushed around the building. Still, Zara couldn't see what was swimming around in the body of water, but now she realized that she couldn't find the bottom. It looked like it never ended.

They entered the castle and instantly, her jaw dropped. Zara stared at everything. The entire inside was crafted of marble. The curtains were a pale blue, and so were the rugs. There were tapestries hanging everywhere. There were large staircases, like the ones in the carriages, but larger, and extending up many stories.

"This way please," a voice announced.

Zara looked towards the direction of the voice and saw the same old woman who directed them to the drawbridge. The crowd followed her through the marble castle, until they entered a large large room where the walls were no longer white, but pale blue, the school color. Here, there were seven large round tables, topped with a white table cloth. A woman stood on a balcony, along with the rest of the staff, overlooking the room. Everyone stood up in respect.

"Welcome to Beauxbatons. I will assume that you will find a home in this place. My name is Flora Montgomery, the headmistress of this school. This is my first year, so I am sure that you will notice some. She paused. "New, changed around this beautiful school. Some of you may have noticed the dragon that I had placed in the gardens. I think it is a good piece to our upcoming, collection, of magical creatures that will be located in the gardens."

All the student looked at one another. This was unusual and it was cruelty to keep these creatures trapped here. Most of the staff seemed like they had the same feelings about the new imprisonment of the beasts.

Flora then continued.

"Furthermore, everyone but the first years please take your seats. We will begin the selection. Here, you will choose what Manoir, you would like to remain at for the rest of your schooling. There are seven, so choose wisely. These will be your homes. Your will make many friends within your Manoir. They consist of Chouetteyeux, the intelligent Manoir, Paonplume, where the manipulative people will linger, Perspicacité, where the insightful people will live, Ruerrivière, where the compassionate people stay, Sommeillune, where the dreamers will be. There are also, Vérité, where you will find the honest, Feuincendie, where you will find the ones who have courage. You get to choose. Once you decide, you state out loud which Manoir you decide upon, then you will have to take one of the materials in each of these bowls."

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