Queen of the Coven

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"How could you do this?" Zara asked in shock.

The hooded woman, who Zara, Clara, and Archer now knew was Aurora, just started laughing.

"How, you ask?" Aurora said.

"Yes!" Zara said.

"Because the government killed my best friend, and your mother!" Aurora said angrily.

Cold and painful emotion swept into Zara's body, sending surges of anger through her body.

"You're lying," Zara whispered.

"Lying?! You're lying to yourself! Your mother is dead, and it the government's fault! Why do you think I joined the Coven? I want to kill the most important magical figures in France!" Aurora said.

"I don't believe you."

Zara sent a hex flying out of her wand in Aurora's direction. Aurora screamed and jumped out of the way at the last moment, right when the flash of yellow light flew above her.

"You can join us! The Queen of the Coven! The evil queen! Join us! Avenge your mother!" Aurora said.

Zara stopped for a moment. She thought about Aurora's offer. She could avenge her mother and get revenge on the people who killed her.

"You can't possibly be thinking about this!" Archer said.

"You wouldn't understand," Zara said.

Zara walked over to Aurora.

"I accept your offer."

A wild look spread across Aurora's face.

"Good! Now, if you want to join, you will have to kill your friends, they can't be spreading this information around."

"No," Zara said.

"What did you just say?"


"Stupefy!" Zara shouted.

The spell hit Aroura right in the chest, and she toppled over. She fell to the ground. Zara walked over to her.

"You're a liar Aurora. The government didn't kill my mother," Zara said while standing over her.

Aurora laughed, her pearly white teeth showing, all of them, Zara noticed, were filed to a point.

"What if I told you I did?" Aurora said.

Zara fell into shock for one moment, but Aurora took advantage of that and seized Zara's hand and the world span around them. All Zara heard was Clara and Archer's screams as Aurora and her disappeared. When the world stopped moving, they were in Beauxbatons. But something was different. Sweat crept out of Zara as she looked around. The building was aflame. The garden fire had spread to the palace.

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