The Final Duel

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The Beauxbatons Palace was aflame, all caused by one out of control fire in the garden. Zara struggled to force her arm out of Aurora's grip, but she failed. The smoke surrounding them made it hard for her to breathe, but she used it to her advantage.

"Let go of me!" Zara screamed as she ripped her arm out of Aurora's hand.

Quickly, she stumbled through the thick smoke, giving her cover so the woman she thought was once her friend, couldn't find her. She heard Aurora casting hexes and curses, but she couldn't hit Zara. The smoke was too thick to give her a good aim. Plus, both of them could hardly see each other anyway. The smoke was burning their eyes.

Zara let out a cough, then another, until she was in a full coughing fit. She coughed until she spat out blood. She would have to finish this fast.

"I can hear you!" Aurora screamed.

Zara heard footsteps coming towards her but they stopped. She heard Aurora laughing once again.

Zara stopped coughing and crawled over to wear she thought she heard the laughter. Through the smoke, Zara made out a body. For a split second she thought that it was Aurora, but it wasn't. It was Flora. There were burn marks all over her, almost making her look disfigured. She was barely recognizable.

"Stupid servant! You failed me! You failed the Coven!" Aurora said through the smoke. "Flora, you failed your one job!"

Not only was she screaming, but Aurora was talking to a corpse. It made Zara feel uncomfortable. But, Aurora saw Zara through the haze and sent a curse flying at her. It hit Zara before she could even pull out her wand to protect herself. She went flying backwards and hit a wall.

Blood gushed from the back of her head, making her see black spots in her vision. When she touched the wound, warm liquid covered her hand.

Still, she pulled out her wand, and then shot a hex at Aurora. It hit her and she fell with a scream, but quickly got back up. She sent a jinx at Zara, but she defended herself with a single swish with her wand.

Back and forth, for what seemed like ages, they shot curses, hexes, jinxes, and charms at one another. Smoke filled their lungs, making them feel close to suffocation, but they knew they must continue.

Then, Zara remembered a charm she learned about: the bubble-head charm. Quickly, when she had hit Aurora with a jinx and knocked her off guard, she waved her wand around herself, creating a bubble of clean oxygen around her head. Zara breathed in clean air, and she could finally think correctly. Then, the clock struck midnight and Zara hatched a plan.

Quickly, she ran to the corridor that had the Carnival room, Aurora following close behind her, sending hexes in her direction. She saw the oak door and opened it with a strong push.

Through the crackling flames, she heard the eerie song she had heard once before.

Second past twelve,

Here you will dwell,

Forever stuck, undead.

The hands of death cannot reach you,

So mine will have to work instead.

Aurora stopped in the doorway and shot a curse at Zara. Zara turned and ran through the large room looking at the equipment and rides as she passed, but the masked man following her and Aurora. The man jumped on Aurora and she screamed. It was a battle that lasted for a while. All three of them were sending curse at one another, jumping in front and behind carnival equipment, casting and dodging spells. The man in the mask was surprisingly good with magic, but his aim was off a little. His spells hit the equipment and one sent the ferris wheel toppling over.

Zara ran for the door as the giant ride fell behind her. As she made it to the door, then quickly closed it, trapping Aurora and Zara inside, but she conjured a lock, then locked the door for good measure. In a matter of minutes, twelve would turn to one, and according to Zara's research on the Carnival room, Aurora would be trapped in there forever. Zara heard screams, begging for her to open the door, but Zara held her ground.

The clock struck one.

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