It's All Fun and Games at the Carnival

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It was close to midnight and Zara and Clara couldn't fall asleep. What had happened today during The Selection had shaken them, and they did not want to face whatever came tomorrow. They knew that they needed sleep, but it seemed impossible to rest their heads on their pillows at the moment.

"Everyone is asleep, do you want to go explore the palace?" Clara asked.

"Won't we get in trouble?" Zara responded.

"Not if we're careful. C'mon, it'll be fun," Clara said.

"Alright, as long as we aren't out too long," Zara whispered.

Together, the two girls got up from their beds and exited the room, silently shutting the door behind them. The continued to walk down the hallway until they reached the main part of the Maison. They walked over the wooden floor until they reached the door, which they opened and excited. It had stopped raining, but everything was still damp. The bridge was still unmoving, thanks to Professor Briar. Eventually, they reached the old ladder, which they descended into the palace. Once they made it to the floor, they quietly walked over to the top of the stairs. Standing at the foot of the stairs was Archer, who looked at them and smiled.

"Archer! What are you doing down here?" Clara whispered.

"Couldn't sleep, you?" Archer responded.

"Ya," Zara and Clara both said in unison.

"Okay well hurry up and get down here," Archer said. "We should go wander around for a bit."

"Okay," Zara said.

Clara and Zara walked down the white marble stairs, trying not to make a sound as their feet touched the polished white stone. They weren't wearing any shoes, which made it easier, because they were in their mandatory nightwear, which was just a white night gown that they had bought at Lumière Avenue. Once they made it to the bottom, they heard a one large bong go off from an unknown source to their right.

"It's midnight," Zara said.

"No it's not, it wouldn't, the clock would have sounded twelve times. Anyway, that doesn't sound like the Beauxbatons clock," Archer said.

"How do you know?" Clara asked.

"My father told me that the bell in the clock makes a wonderful sound, not a large clank like that was."

"Well, if it wasn't the clock what was it?"

"I don't know, but let's go find out," Archer replied to Clara.

Together, the three of them walked to their right, trying to find the source of the unknown clock. Anyway, it was interesting to explore the school as they searched. Once they had walked for a few minutes, twelve harmonious chimes sounded.

"That would be the Beauxbatons clock," Archer said.

To their right, a small wooden door stood in the place that was just an empty wall.

"Was that there before?" Zara asked nervously.

"I don't think so," Clara replied.

Zara reached her hand out and grabbed the brass handle. With a lot of force, she opened the heavy door. Then she stepped inside. Obviously, this room hand the same type of enchantment that the carriages had.

"Whoa, guys, look at this!" Zara exclaimed.

Archer and Clara stepped in through the door behind her. They looked inside the room, and there facial expressions were those of awe.

The entire room was full of all sorts carnival equipment, but what was once fun now had an eerie feeling to it. The carousel was rusted and slowly turning, creaking as it made it's way in a circle. The ferris wheel was all the way off, just sitting there, unmoving. Three large windows was on the left side of the left side of the room, allowing moonlight to flood through the room. All sorts of stands and rides were crammed together in almost like a maze. The old room had a haunted feeling to it. Then, there was a voice, almost like a song.

Second past twelve,

Here you will dwell,

Forever stuck, undead.

The hands of death cannot reach you,

So mine will have to work instead.

A man appeared from behind the carousel, riding one of the old, rusted horse. He wore a red suit, with gold ruffles. He looked like someone operated the rides at an old carnival. His face was in the shadows, so the three kids couldn't see it. Then, he stepped out of the shadow of the carousel, and his face came into the moonlight.

Or a mask, not a face.

The mask was gray and creepy. The eyes were black holes, no color whatsoever.

Zara, Clara, and Archer all screamed. Quickly, they ran out of the room and shut the door behind them.

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