Chapter 5

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(This is the part were it starts to not be part of the original story line) sorry for the long wait, I had thought i published it but it only saved, but now here is the chapter kinda short sorry.

"Now tell me Eustass, what were you saying about me being a weak girl." You said with a smirk on your face as you rested your sword, that was in its hammer X40 growth stage. He looked at you with a dumb look on his face, as for once in his life he kept quiet. "Yeah, that's what I thought." The (h/c) haired female said.

"Now, if you don't mind, why don't you take a step back and let me show you do power of a woman!" (y/n) yelled as you turned towards the group of Marines in front of you.

Now it would be easier to use your devil fruit power and tell them to go jump in the ocean along with Eustass, but that would be too damn easy. And your a person who likes to take the hard why, so that's why you barely even use your devil fruit powers unless you absolutely need to or if it's required too.

After all, if you did use your powers here, it would end too fast and ruin all your fun. That's what you hated most about your devil fruit, if you sing that special song, it will all end in less then three minutes. It's kinda a good thing if you needed a fast getaway from the marines, and they just won't go away. So the best thing is to use your devil fruit powers, and tell them to commit suicide.

(N/A: Which I am NOT approving of. You have a life, you are special, no matter what people say, you are special in Gods eyes. If someone was telling you anything negative about yourself, well then they can go fuck themselves because they just say that because they are that jealous of you. Plus you shouldn't really care about what they think, they're just a person in this whole entire universe. They are just going to have to go through life learning that there is only one person in this universe and that is God, our Father, the one who created us to be UNIQUE! Your flaws are what make you who you are, they make me who I am and that is myself. If someone tells you to change yourself turn the other way and walk away, because that's when you know they are definitely a jackass. Apologies for you language, that is a really strong topic for me, but please if you have any problems please ask someone close to you, or me if you want. I will support you, flaws and all after all that's what makes us human. And no human being is perfect except one and that's our creator, God. Plus I know for a fact the bully will be haunted with the memories of what it did.)

"Power of Women my ass. That's. Nothing but talk, you have to power even if you can lift up that strange weapon of yours, you have no power. Plus your afraid to use your devil fruit, tell me, can you even control it or will it just go haywire and blow up in your face." Kid said in a matter of fact tone.

He knew absolutely nothing. He was wrong. Unlike other devil fruit users, you don't use your devil fruit that much because you always wanted to challenge yourself.

"You know Eustass, if I were to explain my simple answer for the reason why, I'm pretty sure your head will explode like all your trinkets you call inventions. So simple minded, tell me are you the one who thinks for your own accord or do you let your crew do that so you can just sit back relax and tap a nap in that clown outfit of yours." (Y/n) said not even turning around to face the red haired pirate, whose face is also as red as his hair thanks to anger.

Eustass started to yell some colorful language along with some insults, and you were getting a headache from it so you did the thing you did best. You took away his voice. The voice box was now in your hands as you started admiring it in the sunlight, even if there wasn't that much to admire.

"You know Eustass, you should probably learn to shut up once and awhile. Oh and I highly recommend you going to therapy for that anger issue of yours, it's not go even in your a pirate." The (h/c) haired female captain slain in a casual tone, almost like she was taking about the weather.

Oh boy did this anger the red haired pirate captain, who now wished he had his voice to argue with the female pirate captain in front of him.

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