Chapter 7

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Hey! *laughs nervously* Ok yeah sorry for not updating this I sorta forgotten about this book but I am not ending it I am continuing it so enjoy!

"Well what are you waiting for?  An invitation to a 10 year olds party? Hurry up the marines will catch us." You yelled as you started running with your crew following you.

"Captain I think we should let them get captured, that would be less competition for us to make you the Pirate Queen." Nick said as he started running besides you.

"You know fully well that isn't my dream to become the Pirate Queen. My dream is-" you got interrupted by (s/b/f) (second best friend) (if it's a guy well change them to a girl)

"Captain it's the crews dream to make you the Pirate Queen. You are the woman that's meant to become Queen of the Pirates!" She yelled as you smiled at her.

"That's where you guys are wrong I'm not meant to become Queen of the Pirates, Straw Hat is the one who will become King of the Pirates." You mumbled to your self as you ran to your ship.

Lucky for you guys, you didn't encounter anyone on your way to the hybrid ship you have.

"Every to your positions! We're becoming airborne! Grab onto something!" You gave out your orders as you held onto the railing of the ship as something that looks like wings sprung from the ship and it took off towards the sky.

~Time Skip after the war~

"The old man..." You mumbled as you read the newspaper. A tear rolled down face. You had known the old man before. Yeah once taking care of you when you were a little girl, he was like a father to you and the only one who knew your secret at that time.

You handed the paper to someone in  your crew then you started walking towards the mask which you began to climb up and you sat there, on a cushion and just looked out at sea.

You hated the fact that Teach was alive. To you he was unworthy of the D. in his name; he is the black sheep of the D.'s. Unlike other D.'s, he feared death and never gave it his all. He goes after the weak and takes titles that don't belong to him. Because of that you wanted to kill him to no end. Besides if you fear something you might want to embrace it full force.

You sighed and looked out at the sea. The same sea that hates you yet loves you at the same time. You don't understand why but it did. It made sure that the journey was safe for both you and your crew but when you fell in it. I won't allow you to swim or use your melody.

You soon fell into a deep sleep thinking of the sea and what was in store for messed up placed called the new world.

"(Y/n) come to me! Come home!"


Sorry it was short couldn't think of ideas that much I'll try better to make it longer next time I update I promise!

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